Contract Description:
The Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) has requested that HDR provide a scope and budget for anticipated services associated with on-going environmental compliance tasks related to the Northeast Oregon Hatchery Project (NEOH). Over the past 7 years, BPA has annually extended HDR’s current contract (22098) along with the contract balance. The funds associated with the existing contract were capital funds, which are typically allotted for projects valued at $1M or greater, with an operational life span of at least 15-years (e.g., hatcheries, weirs, fish screens, etc.). BPA has recently decided that they will issue a new contract to HDR for work to be completed in 2013. This would facilitate the expensing of funds related to 2013 tasks under a new contract in lieu of expensing them under the capitalized category. If construction at the Lostine Hatchery site commences, BPA would shift the funding back to capital funds, and amend this contract, or issue a new one.
Remaining NEOH project tasks are relatively minimal, and primarily associated with maintenance of existing environmental authorizations previously issued for this project.
Task 1. Environmental Compliance Documentation and Support
a. As necessary, discussions with Corps, DEQ and DSL regarding extensions of CWA 404 and 401 authorizations, and the state-removal fill permit for instream work at the Lostine Hatchery site.
b. Support for BPA regarding these authorizations, primarily in the form of discussions over the phone and preparation of emails to the agencies
c. No deliverables are anticipated to be required for this task.
Task 2. Coordination and Assistance with On-going Documentation and Project History, including Design
a. Provide support to BPA regarding project history and design details as BPA management continues to decide on the potential funding of the Lostine Hatchery.
b. No deliverables are anticipated to be required for this task.
Task 3. Produce Pisces Status Report
a. Produce quarterly status reports as required by Pisces
Task 4. Project Management
a. Monthly invoicing, discussions with BPA on project status
1. No site visits to any of the NEOH facilities are included in this scope for 2013.
2. With the exception of general discussions (see Task 2) relative to the design of the facilities, no design tasks (i.e., preparation of new designs, participation in design charettes, or modifications to designs or drawings) are included in this scope of work. Any requested work related to design modifications would be require a scope amendment.
3. No deliverables are anticipated to be required under this task, with the exception of emails requested by BPA relative to agency coordination. No environmental compliance documents, permit applications, technical reports, or modifications to existing documentation are anticipated to be required.
4. This scope does not include any participation in public meetings or updates to recently expired Wallowa County permits. Any work associated with obtaining new county permits, if desired by BPA, would require a scope amendment.
5. Because the USFWS is actively pursuing modifications to the Imnaha Satellite Facility weir, and will be applying for new permits to complete the work during the summer/fall of 2013, it is assumed that any remaining BPA-funded tasks (i.e., the proposed intake modifications), would require updated authorizations. However, the preparation of any such applications or permitting documents (e.g., Joint Permit Application, ESA compliance documents) is not included in this scope of work. Any work related to permitting of remaining instream work elements at the Imnaha Satellite Facility (i.e., intake modifications) would require a scope amendment.