August 2013 Amendment (CCR-30642) includes the following:
- Add new work element L (Expanded system improvement): This work element will enhance the CHaMP Monitoring data system in three ways:
1) improvements to the metric quality assurance workflow
2) improvements to the metric graph display
3) calculation of stream temperature metrics from QA'd temperature data
- Add $19,736 to the contract value
May, 2013 Amendment (CCR-29036) includes the following:
- Add new work element K (Import and Display Indicators): This work element will enhance the CHaMP Monitoring data system to support the display of habitat indicators at the scale of watersheds, sub-basins, and interior Columbia River Basin.
- Add $33,968 to the contract value
This contract purpose is to improve and expand the CHaMP data system that has been developed by Sitka Technology Group during 2011 and 2012. In this third year of the system, we will continue to support the same functions, however some of these functions we will enhance based on feedback from the prior year of implementing CHaMP. We will also add support for a few new functions - for details, see the work elements in this SOW.
This contract also covers the hosting and management (real-time monitoring, backup, security, etc.) of the system.
This contract requires oversight/insight from the CHaMP Data Management Advisory team. This team is responsible for reviewing and providing feedback on the priorities, requirements, and proposed designs of the CHaMP Data Management system (includes supporting pre-season, in-season, and post-season activities). We also need their engagement in early testing, beta testing (which may require testing in the field). To be clear, Sitka has an obligation to provide this team regular opportunities for input and efficient processes for collecting that input on early designs and early software versions. This Advisory Group then has an obligation to provide feedback in a timely fashion in order to give Sitka ample time to address the feedback and make necessary changes. The latter work elements in this contract include milestones that describe these opportunities for collaboration as well as prescribe timelines.
For 2013, this team is comprised of: Mike Ward, Chris Jordan, Carol Volk, Boyd Bouwes, Andy Hill, and Rueben Miller. As need arises, we may call upon and require the input from other members of the broader CHaMP team.
To see the actual system, go to: (Production environment) (QA environment)