Province | Subbasin | % |
Basinwide | - | 100.00% |
* Expenditures data includes accruals and are based on data through 31-Dec-2024.
Deliverable Title | WSE Sort Letter, Number, Title | Start | End | Concluded |
NEPA Compliance Review | B: 165. Ensure existing compliance is adequate for next year | 03/03/2008 | 03/03/2008 | |
Submission of site sampled data (see specs) | C: 157. Stream habitat survey | 03/31/2009 | 03/31/2009 | |
Manage/Administer Contract Actions and Deliverables | D: 119. Manage project to characterize riparian habitat quality-Wenatchee subbasin | 03/31/2009 | 03/31/2009 | |
Final report uploaded to the BPA website | E: 132. Submit Final Report to NOAA Fisheries and BPA | 02/28/2009 | 02/28/2009 |
Primary Focal Species | Work Statement Elements |
Chinook (O. tshawytscha) - Upper Columbia River Spring ESU (Endangered) |
Steelhead (O. mykiss) - Upper Columbia River DPS (Threatened) |
Sort | WE ID | WE Title | NEPA | NOAA | USFWS | NHPA | Has Provisions | Inadvertent Discovery | Completed |
A | 185 | Periodic Status Reports for BPA | 02/09/2007 | ||||||
B | 165 | Ensure existing compliance is adequate for next year | 02/09/2007 | ||||||
C | 157 | Stream habitat survey | 02/09/2007 | ||||||
D | 119 | Manage project to characterize riparian habitat quality-Wenatchee subbasin | 02/09/2007 | ||||||
E | 132 | Submit Final Report to NOAA Fisheries and BPA | 02/09/2007 |