Effective implementation management and timely contract administration |
A: 119. Manage Project |
06/30/2019 |
06/28/2019 |
Obtain & Submit EC |
B: 165. Produce Environmental Compliance Documentation |
06/30/2019 |
06/28/2019 |
Operate WSR RSTs during Spring and Fall Out-Migration Periods |
C: 157. Estimate outmigrant O. mykiss & Spring Chinook in Warm Springs River Subbasin |
06/30/2019 |
06/28/2019 |
PIT Tag up to 3,000 Juvenile Spring Chinook Salmon at WSR RSTs |
D: 158. PIT Tag Spring Chinook at Warm Springs River Rotary Screw Traps |
06/30/2019 |
06/21/2019 |
PIT Tag up to 1,000 Juvenile O. mykiss at WSR RSTs |
E: 158. PIT Tag O. mykiss at Warm Springs River Rotary Screw Traps |
06/30/2019 |
06/21/2019 |
Operate SC RST during Spring & Fall Out-Migration Periods |
F: 157. Estimate outmigrant O. mykiss & Spring Chinook in Shitike Creek |
06/30/2019 |
PIT Tag 1,500 Juvenile Spring Chinook Salmon at SC RST |
G: 158. PIT Tag Spring Chinook at Shitike Creek Rotary Screw Trap |
06/30/2019 |
PIT Tag 2,000 Juvenile O. mykiss at SC RST |
H: 158. PIT Tag O. mykiss at Shitike Creek Rotary Screw Trap |
06/30/2019 |
Analyze Juvenile Outmigration Data |
I: 162. Analyze Spring Chinook and Steelhead Juvenile Outmigration Data |
06/30/2019 |
06/28/2019 |
Upload PIT Tagging Data to PTAGIS Database |
J: 159. Upload O. mykiss & Spring Chinook PIT Tag Data into PTAGIS |
06/30/2019 |
06/28/2019 |
Record and upload PIT tag detections at antenna sites WSR and SHK |
K: 157. Record and Upload O. mykiss & Spring Chinook PIT tag Detections at Arrays Located at the Mouths of WSR and SC |
06/30/2019 |
06/28/2019 |
Produce accessible, error-checked datasets |
L: 157. Install 3 HDX/FDX antenna arrays in Warm Springs Drainage |
06/30/2019 |
06/28/2019 |
Analyze PIT tag detection data |
M: 162. Manage data from arrays in Warm Springs River and Mill Creek and summarize detections by species |
06/30/2019 |
06/28/2019 |
Produce accessible, error-checked datasets |
N: 157. Collect tissue samples from returning adults (Chinook and steelhead) and outmigrating juveniles (Chinook) in WSR |
06/30/2019 |
06/28/2019 |
Work with CRITFC on genetic analysis and interpretation of number of effective breeders |
O: 162. Analyze and interpret tissue samples collected from spring Chinook and steelhead |
06/30/2019 |
02/04/2019 |
Operate RBW in Shitike Creek |
P: 157. Operate Resistance Board Weir in Shitike Creek for Spring Chinook & Steelhead Escapement |
06/30/2019 |
Conduct Steelhead Redd Counts on Index and Rotating Panel Reaches in Reservation Streams |
Q: 157. Conduct Steelhead Redd Counts in Index and Rotating Panel Reaches |
06/30/2019 |
06/28/2019 |
Conduct Redd Counts/Spawning Ground Surveys in Reservation Streams |
R: 157. Conduct Spring Chinook Redd Counts in Index and Rotating Panel Reaches |
06/30/2019 |
06/28/2019 |
Analyze and Report Adult Spring Chinook and Steelhead Escapement and Redd Count Data |
S: 162. Analyze Spring Chinook and Steelhead Spawning Escapement and Redd Count Data |
06/30/2019 |
06/28/2019 |
Produce accessible, error-checked datasets |
T: 157. Monitor spring Chinook redds for survival, sedimentation, and validate species |
06/30/2019 |
06/28/2019 |
Analyze and interpret redd monitoring data |
U: 162. Analyze and Interpret redd monitoring data |
06/30/2019 |
06/28/2019 |
Implant up to 50 radio and 150 PIT tags in adult spring Chinook |
V: 158. Capture and tag wild adult spring Chinook in Deschutes and/or Warm Springs River |
06/30/2019 |
06/28/2019 |
Determine migration patterns, WSNFH passage, and adult holding locations for adult spring Chinook |
W: 157. Determine migration patterns, WSNFH passage, and adult holding locations for adult spring Chinook |
06/30/2019 |
06/28/2019 |
Implant up to 50 radio and 150 PIT tags in adult summer steelhead |
X: 158. Capture and tag wild summer steelhead in Deschutes River |
06/30/2019 |
06/28/2019 |
Produce accessible, error-checked datasets |
Y: 157. Determine migration patterns, WSNFH passage, and adult holding locations for adult summer steelhead |
06/30/2019 |
06/28/2019 |
Analze radio telemetry data |
Z: 162. Analyze radio telemetry data and PIT tag data - adult spring Chinook and summer steelhead |
06/30/2019 |
06/28/2019 |
Collect samples for presence of Ceratonova shasta in WSR |
AA: 157. Collect water and fish tissue samples for presence of Ceratonova shasta or other factors contributing to pre-spawn mortality |
06/30/2019 |
06/28/2019 |
Analyze and interpret water and fish tissue samples related to spring Chinook pre-spawn mortality |
AB: 162. Analyze and interpret water and fish tissue samples related to spring Chinook pre-spawn mortality |
06/30/2019 |
06/28/2019 |
Completed 2017 Annual Report |
AD: 132. Prepare and Submit Progress Report for the period January 1, 2017 to December 31, 1017 |
04/30/2019 |
Completed 2018 Annual Report |
AE: 132. Prepare and Submit Progress Report for the period January 1, 2018 to December 31, 1018 |
06/30/2019 |