Effective implementation management and timely contract administration |
A: 119. Manage Administer Projects |
01/31/2024 |
01/31/2024 |
Completed Environmental Compliance Documentation |
B: 165. Produce Environmental Compliance Documentation and Conduct Wetland Determination/Delineation |
01/31/2024 |
01/31/2024 |
Complete Cultural Resource Surveys |
C: 165. Contract Cultural Resource Inventories |
01/31/2024 |
09/30/2023 |
Outreach and Education |
D: 99. John Day Basin Office Education and Outreach |
01/31/2024 |
06/19/2023 |
Watershed Coordination in the John Day Basin |
E: 191. CTWS Watershed Coordination in the John Day Basin |
01/31/2024 |
12/31/2023 |
Develop or update (out-year) prioritized Habitat Project list: Upload to CBFish |
F: 114. Identify and Select Projects in the John Day Basin |
01/31/2024 |
01/31/2024 |
Design Review |
G: 175. RCPP Project Design (Carried forward from prior contract) |
01/31/2024 |
Produce Design |
H: 175. NFJD - Fox Creek Reach 18 - Irrigation System Design (Carried forward from prior contract) |
01/31/2024 |
Produce designs |
I: 175. NFJD - Fox Creek Reach 9 - Habitat Designs (Carried forward from prior contract) |
01/31/2024 |
Produce 60% designs |
K: 175. MFJD - Caribou Creek Reconnection - Produce Restoration Design (Carried forward from prior contract) |
01/31/2024 |
Oxbow Ruby to Beaver Designs Produced |
L: 175. MFJD - Oxbow Phase 6 (Ruby to Beaver) Designs (Carried forward from prior contract) |
01/31/2024 |
Produce 60% designs for Oxbow Phase 7 |
M: 175. MFJD - Oxbow Phase 7 (Coyote Bluffs) Designs (Carried forward from prior contract) |
01/31/2024 |
Propagate and plant riparian plantings for the Middle Fork John Day River |
N: 47. MFJD - Middle Fork John Day Plant Propagation/Planting |
01/31/2024 |
11/01/2023 |
Complete MFJD Culvert Design |
O: 175. MFJD- Deep Creek and Granite Creek Culvert Design |
01/31/2024 |
Complete Upper John Day and Jeff Davis Restoration Designs |
P: 175. UJD - Upper John Day and Jeff Davis Restoration Design (Carried forward from a prior contract) |
01/31/2024 |
Complete Juniper Removal |
Q: 199. UJD - Upper John Day Juniper Treatment - Adams Property (Carried forward from a prior contract) |
01/31/2024 |
11/09/2023 |
Complete 60% designs for the Mainstem FCA Project |
R: 175. UJD-Mainstem Forrest Conservation Area Restoration Design |
01/31/2024 |
Design Indian Creek Diversion and Irrigation System |
S: 175. UJD - Indian Creek Diversion |
01/31/2024 |
Design Belshaw Diversions and Irrigation Systems |
T: 175. UJD-Belshaw Diversions and Irrigation System - RCPP Project Design |
01/31/2024 |
Complete Juniper Removal |
U: 199. UJD-Morgan Juniper Removal |
01/31/2024 |
Complete Juniper Removal |
V: 199. LJD- Quant Ranch Juniper Removal |
01/31/2024 |
01/31/2024 |
Provide Plants for the Murderers Creek Project |
W: 47. SFJD - Murderers Creek Riparian Plantings (Carried forward from prior contract) |
12/31/2023 |
11/01/2023 |
Receive and submit project reporting |
X: 29. SFJD- Murderers Creek Restoration |
01/31/2024 |
01/31/2024 |
Past planting sites maintained |
Y: 198. Riparian Plant Maintenance |
01/31/2024 |
12/01/2023 |
Complete Roof Replacement |
Z: 201. DeWitt Homestead Roof Replacement |
01/31/2024 |
Complete Signage Development |
AA: 188. Produce Signage |
01/31/2024 |
Produce accessible, error-checked datasets |
AB: 157. John Day Basin USGS Gauging Station Operations and Maintenance |
01/31/2024 |
01/31/2024 |
Habitat and Passage Structures Monitored |
AC: 157. Implementation Effectiveness Monitoring |
01/31/2024 |
01/31/2024 |
Produce accessible, error-checked datasets |
AD: 157. John Day Basin Project Effectiveness Temperature Monitoring |
01/31/2024 |
01/31/2024 |
Produce accessible, error-checked datasets |
AE: 157. Fox Creek Effectiveness Monitoring |
01/31/2024 |
01/31/2024 |
Produce accessible, error-checked datasets |
AF: 157. Upper and Middle Fork John Day Effectiveness Monitoring |
01/31/2024 |
01/31/2024 |
An accessible, error-checked data set with metadata |
AG: 162. Analysis and Interpretation of Field Data Collected From Fisheries and Non-Fisheries Surveys |
01/31/2024 |
01/31/2024 |
Produce Fisheries data management plan and maintain Project Tracker |
AH: 160. Project and Fisheries Data Management |
01/31/2024 |
12/31/2023 |
Completed Annual Report |
AI: 132. Submit Progress Report for the period February 2020 to January 2022 |
07/31/2023 |
07/31/2023 |