Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program
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Project Summary

Project 2007-245-00 - Protect and Restore the Joseph Creek Watershed
Project Number:
Protect and Restore the Joseph Creek Watershed
This project seeks to continue protecting existing high quality habitat. It further seeks to restore and enhance habitat where feasible and opportunity exists. Another component of this proposal is education and outreach.
Proponent Orgs:
Nez Perce Tribe (Tribe)
Starting FY:
Ending FY:
Province Subbasin %
Blue Mountain Grande Ronde 100.00%
Focal Species:
Species Benefit:
Anadromous: 100.0%   Resident: 0.0%   Wildlife: 0.0%
BiOp Association:

No photos have been uploaded yet for this Project.

The table content is updated frequently and thus contains more recent information than what was in the original proposal reviewed by ISRP and Council.

Review: FY07-09 Solicitation Review

Council Recommendation

Assessment Number: 2007-245-00-NPCC-20090924
Project: 2007-245-00 - Protect and Restore the Joseph Creek Watershed
Review: FY07-09 Solicitation Review
Approved Date: 10/23/2006
Recommendation: Fund
Comments: The budget reduction reflect a budget for staffing associate with the GRMW and other partners to develop habitat projects with cooperative funding sources, similar to other co-manager projects. The sponsor requests the name of this project be changed to "Protect and Restore NE Oregon". Title change to occur at contracting;

Independent Scientific Review Panel Assessment

Assessment Number: 2007-245-00-ISRP-20060831
Project: 2007-245-00 - Protect and Restore the Joseph Creek Watershed
Review: FY07-09 Solicitation Review
Completed Date: 8/31/2006
Final Round ISRP Date: None
Final Round ISRP Rating: Meets Scientific Review Criteria - In Part
Final Round ISRP Comment:
This project proposal has been transformed to a more focused (and less expensive) activity: i.e., funding a coordinator (~$120,000) to seek external funds for project implementation. In focusing this project (and eliminating several others), sponsors have effectively and decisively prioritized the projects.

ISRP questions and comments have been largely addressed. According to the sponsors the scale of the project was reduced substantially through a local prioritization effort. In that process, proposals for the Imnaha, Lostine, and Wallowa Rivers were dropped and only the Joseph Creek proposal remains as the highest priority. Additionally, funding is now sought for a coordinator to seek funding from other sources for culvert replacement, road decommissioning, and off-stream watering systems. This fits with the ISRP recommendation for a reduced scale.

The sponsor's concern with caps on M&E are important to clarify with Council. These concerns, however, do not diminish their responsibility to monitor and should be strong reason to coordinate with NEOH M&E, Grande Ronde Model Watershed Program #199202601, and others to ensure suitable effectiveness monitoring is undertaken, which will provide data to justify future projects.

For full comments on "restore and protect" type projects, please see heading "General comments concerning Nez Perce Tribe proposals to protect and restore various watersheds" at the beginning of the ISRP comments on project # 199607702, Protect & Restore Lolo Creek Watershed.
Documentation Links:

Legal Assessment (In-Lieu)

Assessment Number: 2007-245-00-INLIEU-20090521
Project Number: 2007-245-00
Review: FY07-09 Solicitation Review
Completed Date: 10/6/2006
In Lieu Rating: Problems May Exist
Cost Share Rating: 2 - May be reasonable
Comment: Multiple restoration activities; multiple other entities potentially authorized/required to conduct.

Capital Assessment

Assessment Number: 2007-245-00-CAPITAL-20090618
Project Number: 2007-245-00
Review: FY07-09 Solicitation Review
Completed Date: 2/27/2007
Capital Rating: Does Not Qualify for Capital Funding
Capital Asset Category: None
Comment: None

Project Relationships: This project Merged To 2007-393-00 effective on 2/26/2007
Relationship Description: Funds were originally placed under 2007-245-00/Protect & Restore Joseph Creek Watershed, a new project was established for the Wallowa and Inmaha Watersheds.