Provide EC documentation |
A: 165. Provide EC documentation |
12/31/2014 |
12/31/2014 |
Submit drawings and/or specifications to BPA |
B: 175. IDFG: Bohannon Creek #3 diversion |
12/31/2014 |
12/31/2014 |
Submit drawings and/or specifications to BPA |
C: 175. IDFG: Big Timber #2 diversion |
12/31/2014 |
Submit drawings and/or specifications to BPA |
D: 175. IDFG: Lower Lemhi River Restoration |
12/31/2014 |
12/31/2014 |
Increased habitat complexity in the Lemhi River side channels |
E: 29. IDFG: Amonson Upper Lemhi sc: add structures to increase habitat complexity |
12/01/2014 |
08/22/2014 |
completed riparian fence |
F: 40. IDFG: Amonson Upper Lemhi sc: Install fence along new side channel |
12/31/2014 |
12/19/2014 |
Revegetate all disturbed areas both riparian and upland |
G: 47. IDFG: Amonson Upper Lemhi sc: revegetate disturbed areas with native vegetation |
12/31/2014 |
10/10/2014 |
New side channel constructed |
H: 30. IDFG: Amonson Upper Lemhi sc: construct new side channel |
12/31/2014 |
08/23/2014 |
Install power supply to irrigation system |
I: 150. Carmen Creek SCC3 Flow Enhancement Project: Install Sprinkler |
12/31/2014 |
11/04/2014 |
Create Side Channel and Reconnect Floodplain |
J: 30. Lemhi River Side Channel Project at Mabey Lane: Create new channel |
11/30/2014 |
12/23/2014 |
Install Jack Fence |
K: 40. Lemhi River Side Channel Project at Mabey Lane: Install Fence |
11/30/2014 |
12/23/2014 |
Riparian Vegetation Plantings on Side Channel |
L: 47. Lemhi River Side Channel Project at Mabey Lane: Plant vegetation |
11/30/2014 |
12/10/2014 |
Upper Hawley Water Rights Point-of Use-Transfer: Install Irrigation Pipeline |
M: 149. Upper Hawley Water Rights Point-of Use-Transfer: Install pipeline |
12/31/2014 |
Lower Hawley Creek: Install pre-engineered modular steel bridge. |
N: 184. Lower Hawley Creek Culvert Replacement- County Road |
08/31/2014 |
09/09/2014 |
Attach progress report in Pisces. |
O: 132. Submit Progress Report for the period (1/1/13) to (12/31/13) |
02/28/2014 |
03/31/2014 |
All administrative tasks fulfilled with timely quality products |
P: 119. Manage and Administer Project |
12/31/2014 |
12/31/2014 |
Draft documents for LMBM support, 75% complete. |
R: 174. Lemhi MIKE BASIN Model Development Support: Produce Plan |
12/31/2014 |
12/31/2014 |
Provide technical review, 75% complete. |
S: 122. Lemhi MIKE BASIN Model Development Support: Provide Technical Review |
12/31/2014 |
12/31/2014 |
Provide support to IDWR, 80% complete. |
T: 174. USB Ground Water-Surface Water Interactions Study Phase 2 Support: Produce Plan |
12/31/2014 |
12/31/2014 |
Provide support to IDWR, 80% complete. |
U: 122. USB Ground Water-Surface Water Interactions Study Phase 2 Support: Provide Technical Review |
12/31/2014 |
12/31/2014 |
Relative Elevation Map |
V: 175. Mule Shoe Project: Create Relative Elevation Map |
12/31/2014 |
07/28/2014 |