Title | Link |
NOAA Ocean Indicators Tool | http://www.nwfsc.noaa.gov |
This page provides details of the selected work element.
SOWRevision | Planned | Updated | Contractor Comments (optional) | BPA Comments (optional) |
1. 83639 REL 3 (01/01/2020 - 12/31/2020) | $250,550 | $250,550 | ||
Work Element Budget (Current Performance Period) | $368,256 | $250,550 |
Sort | Type | Title | Start | End | Status | Modified By | Modified Date |
A | PUBPROTOCOL | Review, revise, and publish Study Design and Methods in monitoringmethods.org | 1/1/2020 | 12/31/2020 | Concluded | Anne Creason | 9/21/2020 7:09:57 AM |
Description: The Study Design (including temporal and spatial design) and Methods for this work element are stored at monitoringresources.org and need to be finalized (i.e., "Published" through monitoringresources.org), preferably prior to data collection. Preparations for contract renewals must include reviewing any previously published Study Design/Methods to ensure that they are consistent with how work will be done in any subsequent contract. | |||||||
B | Data Entry | 7/15/2020 | 12/31/2020 | Concluded | Anne Creason | 9/21/2020 7:09:57 AM | |
Description: Update database. Data regarding each individual juvenile salmon sampled in 2020 and some information from sampling in 2019 entered into a SQL server database of all juvenile salmon sampled from this project from 1998 to the present. Data includes: species, size, location of capture, associated oceanographic conditions of sample site and growth features. | |||||||
C | Survey report -- May 2020 | 5/1/2020 | 12/31/2020 | Canceled | Anne Creason | 9/21/2020 7:09:57 AM | |
Description: Survey Reports for May 2020 (NOAA Lead: Burke) Survey Reports will be submitted electronically and will be submitted to BPA by the end of the contract. Survey Reports will be completed and include information on: sampling locations, physical conditions in each sampling region, pelagic species observed from trawls. These reports provide a description of survey objectives, results of the survey as well as a summary of data collected on each juvenile salmon sampling survey and include the following items: • Tables showing: (1) station and station location along with start position of each trawl (lat and long), start and end time and trawl duration and trawl duration; (2) hydrographic data at each station (sea surface temperature, sea surface salinity, fluorometer voltage, % transmission, depth and value of oxygen minimum) and (3) a table that lists the catches of taxa in the trawl, by station. (4) Information on Genetic Stock Composition of juvenile Chinook salmon analyzed • Tables showing number of salmonids caught in each haul along with catch per unit effort in units of number of fish caught per km towed, • Charts showing (in plan view) the spatial distribution and Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE) of each salmonid taxa. Cruise Reports will be submitted in the FY20 contract. | |||||||
D | *CANCELED--Survey report -- June 2020 | 7/15/2020 | 12/31/2020 | Canceled | Anne Creason | 9/22/2020 1:21:00 PM | |
Description: June 2020 survey report (NOAA lead: Burke) Survey reports will be submitted electronically and will be submitted to BPA by the end of the contract. Survey Reports will be completed and include information on: sampling locations, physical conditions at each station, pelagic species observed from trawls. These reports provide a description of survey objectives, results of the survey as well as a summary of data collected on each juvenile salmon sampling survey and include the following items: • Tables showing: (1) station and station location along with start position of each trawl (lat and long), start and end time and trawl duration and trawl duration; (2) hydrographic data at each station (sea surface temperature, sea surface salinity, fluorometer voltage, % transmission, depth and value of oxygen minimum) and (3) a table that lists the catches of taxa in the trawl, by station. • Tables showing number of salmonids caught in each haul along with catch per unit effort in units of number of fish caught per km towed, • Charts showing (in plan view) the spatial distribution of 1m temperature, 1m salinity, 1m % transmission, minimum oxygen values and Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE) of each salmonid taxa. Cruise Reports will be submitted in the FY20 contract. | |||||||
E | DELIV | Assess the role of the estuary and plume on salmon growth and survival | 12/31/2020 | Concluded | Anne Creason | 9/22/2020 1:22:55 PM | |
Description: Process fish from 2020 and 2019, including lengths, weights, and collection of genetic tissue samples, enter all data and QA/QC. - Analyze genetic stock-specific distributions of juvenile Chinook salmon. - Process oceanographic samples from 2020 and 2019 and upload into database. - Refinement of estuary, plume, and ocean indicators affecting early marine survival of salmonids. - FY20 cruise related planning, staging and conducting cruises for FY21. - Database will be updated. Data regarding each individual juvenile salmon sampled in 2020 and some information from sampling in 2019 will be entered into a SQL server database of all juvenile salmon sampled from this project (1998 to the present). Data includes: species, size, location of capture, associated oceanographic conditions of sample site, and growth features. - Datasets will be incorporated to the updated Access database including current sample analysis. *MODIFIED: Due to COVID, it is unlikely that the 2020 fish will be processed in this contract period.* |
Metric | Planned | Actual | Contractor Comments | Measures | HLIs |
1464. Primary R, M, and E Focal Strategy [Population Status, Hydrosystem, Tributary Habitat, Estuary/Ocean, Harvest, Hatchery, Predation, Multiple Strategies] | Estuary/Ocean | Estuary/Ocean | |||
1472. Primary R, M, and E Type [Status and Trend Monitoring, Action Effectiveness Research, Uncertainties Research, Project Implementation/ Compliance Monitoring] | Uncertainty Research | Uncertainty Research | |||
1478. Secondary R, M, and E Type [Status and Trend Monitoring, Action Effectiveness Research, Uncertainties Research, Project Implementation/ Compliance Monitoring] | Status and Trend Monitoring | Status and Trend Monitoring | |||
1495. Secondary R, M, and E Focal Strategy [Population Status, Hydrosystem, Tributary Habitat, Estuary/Ocean, Harvest, Hatchery, Predation, Multiple Strategies] | Multiple Strategies | Multiple Strategies |
Title | Link |
NOAA Ocean Indicators Tool | http://www.nwfsc.noaa.gov |
Study Plan Name | Study Plan Owner | Protocol State | Sample Design Name |
Ocean Survey of Juvenile Salmon (1998-014-00) v1.0 | Cheryl Morgan | Draft | Assess the role of the estuary and plume on salmon growth & survival - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration v1.0 |
ID | Name | Type | Optional | Customized Based On | Status |
4088 | Columbia estuary purse seining v1.0 | Data Collection | Yes | N/A | Finalized |
4090 | Individual-Based Model of Salmon Migration v1.0 | Data Analysis/Interpretation | No | N/A | Finalized |
650 | Modified Assessing growth in juvenile salmon using plasma Insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-1) v1.0 | Data Collection | No | Assessing growth in juvenile salmon using plasma Insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-1) v1.0 | Finalized |
1376 | Northwest Fisheries Science Center Ocean Salmon Survey DNA extraction for Renibacterium salmoninarum v1.0 | Data Collection | Yes | N/A | Finalized |
1405 | Northwest Fisheries Science Center Ocean Salmon Survey Macroparasite Recovery v1.0 | Data Collection | No | N/A | Finalized |
1379 | Northwest Fisheries Science Center Ocean Salmon Survey Nested Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) to detect Renibacterium salmoninarum v1.0 | Data Collection | Yes | N/A | Finalized |
1380 | Northwest Fisheries Science Center Ocean Salmon Survey Renibacterium salmoninarum ABC gene Quantitative PCR (qPCR) v1.0 | Data Collection | Yes | N/A | Finalized |
1707 | Northwest Fishery Science Center Ocean Salmon Survey determination of chlorophyll a concentration v1.0 | Data Analysis/Interpretation | No | N/A | Finalized |
1361 | NWFS_Center_Ocean Salmon Survey Bongo Net Marine Zooplantkon Sampling v1.0 | Data Collection | No | N/A | Finalized |
4081 | NWFS_Center_Ocean Salmon Survey Bongo Net Zooplankton Analysis v1.0 | Data Analysis/Interpretation | No | N/A | Finalized |
1375 | NWFS_Center_Ocean Salmon Survey CTD Data Processing v1.0 | Data Analysis/Interpretation | No | N/A | Finalized |
1706 | NWFS_Center_Ocean Salmon Survey Data Analysis for Vessel-based Marine Bird Counts v1.0 | Data Analysis/Interpretation | Yes | N/A | Finalized |
1704 | NWFS_Center_Ocean Salmon Survey Hydroacoustic Data Processing and Analysis v1.0 | Data Analysis/Interpretation | Yes | N/A | Finalized |
1382 | NWFS_Center_Ocean Salmon Survey juvenile salmon Trophic analysis v1.0 | Data Collection | No | N/A | Finalized |
1371 | NWFS_Center_Ocean Salmon Survey Marine Fish Sampling v1.0 | Data Collection | No | N/A | Finalized |
1373 | NWFS_Center_Ocean Salmon Survey Ocean Water Chemistry and Chlorophyll Sampling v1.0 | Data Collection | No | N/A | Finalized |
1343 | NWFS_Center_Ocean Salmon Survey Salmon Stock Identification v1.0 | Data Analysis/Interpretation | No | N/A | Finalized |
1372 | NWFS_Center_Ocean Salmon Survey Salmonid Marine Survival v1.0 | Data Analysis/Interpretation | No | N/A | Finalized |
4098 | NWFS_Center_Ocean Salmon Survey Vertical Net Marine Zooplanktkon Sampling v1.0 | Data Collection | No | N/A | Finalized |
1722 | NWFS_Center_Ocean Salmon Survey Vertical Net Zooplankton Analysis v1.0 | Data Analysis/Interpretation | Yes | N/A | Finalized |
4093 | NWFSC_Ocean Salmon Survey Analysis of Juvenile Salmon Predation Risk v1.0 | Data Analysis/Interpretation | No | N/A | Finalized |
4092 | NWFSCenter_Ichthyoplankton Ocean salmon prey biomass data analysis v1.0 | Data Analysis/Interpretation | No | N/A | Finalized |
4134 | NWFSCenter_Ichthyoplankton Ocean salmon prey community analysis v1.0 | Data Analysis/Interpretation | No | N/A | Finalized |
4091 | NWFSCenter_Ichthyoplankton Ocean salmon prey sampling v1.0 | Data Collection | No | N/A | Finalized |
1374 | NWFSCenter_Ocean Salmon Survey Catch per Unit Effort v1.0 | Data Analysis/Interpretation | No | N/A | Finalized |
4089 | NWFSCenter_Ocean Salmon Survey juvenile salmon Trophic data analysis v1.0 | Data Analysis/Interpretation | No | N/A | Finalized |
4094 | NWFSCenter_Ocean Salmon Survey Ocean Water Nutrient Analysis v1.0 | Data Analysis/Interpretation | No | N/A | Finalized |
1359 | NWFSCenter_Ocean Salmon Survey Oceanographic Sampling v1.0 | Data Collection | No | N/A | Finalized |
1404 | NWFSCenter_Ocean Salmon Survey Salmon Necropsy v1.0 | Data Collection | No | N/A | Finalized |
1705 | NWFSCenter_Ocean Salmon Survey Vessel-based Marine Bird Counts - Strip Transect Sampling v1.0 | Data Collection | Yes | N/A | Finalized |
1413 | NWFSCSalmon Ocean Survey: Reconstruction of juvenile migratory history and marine growth using otolith structure and chemistry v1.0 | Data Analysis/Interpretation | Yes | N/A | Finalized |
1703 | Ocean Salmon Survey Hydroacoustic Surveys v1.0 | Data Collection | Yes | N/A | Finalized |
1341 | Parentage assignments using SNPPIT software v1.0 | Data Analysis/Interpretation | No | N/A | Finalized |
5446 | SNP genotyping using Genotyping in Thousands (GT-seq) on Illumina Sequencer platform v1.0 | Data Collection | No | N/A | Finalized |
Title | Category | Subcategory | Subcategory focus 1 | Subcategory focus 2 |
Abundance of juvenile salmonids | Fish | Abundance of Fish (ID: 46) | Fish Life Stage: Juvenile Fish | Fish Origin: Both |
Species composition of fish | Fish | Composition: Fish Species Assemblage (ID: 56) | Fish Life Stage: Juvenile Fish | Fish Origin: Both |
Condition indices of fish | Fish | Condition of Life Stage: Fish (ID: 57) | Fish Life Stage: Juvenile Fish | NA |
Distribution of fish | Fish | Distribution of Fish Species (ID: 62) | Fish Life Stage: Juvenile Fish | NA |
Food web interactions | Fish | Food Web Interaction: Fish (ID: 69) | NA | NA |
Genetic stock identification | Fish | Stock Identity (ID: 95) | Fish Life Stage: RANGE: Juvenile to Juvenile | NA |
Timing of life stage of fish | Fish | Timing of Life Stage: Fish (ID: 101) | Fish Life Stage: Juvenile Fish | NA |
Oceanographic sampling | Hydrology/Water Quantity | Ocean Conditions (ID: 106) | NA | NA |
Plankton Species Composition | Plankton | Composition: Plankton Assemblage (ID: 127) | Species Life Stage: RANGE: Juvenile to Adult Species | NA |
Plankton Density | Plankton | Abundance of Plankton (ID: 250) | Species Life Stage: RANGE: Juvenile to Adult Species | NA |
Name | Value |
Latitude, Longitude | 45.245313, -124.14752 |