Portfolio Description:
All Completed work for performance metric summation
Portfolio Owner: Russell Scranton (rwscranton@bpa.gov)
Portfolio Access Level: Public
Portfolio Required by System: No
Please Note: This portfolio's result set has been limited to Implementation Metrics. To broaden or narrow these results, edit the portfolio and change the Portfolio Type setting e.g. Projects, Contracts, or Work Statement Elements.
Some of the larger portfolios in CBFish contain many thousands of implementation metrics, which would both take a long time to display and manipulate on a web page like this. Click the Excel icon if you would like to export the results in CSV format. For performance reasons, the grid display is limited to 3,000 rows.
Only 3,000 of the qualifying 187,407 implementation metrics are displayed for performance reasons. Use the "download" button to retrieve all 187,407 metrics.