Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program
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Project 2008-419-00 - 2culvert Replacement-Clear Crk
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All Accord/MOA projectsProjects funded at one point in time by a Fish Accord or MOAProject08/27/2024 11:12 AMOfficialAccordsNoO'Malley, MichelleDynamic
All ProjectsAll projects in all stages. Full data set.Project02/04/2015 8:25 AMPublic YesRead, ChristineDynamic
All Projects - PerformanceAll projects that are not in the project stage of "Proposed", used in onefishtwofishProject09/29/2023 10:44 AMPublic NoScranton, RussellDynamic
All Projects except those in Proposed stageIntended to provide Council with a Budgets to Actuals view of the program, and therefore includes ALL Projects except those in Proposed stage.Project09/12/2024 2:54 PMPublicFeaturedNoScott, GloriaDynamic
Anadromous ZoneComposed of the following subbasins: Asotin, Big White Salmon, Clearwater, Columbia Estuary, Columbia Gorge, Cowlitz, Crab, Deschutes, Elohoman, Entiat, Fifteenmile, Grande Ronde, Grays, Hood, Imnaha, John Day, Kalama, Klickitat, Lewis, Little White Salmon, Lower Columbia, Lower Middle Columbia, Lower Snake, Methow, Okanogan, Palouse, Salmon, Sandy, Tucannon, Umatilla, Upper Middle Columbia, Walla Walla, Washougal, Wenatchee, Willamette, Wind, YakimaProject05/29/2013 11:42 AMPublicSubbasinsNoMarsters, DalDynamic
Restoration/ProtectionAll projects where Emphasis is Restoration/ProtectionProject05/28/2012 10:50 AMPublicEmphasisNoMarsters, DalDynamic
Washington State proponent organizationsContains projects with proponent organizations that have users located in Washington StateProject06/16/2011 11:38 AMPublic NoMarsters, DalDynamic