Effective implementation management and timely contract administration |
A: 119. Manage Administer Projects |
01/31/2019 |
01/31/2019 |
Completed Environmental Compliance Documentation |
B: 165. Produce Environmental Compliance Documentation |
01/31/2019 |
01/31/2019 |
Outreach and Education |
C: 99. John Day Basin Office Education and Outreach |
01/31/2019 |
01/31/2019 |
Develop or update (out-year) prioritized Habitat Project list: upload to Pisces |
D: 114. Structured Implementation |
01/31/2019 |
Habitat and Passage Structures Monitored |
G: 186. Implementation Effectiveness Monitoring |
01/31/2019 |
01/31/2019 |
Collect Temperature Data |
H: 157. John Day Temperature Monitoring |
01/31/2019 |
01/31/2019 |
Data collected |
I: 157. Collection of Biological and Ecological Data |
01/31/2019 |
01/31/2019 |
Produce accessible, error-checked datasets |
J: 157. Middle Fork Gaging Station Operations and Maintenance |
01/31/2019 |
01/31/2019 |
Produce accessible, error-checked datasets |
K: 157. Cottonwood Action to Stabilize Temperature (CAST) Monitoring |
01/31/2019 |
01/31/2019 |
Produce accessible, error-checked datasets |
L: 157. Evaluation of BDAs to improve juvenile steelhead production by maintaining perennial flows to provide a migration corridor and suitable habitat in Bear Creek |
01/31/2019 |
01/31/2019 |
Tag up to 3,100 steelhead |
M: 158. Mark-Recapture Studies |
01/31/2019 |
01/31/2019 |
Interpretation and Analysis of Field Data |
N: 162. Analysis and Interpretation of Field Data Collected From Fisheries Surveys |
01/31/2019 |
01/31/2019 |
ID/IQ Engineering Support |
O: 175. IDIQ Engineering Support |
01/31/2019 |
01/31/2019 |
John Day Basin Partnership Facilitation |
P: 191. John Day Basin Partnership |
01/31/2019 |
01/31/2019 |
Completed channel construction |
Q: 30. Fox Creek Mid Reach 10 Habitat Restoration - Channel Realignment |
10/31/2018 |
10/31/2018 |
Complete Instream Construction |
R: 29. Fox Creek Mid Reach 10 Habitat Restoration - Instream Habitat |
01/31/2019 |
12/31/2018 |
Complete Riparian Planting |
S: 47. Fox Creek Mid Reach 10 Habitat Restoration - Riparian Planting |
01/31/2019 |
12/31/2018 |
Install Riparian Fence |
T: 40. Fox Creek Mid Reach 10 Habitat Restoration - Riparian Fence |
01/01/2019 |
12/31/2018 |
Complete Juniper Removal |
U: 199. Fox Creek Mid Reach 10 Habitat Restoration - Juniper Removal |
01/31/2019 |
12/31/2018 |
Install Off Channel Stock Water Troughs |
V: 34. Fox Creek Mid Reach 10 Habitat Restoration - Off Channel Stock Water |
01/31/2019 |
01/31/2019 |
Fox Creek Reach 18 Habitat Design |
W: 175. Fox Creek Reach 18 Habitat Restoration - Final Design |
01/31/2019 |
01/31/2019 |
Remove Juniper Trees |
Y: 199. Fox Creek Reach 18 Habitat Restoration - Juniper Removal |
01/31/2019 |
12/31/2018 |
Fox Creek Upper Reach 10 Design |
Z: 175. Fox Creek Upper Reach 10 Passage and Habitat Design |
01/31/2019 |
Fox Creek Reach 9 and Lower Reach 10 Design |
AA: 175. Fox Creek Reach 9 and Lower Reach 10 Habitat Project Design |
01/31/2019 |
Phipps Meadow Restoration Design |
AD: 175. Phipps Meadow Restoration Design |
01/31/2019 |
Complete Wiwaanaytt Meadow Phase 3 |
AE: 29. Wiwaanaytt Meadow Restoration Phase 3 - Habitat Complexity |
11/30/2018 |
11/30/2018 |
Completed channel construction |
AF: 30. Wiwaanaytt Meadow Restoration Phase 3 - Channel Realignment |
11/30/2018 |
11/30/2018 |
Complete Wiwaanaytt Meadow Phase 3 |
AG: 181. Wiwaanaytt Meadow Restoration Phase 3 - Wetland Enhancement |
11/30/2018 |
11/30/2018 |
Complete Wiwaanaytt Meadow Phase 3 |
AH: 85. Wiwaanaytt Meadow Restoration Phase 3 - Barrier Removal |
11/30/2018 |
11/30/2018 |
Cottonwood Creek Engle Passage Design |
AK: 175. Cottonwood Creek Engle Passage Design |
01/31/2019 |
Complete Bear Creek Juniper Treatment |
AL: 199. Bear Creek Juniper Treatment |
01/31/2019 |
01/31/2019 |
Complete riparian planting |
AM: 47. Neal Habitat Long Creek |
01/31/2019 |
12/31/2018 |
Complete Plant Vegetation Maintenance |
AN: 198. Riparian Plant Maintenance |
01/31/2019 |
12/31/2018 |
Develop or update (out-year) prioritized Habitat Project list: upload to Pisces |
AO: 114. John Day Basin Conservation Officer |
01/31/2019 |
Complete land management plan |
AQ: 193. GSG Easement Management Plan |
12/31/2018 |
Conduct Lonerock Ridge Juniper Project |
AR: 199. Lonerock Ridge Juniper Project |
01/31/2019 |
01/31/2019 |
Completed Annual Report |
AT: 132. Submit Progress Report for the period (February 2016) to (January 2018) |
01/31/2019 |
01/31/2019 |
Produce Final Assessment |
AU: 115. CCR-40402 Middle Fork Riparian Vegetation Plan |
01/31/2019 |
01/31/2019 |
Complete Design of Irrigation Diversion Work |
AV: 175. CCR-40402 Rock Creek Diversion Design |
01/31/2019 |
Produce Design |
AW: 175. CCR-40402 Reynolds Creek Ditch Design |
01/31/2019 |
Bridge Delivered |
AX: 85. CCR-40402 Fox Creek Reach 18 Habitat Restoration - Remove Passage barrier |
01/31/2019 |
Purchase and deliver stock tank for off channel water source |
AY: 34. CCR-40402 Fox Creek Reach 18 Habitat Restoration - Provide Off Channel Stock Water Trough |
01/31/2019 |
12/31/2018 |
Install Riparian Fence |
AZ: 40. CCR-40402 Fox Creek Reach 18 Habitat Restoration - Install Riparian Fence |
01/31/2019 |
01/31/2019 |
Construct Buck and Pole Aspen Protection Fence |
BA: 40. CCR-40402 Fox Creek Reach 18 Habitat Restoration - Install Aspen Protection Fence |
01/31/2019 |
01/31/2019 |
Procure and Install Pump Station |
BB: 84. CCR-040402 Fox Creek Reach 18 Habitat Restoration - Pump Station |
01/31/2019 |
Procure and install pipeline |
BC: 203. CCR-040402 Fox Creek Reach 18 Habitat Restoration - Install Pipeline |
01/31/2019 |
Propagate Riparian Plants for the Middle Fork John Day River |
BD: 47. CR-040402 Middle Fork John Day Plant Propagation |
01/31/2019 |
Complete Contract for Irrigation ID/IQ |
BE: 175. CR-040402 Upper John Day Irrigation IDIQ |
01/31/2019 |
Produce 60% Design |
BF: 175. CCR-040402 Upper John Day Habitat Design |
01/31/2019 |
Produce basin-wide reach-scale (1km resolution) thermal model. |
BG: 157. CCR-040402 John Day Temperature Monitoring - Expanded Scope |
01/31/2019 |
01/31/2019 |