Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program

Focal Species Summary

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 A119Manage and Administer ProjectsContract managementManage and Administer contract for billing and documentation of accruals if budget not used by end of the fiscal year.
 B185Produce CBFish Status ReportPeriodic Status Reports for BPAThe Contractor shall report on the status of milestones and deliverables in Pisces. Reports shall be completed either monthly or quarterly as determined by the BPA COTR. Additionally, when indicating a deliverable milestone as COMPLETE, the contractor shall provide metrics and the final location (latitude and longitude) prior to submitting the report to the BPA COTR.
 C132Produce Progress (Annual) ReportSubmit Progress Report for the period (December 2011) to (January 2013)The progress report summarizes the project goal, objectives, hypotheses, completed and uncompleted deliverables, problems encountered, lessons learned, and long-term planning. Examples of long-term planning include future improvements, new directions, or level of effort for contract implementation, including any ramping up or ramping down of contract components or of the project as a whole. Date range Dec 2011 to Jan 2013. Progress reports must conform to BPA guidelines. See the ''formatting guidelines'' link at the Technical Reports and Publications page: If producing a technical report for this contract, a discrete experiment, or a peer-reviewed publication, use work element 183: Produce Journal Article.
 D189Coordination-Columbia BasinwideCoordinate on Fish Population/Unit Boundaries and Interactive Mapper Tool1. Create an agency focus group to direct conversion of agency data and help review tool design. 2. Work with agencies to convert their population data to the crosswalk polygons based on sub-watersheds. 3. Hold focus group meetings to determine simple display and query elements of the data for the Interactive Mapper of Crosswalk Fish Populations/Units. 4. Hold a regional check-in meeting to report on suggested changes from users of deployed beta version and decide on which changes to make to the display of fish populations/units, tool functions, or design of interactive mapper.
 E160Create/Manage/Maintain DatabaseCreate Fish Population/Unit Database and Interactive Mapper Tool1. Convert and/or collect and prepare several spatial datasets from regional fish managers into the crosswalk database polygons scheme. Spatial data sets expected to be in the initial sets entered into database are: TRT, NOAA ESUs, Subbasin plans/CBFWA, HSRG, and SaSI. 2. Add available attribute data into database for each fish population/unit. Some examples: CA data, VSP data, Management processes (e.g. U.S. v Oregon, PSC, PFMC, etc.), Subbasin plan data, HSRG data (similar to VSP data). 3. Create a base mapping website module that uses Google or Bing maps as reference material with a WBD HUC layer as the main spatial data. Initially tools to query the database and display results in a map would come in two forms; a Simple Tool and Review Tool. ? Simple Tool - Write (VBA) script to read fish population/unit extents from database and create population boundaries and web display and reports that the detail of all fish populations/units present for each subwatershed (HUC6). This simple tool will allow a user to either map a populations/units and or also to click on a single HUC6 on the map and receive a report of all fish populations/units with distribution in that HUC. See attachment for Examples. ? Review Tool - Create web-based interactive forms for data review. Create data/information collection and versioning tables in a geodatabase to collect changes suggested by reviewers for editing of fish populations/units attributes and spatial distribution. A review tool would allow the user to select a population/unit for attribute changes or select a HUC for spatial changes. Upon selection of a population/unit or HUC a report form would be available in which the current attributes of the population/unit can be viewed along with boxes for text to suggest changes. See attachment for Examples. 4. Deploy draft version on web site and collect comments from users about the fish populations, tools, and interactive mapper. Respond to any functional issues. Make changes after check-in meeting and deploy the changes.
 F160Create/Manage/Maintain DatabaseFinal Version/Annual UpdatesRecommend an annual review process to explore new tools and datasets, or changes to the current datasets for the interactive mapper that are suggested.