Province | Subbasin | % |
Columbia Cascade | Okanogan | 100.00% |
* Expenditures data includes accruals and are based on data through 31-Dec-2024.
Full Name | Organization | Write Permission | Contact Role | Work Phone | |
Colette Adolph | Colville Confederated Tribes | No | Administrative Contact | | (509) 422-5652 |
Sarah Branum | Bonneville Power Administration | Yes | COR | | (503) 230-5115 |
Rhonda Dasher | Colville Confederated Tribes | Yes | Technical Contact | | (509) 422-7439 |
Chris Fisher | Colville Confederated Tribes | No | Contract Manager | | (509) 422-7427 |
Carl Keller | Bonneville Power Administration | No | Env. Compliance Lead | | (503) 230-7692 |
Peter Lofy | Bonneville Power Administration | Yes | F&W Approver | | (503) 230-4193 |
Joe Peone | Colville Confederated Tribes | No | Administrative Contact | | (509) 634-2113 |
Christine Read | Bonneville Power Administration | Yes | Contracting Officer | | (503) 230-5321 |
Deliverable Title | WSE Sort Letter, Number, Title | Start | End | Concluded |
Deliverable complete | A: 114. Identify areas of poor land management practices and develop implementation strategy | 01/31/2006 | ||
COPY: Deliverable complete | B: 165. Develop and submit BAs and HPAs for instream work identified in this proposal | 01/31/2006 | ||
COPY: Deliverable complete | C: 141. Produce quarterly reports based on tasks identified within this scope of work | 01/31/2006 | ||
COPY: Deliverable complete | D: 132. Produce annual report | 10/18/2005 | ||
COPY: Deliverable complete | E: 119. Manage project: produce invoices, accrual estimates, etc. | 01/31/2006 | ||
COPY: Deliverable complete | F: 184. Replace undersized culvert on E. Fork of Stapaloop Creek | 10/28/2005 | 02/10/2006 | |
COPY: Deliverable complete | G: 40. Construct 3,170 feet of fence to exclude livestock from the Upper Omak Creek and Jim Creek | 10/18/2005 | ||
COPY: Deliverable complete | H: 167. Construct hardened rock crossing to reduce livestock impacts to stream bank on Stapaloop Creek | 10/18/2005 | ||
COPY: Deliverable complete | I: 157. Conduct redd surveys on Stapaloop Creek (RM 12.0) | 10/18/2005 | ||
COPY: Deliverable complete | J: 157. Conduct adult enumeration in Stapaloop Creek (RM 12.0) | |||
COPY: Deliverable complete | K: 157. Conduct V-Star measurements, input data and analyze | 10/18/2005 | ||
COPY: Deliverable complete | L: 157. Conduct snorkel surveys in Omak Creek for fry abundance | 10/31/2005 | ||
Installed antenna | M: 157. Install a crump weir antenna within Omak Creek to detect juvenile PIT tagged steelhead | 01/31/2006 | 01/31/2006 | |
Deliverable complete | N: 157. Conduct photo monitoring and canopy closure measurements from RM 2.9 to 5.1 on Omak Creek | 10/18/2005 | ||
COPY: Deliverable complete | O: 34. Remove and construct livestock corral away from Omak Creek | 10/18/2005 |
Primary Focal Species | Work Statement Elements |
All Anadromous Salmonids |
Steelhead (O. mykiss) - Upper Columbia River DPS (Threatened) |
Bass, Largemouth (Micropterus salmoides) |
Bass, Smallmouth (M. dolomieu) |
Burbot (Lota lota) |
Catfish (Ictalurus spp.) [OBSOLETE] |
Carp, Common (Cyprinus carpio) [OBSOLETE] |
Crappie, Black (Pomoxis nigromaculatus) [OBSOLETE] |
Crappie, White (P. annularis) [OBSOLETE] |
Freshwater Mussels |
Kokanee (Oncorhynchus nerka) |
Perch, Yellow (Perca flavescens) [OBSOLETE] |
Pikeminnow, Northern (Ptychocheilus oregonensis) [OBSOLETE] |
Sturgeon, White (Acipenser transmontanus) - All Populations except Kootenai R. DPS |
Trout, Brown (Salmo trutta) [OBSOLETE] |
Trout, Brook (Salvelinus fontinalis) |
Trout, Bull (S. confluentus) (Threatened) |
Trout, Rainbow (Oncorhynchus mykiss) |
Walleye (Stizostedion vitreum) [OBSOLETE] |
Whitefish, Mountain (Prosopium williamsoni) |
Sort | WE ID | WE Title | NEPA | NOAA | USFWS | NHPA | Has Provisions | Inadvertent Discovery | Completed |
A | 114 | Identify areas of poor land management practices and develop implementation strategy | |||||||
B | 165 | Develop and submit BAs and HPAs for instream work identified in this proposal | |||||||
C | 141 | Produce quarterly reports based on tasks identified within this scope of work | |||||||
D | 132 | Produce annual report | |||||||
E | 119 | Manage project: produce invoices, accrual estimates, etc. | |||||||
F | 184 | Replace undersized culvert on E. Fork of Stapaloop Creek | |||||||
G | 40 | Construct 3,170 feet of fence to exclude livestock from the Upper Omak Creek and Jim Creek | |||||||
H | 167 | Construct hardened rock crossing to reduce livestock impacts to stream bank on Stapaloop Creek | |||||||
I | 157 | Conduct redd surveys on Stapaloop Creek (RM 12.0) | |||||||
J | 157 | Conduct adult enumeration in Stapaloop Creek (RM 12.0) | |||||||
K | 157 | Conduct V-Star measurements, input data and analyze | |||||||
L | 157 | Conduct snorkel surveys in Omak Creek for fry abundance | |||||||
M | 157 | Install a crump weir antenna within Omak Creek to detect juvenile PIT tagged steelhead | |||||||
N | 157 | Conduct photo monitoring and canopy closure measurements from RM 2.9 to 5.1 on Omak Creek | |||||||
O | 34 | Remove and construct livestock corral away from Omak Creek | |||||||
P | 185 | Quarterly online status reports |