Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program
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Project Summary

Project 2007-264-00 - Methow River Complexity Fisheries Enhancement
Project Number:
Methow River Complexity Fisheries Enhancement
Project is multi-faceted, targeting specific properties along the main channel of the Methow River, and three tributaries -- the Chewuch River, the Twisp River, and Beaver Creek. Each site will be treated with prescribed methods specific to that site, the overall objective being to reconnect several historic side channels, thereby increasing the complexity of associated riparian and instream habitat. Four project sites were identified at the outset: Fender Mill Phase 2, Chain O Lakes, Jennings, and Upper Beaver Creek. Also written into the application was a "programmatic" element for reconnection of side channels, the site(s) for which was not then known. Presently, four sites are identified for reconnection of side channels under the "programmatic" heading -- Hess, Heath, Wolf Creek, and Windhaven. Wolf Creek is a tributary of the Methow River. The Heath and Hess sites are on the Methow mainstem, and Windhaven is on the Chewuch. Several other properties are potential participants under the programmatic element. Acquisition in fee simple or of conservation easement(s) may be necessary prior to treatment. Treatment of sites will be spread over at least three years. Specific contract period activities are described in the SOW. For the current contract period, 5 project sites are identified, 4 of which fall in the "programmatic" group.

Upper Beaver Creek - Connect the upstream end of a straightened and rip-rapped section of creek to its historical stream channel and reroute some or all flows into the currently dry channel to improve floodplain connectivity and encourage the deposition of sediment. This also includes permitting activities, pre-project and post-project habitat and fish monitoring, revegetation, and adaptive management. This is a multi-year project.

Hess - Fender reach of Methow main stem - reconnect side channel. The Hess project represents a portion of historic side channel to the Methow River constrained by landowner bank protection activities and Department of Transportation bridge and culvert construction. This project proposes to address the passage barriers on private property upstream and downstream of the WDOT facilities at Weeman Bridge. Full reconnection of this side channel area will be contingent upon subsequent WDOT actions. This is a multi-year project.

Heath - Big Valley reach of Methow main stem - reconnect side channel. Side channels in this property meander through historic agricultural areas. Side channels have been modified to allow vehicle crossings and to charge irrigation pond / reservoirs for agricultural purposes. This project proposes to remove the human made barriers to fish passage through the side channels by construction of bridges, fish passage channels, and other habitat complexity features as directed by project biologists. This is a multi-year project.

Wolf Creek - Methow main stem - reconnect side channel. Effort on this property is proposed to address channel migration impacts in a developed residential area adjacent to the Methow River. Past landowner protection measures (rip rap armoring and bulkhead construction) have exacerbated erosion problems. This project seeks to provide financial support to affected landowners to approach channel migration on a reach basis rather than parcel by parcel. Construction elements will include placement of LWD, and constructed channel structures (weirs, barbs, J veins, etc.) instead of traditional bank armoring. Project includes permitting activities, pre-project and post-project habitat and fish monitoring, and revegetation. Documentation of post project conditions will be completed on an annual basis throughout the funding cycle for this project.

Windhaven - Chewuch - reconnect side channel. This project aims to reconnect historic side channels at the confluence of the Chewuch River and Petes Creek, to a level necessary to achieve TES species access to overwintering and rearing habitat. The project will require access across multiple private landowner holdings, and will require acquisition of development rights. This is a multi-year project.

Potential acquisition properties: Chewuch River - Marquardt, Doran. Methow River - McNae, O'Bannion, Comstock

In general, project objectives and methods include the following:

Increase and Improve Riparian Habitat
The loss of riparian habitat and floodplain connectivity severely diminishes large wood recruitment to the river. Large wood in the channel provides cover for fish, slows water velocities, creates pool and off-channel fish habitat, provides nutrients for invertebrate populations, and gathers spawning gravels. Intact riparian areas provide stream shading to the river, which decreases summer maximum temperatures.
Key features of activities at the various project sites include planting vegetation, increasing the water availability to the existing riparian growth in side channels and beaver pond areas to improve riparian habitat, and using
Proponent Orgs:
Methow Salmon Recovery Foundation (Non-Profit)
Starting FY:
Ending FY:
Province Subbasin %
Columbia Cascade Methow 100.00%
Focal Species:
Chinook - Mid-Columbia River Spring ESU
Chinook - Snake River Spring/Summer ESU
Chinook - Upper Columbia River Spring ESU
Cutthroat Trout, Westslope
Steelhead - Upper Columbia River DPS
Trout, Bull
Species Benefit:
Anadromous: 100.0%   Resident: 0.0%   Wildlife: 0.0%
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BiOp Association:
FCRPS 2008 - view list of FCRPS 2008 BiOp Actions

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Summary of Budgets

To view all expenditures for all fiscal years, click "Project Exp. by FY"

To see more detailed project budget information, please visit the "Project Budget" page

No Decided Budget Transfers

Pending Budget Decision?  No

Actual Project Cost Share

Current Fiscal Year — 2025
Cost Share Partner Total Proposed Contribution Total Confirmed Contribution
There are no project cost share contributions to show.
Previous Fiscal Years
Fiscal Year Total Contributions % of Budget
2011 $163,210 100%
2010 $26,900 7%
2009 $124,600 27%
2008 $135,250 29%
2007 $50,000 13%


The table below contains contracts with the following statuses: Active, Closed, Complete, History, Issued.
* "Total Contracted Amount" column includes contracted amount from both capital and expense components of the contract.
Expense Contracts:
Number Contractor Name Title Status Total Contracted Amount Dates
35781 SOW Methow Salmon Recovery Foundation 2007-264-00 EXP UPA METHOW COMPLEXITY History $11,895 9/24/2007 - 9/23/2008
BPA-004430 Bonneville Power Administration Land Easement Active $766 10/1/2007 - 9/30/2008
BPA-005580 Bonneville Power Administration Land & Task Order Active $184,960 10/1/2008 - 9/30/2009
42851 SOW Methow Salmon Recovery Foundation 2007-264-00 EXP UPA METHOW COMPLEXITY 2 History $131,669 7/1/2009 - 6/30/2010
BPA-005054 Bonneville Power Administration FY10 UPA Methow Complexity Active $4,302 10/1/2009 - 9/30/2010
48666 SOW Methow Salmon Recovery Foundation 200726400 EXP UPA METHOW COMPLEXITY 3 History $227,105 7/1/2010 - 11/30/2011

Annual Progress Reports
Expected (since FY2004):4
On time:0
Status Reports
On time:10
Avg Days Late:7

                Count of Contract Deliverables
Earliest Contract Subsequent Contracts Title Contractor Earliest Start Latest End Latest Status Accepted Reports Complete Green Yellow Red Total % Green and Complete Canceled
35781 42851, 48666 200726400 EXP UPA METHOW COMPLEXITY 3 Methow Salmon Recovery Foundation 09/24/2007 11/30/2011 History 14 18 0 0 13 31 58.06% 1
BPA-4430 Land Easement Bonneville Power Administration 10/01/2007 09/30/2008 Active 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
BPA-5580 Land & Task Order Bonneville Power Administration 10/01/2008 09/30/2009 Active 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
BPA-5054 FY10 UPA Methow Complexity Bonneville Power Administration 10/01/2009 09/30/2010 Active 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Project Totals 14 18 0 0 13 31 58.06% 1

The table content is updated frequently and thus contains more recent information than what was in the original proposal reviewed by ISRP and Council.

Review: FY07-09 Solicitation Review

Council Recommendation

Assessment Number: 2007-264-00-NPCC-20090924
Project: 2007-264-00 - Methow River Complexity Fisheries Enhancement
Review: FY07-09 Solicitation Review
Approved Date: 10/23/2006
Recommendation: Fund
Comments: ISRP fundable qualified. Sponsors should consider the ISRP comments during contracting. Budget reductions not specific. Project to be implemented with reduced scope.

Independent Scientific Review Panel Assessment

Assessment Number: 2007-264-00-ISRP-20060831
Project: 2007-264-00 - Methow River Complexity Fisheries Enhancement
Review: FY07-09 Solicitation Review
Completed Date: 8/31/2006
Final Round ISRP Date: None
Final Round ISRP Rating: Meets Scientific Review Criteria (Qualified)
Final Round ISRP Comment:
The ISRP is not requesting a response, but the proposal would be improved by addressing the following comments:

Overall, this is a well-written proposal. The ISRP's recommendation is qualified because the actual sites to receive restoration action are not currently selected, provisions for long-term monitoring and evaluation are not well described, and cost sharing is under development. The work elements refer to "permitting activities, pre-project and post-project habitat and fish monitoring, revegetation, and an adaptive management plan" but no details on methods are provided. The proposal would have been improved by more specific timelines and information on how benefits to fish and wildlife will be measured. The narrative would have been improved by providing data on similar restoration projects that have resulted in significant benefits to focal species that persisted over the long-term, as well as a discussion of potential adverse effects and proposed precautions for non-focal species.

The proponents need to re-examine their approach to reducing brook trout before opening up new habitat that brook trout will likely use. The proposal's major premise is that if native salmonids are reintroduced they will out-compete brook trout. The current literature shows that brook trout out-compete other salmonids including Chinook salmon and bull trout.

The proponents are experienced and well qualified, but their FTEs are not included in the narrative. Private contractors (to be determined) will be hired to complete much of the proposed work. Even though this is not a research project, the proposal would be improved by plans for public dissemination of the results beyond progress and project completion reports in Bureau of Reclamation and BPA files.
Documentation Links:

Legal Assessment (In-Lieu)

Assessment Number: 2007-264-00-INLIEU-20090521
Project Number: 2007-264-00
Review: FY07-09 Solicitation Review
Completed Date: 10/6/2006
In Lieu Rating: No Problems Exist
Cost Share Rating: None
Comment: Remove dikes, reconnect side channels; assume no existing entity required to conduct.

Capital Assessment

Assessment Number: 2007-264-00-CAPITAL-20090618
Project Number: 2007-264-00
Review: FY07-09 Solicitation Review
Completed Date: 2/27/2007
Capital Rating: Does Not Qualify for Capital Funding
Capital Asset Category: None
Comment: None

Project Relationships: None

Name Role Organization
Chris Eliassen (Inactive) Administrative Contact Methow Salmon Recovery Foundation
Chris Johnson Project Lead Methow Salmon Recovery Foundation
Greg Knott (Inactive) Supervisor Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Jessica Goldberg Administrative Contact Methow Salmon Recovery Foundation
Michelle O'Malley Interested Party Bonneville Power Administration
Joseph Connor (Inactive) Project Manager Bonneville Power Administration
Brenda Aguirre Env. Compliance Lead Bonneville Power Administration
Peter Lofy Supervisor Bonneville Power Administration