Contract Description:
Through this contract action the following changes are proposed:
-Silver Reach Instream Enhancement Design element has been completely descoped
-Beaver Relocation Project has been descoped
-Upper Twisp River LWD supplementation design element has been added
-Little Bridge Creek LWD and BDA design element has been added
-Lower Beaver Creek enhancement design element has been added
-WE budgets were adjusted accordingly
-Line Item Budget associated with this Release, has been modified to reflect changes in work
This contract is to conduct aquatic habitat protection/restoration projects in the Methow Subbasin. Projects to be implemented will primarily emphasize benefits to ESA listed spring chinook, summer steelhead, and bull trout and secondarily to other salmonids and Pacific lamprey. Work will include regular attendance of coordination meetings with project sponsors and oversight groups to ensure that work is conducted consistent with established needs and in coordination with other existing restoration efforts.
Work under this contract cycle will include: side channel connection to increase rearing habitat and habitat complexity; instream enhancements to increase aquatic complexity; irrigation system improvements to increase efficiency and reduce instream surface withdrawal and improve fish passage; beaver relocation to promote an increase in salmonid rearing habitat as well as to increase base flows and reduce water temperatures during the summer months; culvert removal and replacement to improve fish passage, public outreach to educate local school students and the public at large as to the value of salmon recovery and habitat restoration in the Methow Valley, and habitat restoration planning and strategy development.
Projects prioritization and selection is based primarily upon results of the newly completed EDT model for the Methow Subbasin with consideration also given to the Regional Technical Team Biological Strategy and local expert opinion.
For projects: Silver Reach Instream Enhancements; Devany Side Channel Reconnection; and Ben Canyon Culvert Replacement; project design will be subcontracted to local sponsors; The Methow Salmon Recovery Foundation and Trout Unlimited Washington Water Project. Delays resulting from: loss of key engineering personnel, longer than anticipated design completion, and completion of the Section 106 process, have resulted in the need to reschedule several projects from contract 73548 Release 34 to this contract period.
CTCR staff funding allocated under this contract are for: Paul Wagner (CTCR Methow Contract Manager - contract management), Keith Kistler (OSHIP Contract Manager - contract coordination); Chris Fisher (Anadromous Habitat Subdivision Supervisor - program supervision); and an Engineer (TBD, design review). Field staff are not permanently assigned to this contract but are borrowed on an as needed basis as available from other CTCR programs to assist in field activities. Field biologists (Biologist II positions) anticipated to be available to assist in Methow field work under this contract cycle are Matt Young, John Rohrback, and Rhonda Dasher. Field Technician staff are used as assist in field work. Field work to be conducted during this contract period include Beaver Dam Analog (BDA) pre-site assessments to determine suitable future BDA sites as well as participation in other data gathering activities in conjunction with planning and strategy development.
Cultural resource surveys as required under Section 106 of the NHPA, unless previously completed prior to this contract period, will be completed by the Colville Confederated Tribes Cultural Resource staff.
The contractor (CTCR), its designated agents, sub-consultants and project stakeholders will be available, responsive and will collaboratively address contract related issues during the term of the contract. Contract issues include but are not limited to technical, policy, regulatory, project management and associated elements related to the project. Successful execution of this contract is contingent on alignment of the preceding contract issues with the BPI and BPA contracting processes, project management plans, design review protocols (including but not limited to BPA RRT design review, and integration of input and comments from BPA).
CTCR Contract Manager, CTCR's sponsor, and CTCR's design consultants will all cooperate, coordinate, collaborate, and maintain effective communication with BPA PM/COR, EC Lead, RRT Lead, and Hydraulic Engineer during the entire length of this contract with regards to project design. CTCR and its subcontractors will address BPA comments and concerns, and the two entities will arrive at a mutual beneficial consensus. CTCR contract manager will upload all the subcontracts being executed under this contract.