Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program
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Contract End Date:
C: 157 - Sample and collect field data
Collect trophic level bio-assessment samples, water quality, periphyton and benthic macro invertebrates in the Twisp River. Samples will be collected at six different sites, an additional transect will be added 100 meters downstream to get better spatial representation for some trophic levels. Duration, frequency and sampling location differ per parameter.
WE Agreement Type:
Deliverable Specification:
The number of samples associated with each trophic level will vary, given that environmental conditions (flows, snowpack, site accessibility, etc.) are unpredictable.

This sampling design splits the Twisp River into 6 different sites, within each site are two different transects that have up to three sampling positions within each transect. Sampling locations, frequency, duration and replication differ per sample type.

In general sampling starts in April and ends in November (for this contract June - November). Most Samples are collected monthly.

2010 Sampling:

Water Chemistry
6 sites x2 transects x 3 samples x 8 sample days = 288 samples

6 sites x2 transects x 3 samples x 8 sample days = 288 samples

Benthic Macro Invertebrates
6 sites x1 transects x3 samples x 7 sample days = 126 samples

Algae Sampling (Taxonomic Identification)
6 sites x1 transects x 1 samples x 8 sample days = 48 samples

Current physical collection points are accessed from USFS and County bridges. This allows us easement as well as stream crossing points during high water sampling dates.
WSE Effective Budget:
% of Total WSE Effective Budget:
WSE Start:
WSE End:
WSE Completion:
WSE Progress:
WSE ID Continued From:
WSE ID Continued To:
Finite or Recurring:

SOWRevision Planned Updated Contractor Comments (optional) BPA Comments (optional)
Work Element Budget (Current Performance Period) $10,000 $10,000

2 Milestones
Sort Type Title Start End Status Modified By Modified Date
A EC Environmental compliance requirements complete 6/1/2010 6/4/2010 Concluded John Jorgensen (Inactive) 4/28/2010 7:42:27 AM
Description: On-the-ground work associated with this work element cannot proceed until this milestone is complete. Milestone is complete when final documentation is received from BPA environmental compliance staff (completion can be based on pre-existing environmental documentation from BPA).
B DELIV Collect field samples 3/31/2011 Concluded John Jorgensen (Inactive) 4/28/2010 11:55:18 AM
Description: The number of samples associated with each trophic level will vary, given that environmental conditions (flows, snowpack, site accessibility, etc.) are unpredictable. This sampling design splits the Twisp River into 6 different sites, within each site are two different transects that have up to three sampling positions within each transect. Sampling locations, frequency, duration and replication differ per sample type. In general sampling starts in April and ends in November (for this contract June - November). Most Samples are collected monthly. 2010 Sampling: Water Chemistry 6 sites x2 transects x 3 samples x 8 sample days = 288 samples Chlorophyll 6 sites x2 transects x 3 samples x 8 sample days = 288 samples Benthic Macro Invertebrates 6 sites x1 transects x3 samples x 7 sample days = 126 samples Algae Sampling (Taxonomic Identification) 6 sites x1 transects x 1 samples x 8 sample days = 48 samples Current physical collection points are accessed from USFS and County bridges. This allows us easement as well as stream crossing points during high water sampling dates.

Work Site ID Latitude Longitude State County Province Subbasin
22259 48.366465 -120.123757 Washington Okanogan Columbia Cascade Methow

Primary Focal Species:
Chinook (O. tshawytscha) - Upper Columbia River Spring ESU (Endangered); Steelhead (O. mykiss) - Upper Columbia River DPS (Threatened)
Secondary Focal Species:

Study Plan Name Study Plan Owner Protocol State Sample Design Name
Using Aquatic Food Webs to Evaluate Restoration Effectiveness (2008-471-00) v1.0 John Jorgensen Draft Sample and collect field data - Yakama Confederated Tribes v1.0

ID Name Type Optional Customized Based On Status
518 Oregon Plan for Salmon and Watersheds v1.0 Data Collection No N/A Draft
282 Snorkeling v1.0 Data Collection No N/A Expired
568 Twisp BMI collection v1.0 Data Collection No N/A Archived
569 Twisp Diet composition v1.0 Data Collection No N/A Archived
570 Twisp Growth Rate v1.0 Data Collection No N/A Archived
72 Water Chemistry (EMAP) v1.0 Data Collection No N/A Finalized

Title Category Subcategory Subcategory focus 1 Subcategory focus 2
Fish Abundance of Fish (ID: 46) Fish Life Stage: Juvenile - Parr Fish Origin: Both
Fish Food Web Interaction: Fish (ID: 69) NA NA
Fish Growth Rate: Fish (ID: 73) Fish Life Stage: Juvenile - Parr NA
Macroinvertebrates Abundance of Macroinvertebrates (ID: 112) NA NA
Water Quality Nitrogen (ID: 157) NA NA
Water Quality Phosphorus (ID: 159) NA NA
Water Quality Water Temperature (ID: 162) NA NA
Water Quality Chlorophyll Concentration (ID: 241) NA NA