Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program
SOW Report
Project Number:
Pahsimeroi River Habitat
Province Subbasin %
Mountain Snake Salmon 100.00%
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This project is an expansion of the existing project 2007-268-000 and was identified early in the BPA State of Idaho MOA process as a high priority for inclusion.  Both the IDF&G and the draft NOAAF recovery plans highlight the importance of carrying out habitat actions to assist this key salmon population.

The Pahsimeroi River has a unique population of Snake River Chinook salmon, and in contrast with the Lemhi River and East Fork of the Salmon River watersheds, the salmon population in the Pahsimeroi River is a later migrating summer-run Chinook salmon rather than spring-run. Historically, spawning and rearing habitat was probably supported within the watershed for at least two federally –listed anadromous fish species, spring/summer Chinook salmon, and steelhead. (P. Murphy, 2008)  

The Upper Salmon Watershed Project Technical Team, including IDFG Anadromous Fish Screen Program and Regional Fishery Management has prioritized the lower Pahsimeroi River and its major tributary, Patterson/Big Springs Creek, as SHIPUSS Priority I streams. Those are tributaries and river reaches that have the potential to realize immediate, tangible benefits to fish if recovery efforts are directed toward them. Goals in the lower Pahsimeroi River and Patterson/Big Springs Creek are to enhance migration in both streams by increasing flow regimes and reestablishing habitat connectivity to unused stream reaches. Mechanisms for attaining these goals focus on diversion consolidations and removal/alterations of diversions hindering fish passage. (P. Murphy, 2008)  

At the request of the Idaho Governor’s Office of Species Conservation (OSC) a technical panel with knowledge and expertise of project opportunities within the Pahsimeroi. This team included Paddy Murphy (Fisheries Biologist), Eric Leitzinger, Larry Weeks, Lynn Stratton and Jim Lukins, Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Morgan Case and Helen Herrington, Idaho Department of Water Resources, Mark Olson, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Brian Hamilton, Bureau of Reclamation, Mark Davidson, TNC, Clif Tipton, Bureau of Land Management Fisheries Biologist, Mike Edmondson, OSC and Karma Bragg, Custer Soil and Water Conservation Service. This core team identified the areas of Pahsimeroi with most potential for fisheries enhancement and recovery within the middle Pahsimeroi. Additional support and input is provided by the Custer Soil and Water Conservation District Board of Supervisors. The projects were predominantly in the mid to upper Pahsimeroi. Patterson/Big Springs Creek is a very important tributary for spawning and rearing of the unique population of Chinook salmon found in the Pahsimeroi. Continued opportunities to improve and enhance this area will be addressed in the project planning.

P-13 is an un-screen diversion in the Pahsimeroi that is currently a fish barrier. By working with the two landowners within this system to find alternative irrigation water source this barrier could be removed and several other tributaries reconnected including Sulphur Creek. The next diversion upstream from P1-3 that will need to be addressed is P-14 screening (IDFG) P-16 and P-17. By modifying existing irrigation practices, providing pipe to transport the flows for irrigation and potentially using a well or wells the passage barriers could be improved and flows increased from 10 to 15 cfs in the mid to upper Pahsimeroi. At present landowner interest in these opportunities is high.
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* Expenditures data includes accruals and are based on data through 31-Dec-2024.

Env. Compliance Lead:
Work Order Task(s):
Contract Type:
Contract (IGC)
Pricing Method:
Cost Reimbursement (CNF)
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Viewing of Work Statement Elements

Deliverable Title WSE Sort Letter, Number, Title Start End Concluded
Obtain or complete Environmental consultation documents and provide to BPA A: 165. Produce EC documents on identified projects 04/30/2014 04/30/2014
Produce Design and/or Specifications B: 175. Produce Design and/or Specifications 05/30/2014 05/30/2014
Project Plans, Contracts, Consultation and installation of projects yet to be identified & approved. C: 119. Manage and administer projects within this contract for FY 12/13 04/30/2013 04/30/2013
Installation of projects and planning for projects currently identified and approved. D: 119. Manage and administer projects within this contract for FY 13/14 09/22/2014
Attach Progress Report in Pisces E: 132. Submit Progress Report for the period Oct. 1, 2010 thru April 30, 2012 05/31/2012 06/29/2012
Attach Progress Report in Pisces F: 132. Submit Progress Report for the period May 1, 2012 thru April 30, 2013 02/03/2013 09/05/2013
Remove culverts/passage barriers on Sulpher Creek on the Custer Road G: 184. Remove culverts/passage barriers on Sulpher Creek 09/30/2012 09/14/2012
Install approx. 5000 feet of Jack Post and Pole Fence on the Lower Sulphur Creek and Pahsimeroi H: 40. Install Jack Post and Pole Fence on Sulpher Creek and Pahsimeroi 08/31/2014 08/31/2014
Install pipeline to provide water conservation on Sulphur Creek I: 149. Install pipeline for water conservation of Sulphur Creek 05/30/2014 05/01/2014
Remove and replace P-16 Fish Barrier on Pahsimeroi with fish friendly structure and pipeline. K: 84. Replace Furey Push Up Dam with Fish Passable Structure at Furey -P-16 09/22/2014
Install pipeline to provide water conservation on Pahsimeroi L: 149. Furey Lane Pipeline - P-16 09/22/2014
Install irrigation systems to replace current flood irrigation to water conservation for P-17 M: 150. Install Sprinkler Irrigation to Replace Flood on P-16 properties from Furey P-16 09/22/2014
Install pipeline to provide water conservation on Pahsimeroi and close diversions N: 149. Install Pipeline to allow removal of P-13, P-10 and Muddy Springs place of use. 06/30/2014 07/11/2014
Remove P-13 Fish Barrier on Pahsimeroi O: 85. Remove P-13 Fish Barrier on Pahsimeroi 08/29/2014
Install pipeline and infrastructure to allow for the removal of P-13 diversion, ditch & fish barrier P: 149. Install pipeline to provide infrastructure to remove P-13 Diversion barrier 09/22/2014 09/22/2014
Install bottomless arch culvert to replace culvert in lower Sulphur Creek R: 184. Remove Sulphur Creek Culvert and Replace with Fish Passable Bottomless Culvert 08/29/2014
Install stock-water wells, pipeline & stock tanks to replace in-stream stock water from Sulphur Crk S: 34. Install off Stream Stockwater at Sulphur Creek 05/23/2014 05/23/2014
Install stock-water wells, pipeline & stock tanks to replace in-stream stock water from Pahsimeroi T: 34. Install off Stream Stockwater at P13 Project 09/22/2014
Install stock-water wells, pipeline & stock tanks to replace in-stream stock water from Hamilton/P16 U: 34. Install Off Stream Stockwater at P16 to replace Hamilton/P16/Pahsimeroi Stockwater 09/22/2014
Install Center Pivot/Pods/Wheel Lines on Sulphur Creek served by Sulphur Creek Pipeline V: 150. Install Center Pivot/Pods/Wheel Lines on Sulphur Creek served by Sulphur Creek Pipeline 05/30/2014 05/01/2014

Viewing of Implementation Metrics
Viewing of Environmental Metrics Customize

Primary Focal Species Work Statement Elements
Chinook (O. tshawytscha) - Snake River Spring/Summer ESU (Threatened)
  • 3 instances of WE 34 Develop Alternative Water Source
  • 1 instance of WE 40 Install Fence
  • 1 instance of WE 84 Remove/Install Diversion
  • 1 instance of WE 85 Remove/Breach Fish Passage Barrier
  • 2 instances of WE 184 Install Fish Passage Structure
  • 1 instance of WE 175 Produce Design
  • 1 instance of WE 82 Install Well
  • 4 instances of WE 149 Install Pipeline
  • 2 instances of WE 150 Install Sprinkler
Steelhead (O. mykiss) - Snake River DPS (Threatened)
  • 3 instances of WE 34 Develop Alternative Water Source
  • 1 instance of WE 40 Install Fence
  • 1 instance of WE 84 Remove/Install Diversion
  • 1 instance of WE 85 Remove/Breach Fish Passage Barrier
  • 2 instances of WE 184 Install Fish Passage Structure
  • 1 instance of WE 175 Produce Design
  • 1 instance of WE 82 Install Well
  • 4 instances of WE 149 Install Pipeline
  • 2 instances of WE 150 Install Sprinkler

Sort WE ID WE Title NEPA NOAA USFWS NHPA Has Provisions Inadvertent Discovery Completed
A 165 Produce EC documents on identified projects 05/01/2012
B 175 Produce Design and/or Specifications 05/01/2012
C 119 Manage and administer projects within this contract for FY 12/13 05/01/2012
D 119 Manage and administer projects within this contract for FY 13/14 05/01/2012
E 132 Submit Progress Report for the period Oct. 1, 2010 thru April 30, 2012 05/01/2012
F 132 Submit Progress Report for the period May 1, 2012 thru April 30, 2013 05/01/2012
G 184 Remove culverts/passage barriers on Sulpher Creek 05/02/2012
H 40 Install Jack Post and Pole Fence on Sulpher Creek and Pahsimeroi 05/01/2012
I 149 Install pipeline for water conservation of Sulphur Creek 10/02/2013
J 82 Install Well to replace Furey 16 flows flows from the Pahsimeroi River at P-16
K 84 Replace Furey Push Up Dam with Fish Passable Structure at Furey -P-16
L 149 Furey Lane Pipeline - P-16
M 150 Install Sprinkler Irrigation to Replace Flood on P-16 properties from Furey P-16 08/04/2014
N 149 Install Pipeline to allow removal of P-13, P-10 and Muddy Springs place of use. 08/04/2014
O 85 Remove P-13 Fish Barrier on Pahsimeroi
P 149 Install pipeline to provide infrastructure to remove P-13 Diversion barrier 08/04/2014
Q 185 Periodic Status Reports for BPA 05/01/2012
R 184 Remove Sulphur Creek Culvert and Replace with Fish Passable Bottomless Culvert
S 34 Install off Stream Stockwater at Sulphur Creek 10/02/2013
T 34 Install off Stream Stockwater at P13 Project 08/04/2014
U 34 Install Off Stream Stockwater at P16 to replace Hamilton/P16/Pahsimeroi Stockwater 08/04/2014
V 150 Install Center Pivot/Pods/Wheel Lines on Sulphur Creek served by Sulphur Creek Pipeline 10/02/2013