Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program
SOW Report
Contract 68222: 1992-048-00 EXP HELLSGATE WINTER RANGE
Project Number:
Hellsgate Big Game Winter Range
Province Subbasin %
Intermountain Columbia Upper 100.00%
Contract Number:
Contract Title:
Contract Continuation:
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  • 72085: 1992-048-00 EXP HELLSGATE WINTER RANGE
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Contract Description:
The Colville Tribes’ Wildlife Mitigation Project currently manages approximately 62,000 acres of wildlife habitat within the boundary of the Colville Indian Reservation.  This on-going project has been proposed to manage the operation and maintenance (O&M) and the administration operations to protect the Wildlife Areas (WA) from loss in habitat quality or "credits."  During this contract period, the project will provide direction and personnel to ensure the protection of the habitat values through fence construction and maintenance, livestock removal, law enforcement strategies, coordination with BIA and the Colville Tribal Business Council, road maintenance, update management plans, and invasive species management including noxious weeds.

During this contract year, the new boundary fence line will be completed on the North Omak Lake Wildlife Area.  In addition, new fence line construction will begin on Wannacutt Basin WA, now that the Cultural clearance has been completed.  Fence lines will also be reconstructed in areas where they have been damaged due to wildfires, livestock, tree blow down, or other factor.  Many WA's still have interior fence lines that prove to be a hindrance for wildlife and also a safety hazard and will be removed when scheduling allows.

The Project will continue to work on the removal of trespass livestock.  The Project attempts to limit these threats through fencing, coordination with livestock operators and BIA Land Operations, and direct removal.  Mitigation managed properties are routinely surveyed for trespass and removal strategies are developed on a case-by-case basis.

Roads within and leading into our Wildlife Areas are very primitive and are mostly non-maintained by other agencies.  The Wildlife Mitigation Project, in turn, has had to maintain the access roads and internal roads with our own equipment and personnel.  Road maintenance ensures that Project equipment life does not expire prematurely.  Personnel safety is another reason we perform maintenance on the roads.

The Wildlife Mitigation Project’s Invasive Species sub-division will focus on the removal, containment, and overall reduction of invasive species and noxious weed infestations within the WA's.  Numerous sites within our WA's contain "Class B," "Class B Designate," and "Class C" noxious weeds.  To date, our surveys for noxious weed species have not revealed any "Class A" weeds.  During this contract period, attempts to limit, control, or eliminate noxious weeds will occur using numerous methods including: herbicide application, biocontrol methods, vegetation removal, competition strategies, and prescribed burning.
Account Type(s):
Contract Start Date:
Contract End Date:
Current Contract Value:

* Expenditures data includes accruals and are based on data through 31-Dec-2024.

Env. Compliance Lead:
Contract Contractor:
Work Order Task(s):
Contract Type:
Contract (IGC)
Pricing Method:
Cost Reimbursement (CNF)
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Viewing of Work Statement Elements

Deliverable Title WSE Sort Letter, Number, Title Start End Concluded
Environmental Compliance A: 165. Environmental Compliance 02/29/2016
Annual Report covering Contract Period 3/1/2014 through 2/28/2015 Uploaded to Pisces B: 132. Submit Annual Report for the period 3/1/14 to 2/28/15 04/15/2015 04/15/2015
Project Administration C: 119. Project Administration 02/29/2016
Maintenance of project buildings. D: 186. Maintenance of buildings 02/29/2016 02/29/2016
Maintain current scientific and technical skill levels for land management. E: 99. Maintain current scientific and technical skill levels for land management. 02/29/2016 02/29/2016
Maintain access and provide information. F: 188. Maintain access and provide information. 02/26/2016
Removal and prevention of livestock trespass. G: 26. Removal and prevention of livestock trespass. 02/29/2016 02/29/2016
Clean and/or maintain management areas. H: 27. Clean and/or maintain management areas. 02/29/2016
Maintenance of existing Colville Tribes Wildlife Mitigation Program Wildlife Area I: 186. Maintenance of WMA boundary fences 02/29/2016 02/29/2016
Construct New Boundary Fences surrounding the North Omak Lake WA J: 40. Construct New Boundary Fences surrounding the North Omak Lake WA 11/30/2015 11/12/2015
Construct New Boundary Fences surrounding Wanacut Basin WA K: 40. Construct New Boundary Fences surrounding Wannacutt Basin WA 11/30/2015
Invasive Species Control L: 198. Invasive Species Control 11/30/2015 11/12/2015
Provide data to professional users. M: 161. Provide data to professional users. 02/29/2016 02/29/2016
Update Site Specific Management Plans N: 193. Update Site Specific Management Plans 02/29/2016

Viewing of Implementation Metrics
Viewing of Environmental Metrics Customize

Primary Focal Species Work Statement Elements
  • 1 instance of WE 198 Maintain Vegetation
  • 1 instance of WE 193 Produce Land Management Plan
  • 1 instance of WE 26 Investigate Trespass
  • 1 instance of WE 27 Remove Debris
  • 2 instances of WE 186 Operate and Maintain Habitat/Passage/Structure
  • 2 instances of WE 40 Install Fence
  • 1 instance of WE 161 Disseminate Raw/Summary Data and Results

Sort WE ID WE Title NEPA NOAA USFWS NHPA Has Provisions Inadvertent Discovery Completed
A 165 Environmental Compliance 03/01/2015
B 132 Submit Annual Report for the period 3/1/14 to 2/28/15 03/01/2015
C 119 Project Administration 03/01/2015
D 186 Maintenance of buildings 03/01/2015
E 99 Maintain current scientific and technical skill levels for land management. 03/01/2015
F 188 Maintain access and provide information. 03/01/2015
G 26 Removal and prevention of livestock trespass. 03/01/2015
H 27 Clean and/or maintain management areas. 02/08/2016
I 186 Maintenance of WMA boundary fences 03/01/2015
J 40 Construct New Boundary Fences surrounding the North Omak Lake WA 03/01/2015
K 40 Construct New Boundary Fences surrounding Wannacutt Basin WA 03/01/2015
L 198 Invasive Species Control 03/17/2016
M 161 Provide data to professional users. 03/01/2015
N 193 Update Site Specific Management Plans
O 185 Periodic Status Reports for BPA 03/01/2015