Upload SOW, budget, property inventory for upcoming contract period to Pisces. |
B: 119. Manage and Administer Project |
01/31/2016 |
01/01/2016 |
Receipt of environmental compliance clearance on project work elements from BPA |
C: 165. Produce Environmental Compliance Documentation |
01/31/2016 |
01/28/2016 |
Attach Meacham Creek Floodplain Restoration and In-Stream Enhancement Project Completion Repor |
D: 141. Other Reports for BPA |
12/31/2015 |
12/31/2015 |
Draft (90%) Birch Creek Geomorphic Assessment and Action Plan |
E: 115. Birch Creek Assessment and Action Plan |
01/31/2016 |
List of final projects |
F: 114. CTUIR Umatilla Subbasin Restoration Coordination |
01/31/2016 |
01/28/2016 |
Provide technical input and summaries to enhance or protect natural resources in the subbasin. |
G: 122. Review and provide technical input on issues and topics that affect the areas natural resource |
01/31/2016 |
01/28/2016 |
Coordinate watershed association activities |
H: 191. Umatilla River Watershed coordination duties |
01/31/2016 |
01/28/2016 |
Complete outreach and education activities |
I: 99. Public Outreach and Education |
01/31/2016 |
01/28/2016 |
Maintain proper operation of instream habitat structures |
J: 186. Inspect and maintain function of instream improvement structures |
01/31/2016 |
12/31/2015 |
Maintenance of habitat features associated with project conservation easements. |
K: 186. Maintenance of habitat features associated with project conservation easements |
01/31/2016 |
01/28/2016 |
Maintenance of stream banks to improve riparian vegetation and in channel habitat |
L: 186. Maintain bank stability on 2 properties that had damage in 2014. |
01/31/2016 |
11/02/2015 |
Maximize survival of native vegetation in enhancement project areas. |
M: 198. Enhance native vegetation by noxious weed control within Umatilla River Subbasin project areas |
01/31/2016 |
12/31/2015 |
Complete scheduled tree and shrub plantings in project areas |
N: 47. Meacham Creek Floodplain Restoration and In-stream Enhancement, RM's 6-8.5 Phase II Planting |
01/31/2016 |
12/15/2015 |
Incorporate project effectiveness and regional data into project activities and annual BPA rep |
O: 115. Field Data Collection |
01/31/2016 |
01/28/2016 |
Written summary report describing the 2015 findings compared to previous work. |
P: 157. Macroinvertebrate study for evaluating Meacham Creek restoration effectiveness |
01/31/2016 |
01/28/2016 |
A summary report with data analysis and findings will be incorporated into the annual report. |
Q: 157. Geomorphic-Hyporheic Flow Study on Meacham Creek |
01/31/2016 |
01/28/2016 |
Samples analyzed at lab and data uploaded to CTUIR water quality data base |
R: 157. Meacham Creek Water Quality ISCO Sampling and Lab Analysis |
01/31/2016 |
01/28/2016 |
USGS posted real-time accurate instantaneous stream flow data |
S: 157. Meacham Flow/Hydrology Monitoring (USGS) |
01/31/2016 |
01/28/2016 |
Upload project effectiveness photo point photos to CTUIR data depository. |
T: 157. Project Effectiveness Photo Point Monitoring |
01/31/2016 |
12/31/2015 |
Upload to Pisces the CY 2013-2014 Annual Progress Report |
U: 132. Produce Annual Progress Report CY 2013-2014 (Jan. 1, 2013 thru Dec. 31, 2014) |
11/15/2015 |
01/15/2016 |
Meacham Creek Instream Restoration Feasibility and Design Project |
W: 175. Meacham Creek instream Restoration Feasibility and design project |
01/31/2016 |
01/28/2016 |
Upper Umatilla River instream restoration feasibility and design project |
X: 175. Upper Umatilla River instream restoration Feasibility and design project |
01/31/2016 |
Meacham Creek Weed Treatment, Riparian Planting and Coordination |
Y: 198. Meacham Creek Riparian Vegetation Maintenance |
01/31/2016 |
01/28/2016 |
Wildhorse Creek - Athena Bridge Replacement Project |
Z: 175. Wildhorse Creek- Athena Feasibility and Preliminary Design |
01/31/2016 |
01/28/2016 |