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A | 118748 | 185 | Produce CBFish Status Report | Periodic Status Reports for BPA | The Contractor shall report on the status of milestones and deliverables in Pisces. Reports shall be completed either monthly or quarterly as determined by the BPA COTR. Additionally, when indicating a deliverable milestone as COMPLETE, the contractor shall provide metrics and the final location (latitude and longitude) prior to submitting the report to the BPA COTR. | $400 | 0.11% | 07/01/2013 | 02/14/2014 |
B | 118749 | 165 | Produce Environmental Compliance Documentation | Environmental Compliance documents | Review and evaluate existing NEPA compliance/permits to ensure coverage is adequate for any work to be performed during the next field season (if applicable). Ensure necessary documents are provided to BPA's Environmental Compliance group in sufficient time to allow for a compliance letter to be written prior to any work. Coordinate with appropriate agencies regarding any permits that may be required. | $400 | 0.11% | 02/15/2013 | 02/14/2014 |
C | 118750 | 119 | Manage and Administer Projects | Manage and Administer CHaMP watersheds | This work element covers the management of on the ground efforts in the Secesh and Lemhi watersheds, including all staff associated with implementing the Columbia Habitat Monitoring Program (CHaMP) and any administrative work in support of on the ground efforts and in support of BPA's programmatic requirements such as metric reporting, financial reporting (e.g., accruals), and development of an SOW package (includes draft SOW, budget, spending plan, and property inventory) for annual contract renewal. | $1,365 | 0.37% | 02/15/2013 | 02/14/2014 |
D | 118751 | 157 | Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data | CHaMP 1f: Conduct CHaMP surveys in the Secesh River. | In support of habitat restoration, rehabilitation and conservation action performance assessments and adaptive management requirements of the 2008 FCRPS Biological Opinion (BiOp), the Bonneville Power Administration is working with NOAA and other regional fish management agencies to monitor status and trends of fish habitat for each major population group (MPG) in the Pacific Northwest identified through the Endangered Species Act (ESA). BPA is adopting a standardized fish habitat monitoring protocol, the Columbia Habitat Monitoring Program (CHaMP) for the Columbia River Basin monitoring programs.
CHaMP is a Columbia River basin-wide habitat status and trends monitoring program built around a single habitat monitoring protocol with a program-wide approach to data collection and management. CHaMP will capture habitat features that drive fish population biology and will result in systematic habitat status and trends information that will be used to assess basin-wide habitat condition and correlated with biological response indicators to evaluate habitat management strategies.
BPA is implementing CHaMP in at least one population within each steelhead and Chinook MPG which has, or will have, fish in-fish out monitoring. The goal of this work element is to implement CHaMP in the Secesh River tributary of the South Fork Salmon River watershed. The data from this project will be used to evaluate the quantity and quality of tributary fish habitat available to salmonids across the Columbia River basin. When combined with parallel fish monitoring metrics from related projects, these data will also be used assess the impact of habitat management actions on fish population processes. | $113,845 | 30.98% | 02/15/2013 | 10/31/2013 |
E | 118752 | 157 | Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data | ChaMP 1h: Conduct CHaMP surveys in the Lemhi River. | In support of habitat restoration, rehabilitation and conservation action performance assessments and adaptive management requirements of the 2008 FCRPS Biological Opinion (BiOp), the Bonneville Power Administration is working with NOAA and other regional fish management agencies to monitor status and trends of fish habitat for each major population group (MPG) in the Pacific Northwest identified through the Endangered Species Act (ESA). BPA is adopting a standardized fish habitat monitoring protocol, the Columbia Habitat Monitoring Program (CHaMP) for the Columbia River Basin monitoring programs.
CHaMP is a Columbia River basin-wide habitat status and trends monitoring program built around a single habitat monitoring protocol with a program-wide approach to data collection and management. CHaMP will capture habitat features that drive fish population biology and will result in systematic habitat status and trends information that will be used to assess basin-wide habitat condition and correlated with biological response indicators to evaluate habitat management strategies.
BPA is implementing CHaMP in at least one population within each steelhead and Chinook MPG which has, or will have, fish in-fish out monitoring. The goal of this work element is to implement CHaMP in the Lemhi watershed. The data from this project will be used to evaluate the quantity and quality of tributary fish habitat available to salmonids across the Columbia River basin. When combined with parallel fish monitoring metrics from related projects, these data will also be used assess the impact of habitat management actions on fish population processes. | $113,005 | 30.75% | 02/15/2013 | 10/31/2013 |
F | 118753 | 156 | Develop RM&E Methods and Designs | CHaMP 1.4: River Bathymetry Toolkit (RBT) development. | This Work Element funds continued development of the River Bathymetry Toolkit (RBT). The RBT utilizes data from Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) and auxiliary data collected by field crews to generate a number of CHaMP metrics and indicators. This Work Element funds a subcontract to Phillip Bailey (see sole source justification) to continue RBT programming and funds QCI personnel to participate in RBT revision and beta testing. Ultimately, this Work Element will result in revisions to the RBT to more efficiently and reliably calculate CHaMP metrics and indicators. | $81,412 | 22.15% | 02/15/2013 | 02/14/2014 |
G | 118754 | 189 | Coordination-Columbia Basinwide | CHaMP 2d: Participation in coordination of development efforts of CHaMP | Coordination of the CHaMP project is being undertaken by several contractors who are experienced in working together and who must continue to work together for the entire project to be successful. These contractors include Terraqua, Inc. (TQ), Quantitative Consultants, Inc. (QCI), Ecological Research (ELR), South Fork Research, Inc. (SFR), and Sitka Technologies (Sitka). These contractors are overseen by Chris Jordan (NOAA) in his role as Principle Investigator and are known as the Project Management Team (PMT). This work element describes the minimum milestones for this group to work together coordinating the CHaMP project in 2013-2014.
One technical team that is required is a Data Management Advisory Team who will advise Sitka in the development and management of the CHaMP data management system. BPA is contracting with the Sitka Technology Group in FY13 (Project 2011-006-00, contract 55738) to manage and develop the CHaMP data management system and tools, a task which requires oversight/insight from the CHaMP Data Management Advisory team. This work element includes milestones that describe the timing of the input from the advisory team. | $4,093 | 1.11% | 02/15/2013 | 02/14/2014 |
H | 118755 | 132 | Produce Progress (Annual) Report | Annual contract report covering the contract performance period | Contractor holder will generate brief activity report, focusing on fiscal accountability that outlines work accomplished, disposition of resources used and status of contract inventory. This report will not be technical in nature or content, that is, no data or results will be presented. All contract and project output will be reported through WE , the CHaMP RM&E and BiOp reporting tasks. | $800 | 0.22% | 11/01/2013 | 02/14/2014 |
I | 118756 | 132 | Produce Progress (Annual) Report | Contribute to and review CHaMP FCRPS BiOp RM&E reports | Two recent evaluations of research, monitoring and evaluation (RM&E) aspects of Bonneville Power Administration’s (BPA) fish and wildlife program found key areas for improving the usefulness of annual reports on RM&E projects. The Northwest Power and Conservation Council’s (Council) 2011 RM&E categorical review called for standardized annual reporting formats. Similarly, a second assessment funded by BPA reviewed existing monitoring results and noted the program would benefit from a standardized approach to annual reports, including uniform measurements and reporting. As a result BPA is adopting a new annual reporting system for Research, Monitoring & Evaluation results and a second report for sponsors with projects that support Reasonable and Prudent Alternatives in the Biological Opinion for the Federal Columbia River Power System, which will help BPA track and report progress toward BiOp goals.
The CHaMP Lead Coordinator will work with collaborators to produce FCRPS BiOp RM&E reports for the CHaMP 2013 field season. This “lessons learned” annual report will be used to inform implementation in 2014, including any adjustments that may be appropriate on the design or scope of the project.
The CHaMP RME and BiOp reports will:
a) provide regular synthesis and reporting of habitat status results
b) compare these results to available fish status and trend information
c) inform adaptive management improvements for CHaMP, including comparison with other similar efforts such as PIBO and Washington State monitoring protocols with the goal of achieving use of fewer key parameters, greater efficiencies and lower costs;
d) support Action Agencies requirements for the 2013/2016 Comprehensive Evaluations; and
e) be written to inform agency and tribal decision-makers and specifically address key management questions and decisions. | $965 | 0.26% | 10/01/2013 | 02/14/2014 |
J | 118839 | 157 | Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data | ChaMP 1h(1): Conduct CHaMP surveys in the Lemhi River. | CCR - 30066 - was added to provide an additional CHaMP crew person to assist in collection of invertebrate and hydrologic flow data in CHaMP surveys.
In support of habitat restoration, rehabilitation and conservation action performance assessments and adaptive management requirements of the 2008 FCRPS Biological Opinion (BiOp), the Bonneville Power Administration is working with NOAA and other regional fish management agencies to monitor status and trends of fish habitat for each major population group (MPG) in the Pacific Northwest identified through the Endangered Species Act (ESA). BPA is adopting a standardized fish habitat monitoring protocol, the Columbia Habitat Monitoring Program (CHaMP) for the Columbia River Basin monitoring programs.
CHaMP is a Columbia River basin-wide habitat status and trends monitoring program built around a single habitat monitoring protocol with a program-wide approach to data collection and management. CHaMP will capture habitat features that drive fish population biology and will result in systematic habitat status and trends information that will be used to assess basin-wide habitat condition and correlated with biological response indicators to evaluate habitat management strategies.
BPA is implementing CHaMP in at least one population within each steelhead and Chinook MPG which has, or will have, fish in-fish out monitoring. The goal of this work element is to implement CHaMP in the Lemhi watershed. The data from this project will be used to evaluate the quantity and quality of tributary fish habitat available to salmonids across the Columbia River basin. When combined with parallel fish monitoring metrics from related projects, these data will also be used assess the impact of habitat management actions on fish population processes. | $12,625 | 3.44% | 05/16/2013 | 10/31/2013 |
K | 118840 | 156 | Develop RM&E Methods and Designs | CHaMP 1.4(1): River Bathymetry Toolkit (RBT) development. | Added for CCR - 30066, this change request is to add additional deliverables to the ESSA Subcontract associated with CHaMP RBT completion. The SOW deliverables are detailed in the attached document. No change in the SOW scope is required. Additional work was determined by the CHaMP RBT Working group.
This Work Element funds continued development of the River Bathymetry Toolkit (RBT). The RBT utilizes data from Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) and auxiliary data collected by field crews to generate a number of CHaMP metrics and indicators. This Work Element funds a subcontract to Phillip Bailey (see sole source justification) to continue RBT programming and funds QCI personnel to participate in RBT revision and beta testing. Ultimately, this Work Element will result in revisions to the RBT to more efficiently and reliably calculate CHaMP metrics and indicators. | $8,600 | 2.34% | 02/15/2013 | 02/14/2014 |
L | 118841 | 156 | Develop RM&E Methods and Designs | Habitat Suitability Modeling | Added for CCR - 30066 ,this work element funds QCI scientists to assist in CHaMP cooperators and staff in development of Habitat Suitability Indices that can be applied to CHaMP Digital Elevation Models and associated instream habitat metrics as they relate to fish populations. It focuses on development of metrics, analytical methods, field collection techniques, and GIS tools implemented by the River Bathymetric Toolkit (RBT). | $30,000 | 8.16% | 03/01/2013 | 02/14/2014 |