Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program
SOW Report
Project Number:
Kootenai River Fishery Investigations
Province Subbasin %
Mountain Columbia Kootenai 100.00%
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The Kootenai River Resident Fish Mitigation project is comprised of several studies specifically focused on the recovery of White Sturgeon (ESA listed), Burbot, and native salmonid fish populations in the Kootenai River. Over the past three decades, the Kootenai River has experienced many physiochemical changes, and as a result, native fish species have dramatically declined. Construction and operation of Libby Dam in 1972 changed the river ecosystem, particularly by altering the discharge, water temperature, and nutrient level in the downstream portions of the Kootenai River. The overall goal of this program is to restore these native fish populations in the Kootenai River. This programs research is designed to identify strategies that will aid in reaching recovery goals that have been set for focal species.

Kootenai River White Sturgeon - Kootenai River White Sturgeon research is designed to integrate the Reasonable and Prudent Measures iden... tified in the USFWS Biological Opinions to recover this species. Our sturgeon studies have provided information on spawning location, timing, and population vital statistics. This information has allowed mitigation strategies to be developed and has provided biological information that has been used to change dam operations to benefit sturgeon. Kootenai River White Sturgeon research is a cooperative effort involving with several federal agencies, the Kootenai Tribe of Idaho, the State of Montana, and British Columbia Ministry of Forest, Land, and Resource operations.

Kootenai River Burbot and Native Salmonids - Burbot in the Kootenai River basin historically provided exceptional commercial and recreational fisheries. However, shortly after the installation of Libby Dam, the population began to drastically decline, to the point of functional extinction. The Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG) and the Kootenai Tribe of Idaho (KTOI) have collaborated on various efforts to restore this once-robust population in the river. These efforts are composed of conservation aquaculture and extensive research, monitoring, and evaluation. Efforts are currently underway to refine our understanding of factors limiting natural recruitment, increase survival of hatchery stocked fish, and develop river flow and temperature recommendations that will promote the recovery of this population and ultimately support a harvest fishery once again.

Other fish species were also significantly affected by the installation and operation of Libby Dam. Shortly after the dams construction, the Kootenai River was considered ultra-oligotrophic due to nutrients being trapped behind the dam. To mitigate for reduced productivity, the KTOI and IDFG have been adding liquid phosphorus to the Kootenai River since 2005. Additions typically occur from June through September of each year. The primary objective of these efforts is to bolster primary productivity, with the ultimate goal of increasing native and sport fish species. Results, to-date, have been largely conclusive and positive, where the numbers of mountain whitefish and rainbow trout have increased since nutrients have been added. in number after additions; and largescale suckers have exhibited strong growth responses to additions.  
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* Expenditures data includes accruals and are based on data through 28-Feb-2025.

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Cost Reimbursement (CNF)
20 km
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Viewing 15 of 15 Work Statement Elements
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Work Element Name
WSE Effective Budget
% of Total WSE Effective Budget
WSE Start
A202650185Produce CBFish Status ReportPeriodic Status Reports for BPAThe Contractor shall report on the status of milestones and deliverables in Pisces. Reports shall be completed either monthly or quarterly as determined by the BPA COTR. Additionally, when indicating a deliverable milestone as COMPLETE, the contractor shall provide metrics and the final location (latitude and longitude) prior to submitting the report to the BPA COTR.$9190.10%07/01/202004/30/2021
B202651165Produce Environmental Compliance DocumentationComplete All Environmental Compliance Tasks - No Ground Disturbance Activities within SOWAll work to obtain permits and gain environmental compliance will be completed$00.00%05/01/202004/30/2021
C202652119Manage and Administer ProjectsManage and Administer Kootenai River Resident Fish Mitigation ProjectThe Principal Fisheries Research Biologist will manage and administer funding and studies contract to the Bonneville Power Administration this will be overseen by the IDFG Fisheries Research Manager$60,0006.37%05/01/202004/30/2021
D202653157Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab DataWhite sturgeon spawning evaluationBenthic egg mats will be used to evaluate the spatial and temporal extent of spawning throughout the post-Libby dam spawning reach. Egg mats will be placed up river from the town of Bonners Ferry to seek a determination if habitat restoration actions are providing incentive for more adults to migrate up to, and into the canyon reach where more suitable spawning substrate exists. (rkms > 246).$45,0004.78%05/01/202010/30/2020
E202654157Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab DataWhite sturgeon larval hatching samplingIDFG Staff samples with plankton nets to collect and evaluate any natural hatching and drifting sturgeon free embryos, or larvae. Plankton nets will be fished passively, and may be set in place overnight when favorable conditions allow.$45,0004.78%05/01/202004/30/2021
F202655157Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab DataJuvenile white sturgeon recruitment and evaluationJuvenile white sturgeon are to be sampled for utilizing 2, 4, and 6 inch stretch gill nets. This sampling assists in determining year class abundance of wild vs. hatchery fish and their survival. Vital characteristics of wild and hatchery reared juvenile sturgeon are being learned and differentiated when possible. (Statistical modeling can be further developed) The potential is to understand the survival ratio of hatchery vs. wild sturgeon. Capture of wild juveniles provides evidence of natural recruitment and their potential contribution to year classes. Derived data may further lead to actionable measures to further promote natural recruitment.$55,0005.84%05/01/202011/02/2020
G202656157Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab DataWhite sturgeon movement evaluationWhite sturgeon will be captured and tagged with Vemco sonic transmitters. Movement throughout the Kootenai River/Kootenay Lake system will be determined with stationary an array of Vemco VR2W receivers which extends from the Sturgeon hole in Montana at rkm 310 downstream to Kootenay Lake as far as rkm 18 near the Lardeau River delta. Real time active tracking and position monitoring will be determined during critical periods with Vemco VR-100 receivers. This receiver array allows us to determine fish movement and behavioral responses to Libby dam operations as well as other mitigation measures (discharge and temperature). In addition to general large scale movement monitoring with the Vemco VR2W array, this work element will also include incorporating Vemco's VPS which will allow us to evaluate finer scale sturgeon movements in the straight reach (rkm 244-246).$70,0007.43%05/01/202001/29/2021
H202657157Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab DataAdult White sturgeon samplingThis work element involves collecting adult sturgeon with setlines or by angling. The purpose is to evaluate changes in stock status and catch rates, to check for presence of tags or previous marks for abundance and survival evaluation, to collect specimens to tag for movement evaluation studies, and to evaluate physical health of a sample of the population. This data is critically important, there is potential that the first cohorts of hatchery reared fish to begin to recruit to adult sampling methods. Sexual maturity of fish may be evaluated by checking for milt in males or eggs within females.$145,00015.39%05/01/202001/29/2021
I202658157Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab DataEvaluate biological response to KTOI habitat enhancement projectsThis work element pertains specifically to evaluating the biological response to the habitat projects in and above the Straight reach near Bonners Ferry (rkms> 246). First, we will determine use of the structures by spawning female sturgeon using a Vemco VPS telemetry system, second we will evaluate whether adult sturgeon spawn on the habitat structures by using our standard egg mats, and finally we will evaluate if any successful hatching and subsequent drift occurs by using D-ring plankton nets. Although these 3 methods have been used for many years in this program, we have altered our standard sampling methods and have developed protocols and study designs specific to evaluate these habitat structures.$121,00012.85%05/01/202001/29/2021
J202659132Produce Progress (Annual) ReportComplete Comprehensive Project Report for Sturgeon, Burbot ,& NutrientA comprehensive draft annual report will be prepared including all studies completed by the IDFG. This report will include results from White sturgeon and burbot recruitment evaluation, as well as nutrient restoration and native salmonid studies. This report will also include major research findings from other contracted studies including tributary investigations.$100,00010.62%05/01/202004/30/2021
K202660157Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab DataEvaluate Burbot early life history: field evaluationsThe Burbot population in the Kootenai basin has been in decline since the mid-1960s, culminating in a closure of both recreational and commercial fisheries in Idaho and British Columbia in 1992 and 1997, respectively. Because the Kootenai River Burbot stock is so limited (Paragamian and Laude 2008), the introduction of a genetically similar donor stock was found to be a useful approach to enhance the population via conservation aquaculture. Since 2009, intensive culture techniques developed by the Kootenai Tribe of Idaho, BC Ministry of Forest, Land, Natural Resource Operations, and Rural Development, the University of Idaho Aquaculture Research Institute, and Idaho Department of Fish and Game have become important restoration measures for Burbot in the Kootenai River. The objective of the project is to restore the Burbot population in the Idaho reach of the Kootenai River in order to provide an annual sustainable harvest of Burbot. This work element contains specific early life history evaluations aimed at characterizing survival, growth, and distribution of larval-released Burbot in the Kootenai River basin. More specifically targeted releases of genetically tagged Burbot occur in different main- and off-channel habitats in the basin, as well as at different developmental stages. If fish from the various release groups are encountered in hoopnets at later dates, inferences will be made regarding early life history needs and bottlenecks, with the ultimate objective of estimating survival of fish from different experimental releases.$85,0009.02%05/01/202004/30/2021
L202661157Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab DataEvaluate juvenile and adult Burbot population dynamicsWe will document trends in the adult and juvenile Burbot population using hoop nets throughout the Kootenai River in Idaho and British Columbia. Numbers and distribution of adults and juveniles will be documented in established trend locations, and biological information including length, weight, genetics, and presence of PIT tags or other identifying marks on adult and juvenile Burbot will be recorded. Burbot movements and responses to mitigation actions will be evaluated with passive telemetry techniques. We will analyze existing telemetry data and deploy additional tags. We will surgically implant VEMCO sonic transmitters in Burbot to better understand general movement patterns and behaviors, as well as spawning migrations, especially as they pertain to varying flows and water temperatures released from Libby Dam during the winter months. In addition to measuring spawn timing, frequency, and response to environmental conditions using passive telemetry techniques, we will also use PIT tag technology. Many Burbot have been released from the University of Idaho Aquatic Research Institute and from the Kootenai Tribal hatchery that were marked with PIT tags. Therefore, a half and full duplex (HDX and FDX, respectively) array will be operated in Deep Creek to determine if hatchery Burbot are using tributary habitats to spawn once they reach sexual maturity. In an effort to reduce logistical hurdles, tag loss, and costs associated with tagging large numbers of KTOI hatchery Burbot prior to release, Parental Based Tagging (PBT) markers and techniques (Anderson and Garza 2005) were developed by the IDFG Eagle Fish Genetics Laboratory in concert with University of Idaho personnel. A 100% assignment rate using SNIP markers was developed and made available in 2013. Assuming the few adult Burbot from future KTOI hatchery spawning operations (approx. 60 fish) are genotyped annually, all future hatchery progeny will be effectively marked with a genetic tag. Subsequently, Burbot captured across the basin that do not have PIT tags could have tissues sampled to determine family of origin along with all desired stocking year and/or rearing information. The small cost of developing and testing this marking approach is built into the deliverable budget.$145,00015.39%05/01/202004/30/2021
M202662189Coordination-Columbia BasinwideCoordination of transboundary Burbot and sturgeon studies with BCMEThis Work Element is a contract with the British Columbia Ministry of Environment. This Work Element will be implemented by the British Columbia Ministry of Environment. Sampling of burbot and white sturgeon will be coordinated by the Idaho Department of Fish and Game in British Columbia waters with the British Columbia Ministry of Environment$20,0002.12%05/01/202004/30/2021
N202663157Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab DataEcosystem Restoration: Fish Population MonitoringThe Ecosystem Restoration Project is a collaborative effort between the Kootenai Tribe of Idaho (KTOI) and the Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG). Technical support is received from the International Kootenai River Ecosystem Restoration Team and the Kootenai Valley Resource Initiative. The IDFG is responsible for evaluating the response of the resident fish populations in the Kootenai River to various habitat projects and changes and the addition of nutrients.$45,0004.78%05/01/202004/30/2021
O202664157Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab DataRainbow Trout Recruitment and Early Life HistoryPhase 2 of a comprehensive otolith microchemistry study will be completed to determine the tributaries of origin of adult Rainbow Trout collected in the Idaho and Montana portions of the Kootenai River. This is a collaborative study with the New Mexico Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Idaho Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Idaho Department of Fish and Game and Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks. Pursuance of this study was contingent upon (1) a pilot study that was completed in 2014-15 and (2) the successful completion of Phase 1 of the project in 2015.$5,0000.53%05/01/202004/30/2021

Deliverable Title WSE Sort Letter, Number, Title Start End Concluded
Complete All Environmental Compliance Tasks as Needed B: 165. Complete All Environmental Compliance Tasks - No Ground Disturbance Activities within SOW 04/30/2021 04/26/2021
Effective implementation management and timely contract administration C: 119. Manage and Administer Kootenai River Resident Fish Mitigation Project 04/30/2021 04/26/2021
Egg mat sampling D: 157. White sturgeon spawning evaluation 09/14/2020 07/23/2020
Larval sturgeon sampling E: 157. White sturgeon larval hatching sampling 08/31/2020 08/07/2020
Evaluation of wild and hatchery reared juvenile sturgeon F: 157. Juvenile white sturgeon recruitment and evaluation 11/02/2020 10/30/2020
Effects of Libby Dam operations on sturgeon movements G: 157. White sturgeon movement evaluation 11/30/2020 11/30/2020
Adult sturgeon sampling with setlines and angling H: 157. Adult White sturgeon sampling 11/20/2020 11/20/2020
Evaluation of habitat use, spawning, and larval production on KTOI habitat projects in the braided and straight reaches I: 157. Evaluate biological response to KTOI habitat enhancement projects 08/14/2020 08/07/2020
White Sturgeon, Burbot, Nutrient Enhancement and Trout Studies Annual Report J: 132. Complete Comprehensive Project Report for Sturgeon, Burbot ,& Nutrient 04/30/2021 04/26/2021
Estimate survival of pre-feeding larval Burbot. K: 157. Evaluate Burbot early life history: field evaluations 04/30/2021 04/26/2021
Evaluate the juvenile and adult Burbot population in the Kootenai River and its tributaries. L: 157. Evaluate juvenile and adult Burbot population dynamics 04/30/2021 04/26/2021
Burbot and sturgeon sampling in BC coordinated and completed M: 189. Coordination of transboundary Burbot and sturgeon studies with BCME 04/30/2021 04/26/2021
Fish-related field work and data analysis for the Ecosystem Restoration Project N: 157. Ecosystem Restoration: Fish Population Monitoring 04/30/2021 04/26/2021
Analyses evaluating early-life history of rainbow trout in the Kootenai River O: 157. Rainbow Trout Recruitment and Early Life History 04/30/2021 04/26/2021

Viewing of Implementation Metrics
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Work Element Name
Metric ID
End Fiscal Year
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Annual Progress Report Measures
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WSE Start
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Study Plan
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Focus 2
Specific Metric Title

Primary Focal Species Work Statement Elements
Burbot (Lota lota)
  • 2 instances of WE 157 Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data
Sturgeon, White (A. transmontanus) - Kootenai River DPS (Endangered)
  • 6 instances of WE 157 Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data
Trout, Bull (S. confluentus) (Threatened)
  • 1 instance of WE 157 Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data
Trout, Rainbow (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
  • 2 instances of WE 157 Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data
Trout, Interior Redband (O. mykiss gairdnerii)
  • 1 instance of WE 157 Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data

Sort WE ID WE Title NEPA NOAA USFWS NHPA Has Provisions Inadvertent Discovery Completed
A 185 Periodic Status Reports for BPA
B 165 Complete All Environmental Compliance Tasks - No Ground Disturbance Activities within SOW
C 119 Manage and Administer Kootenai River Resident Fish Mitigation Project
D 157 White sturgeon spawning evaluation 02/21/2020
E 157 White sturgeon larval hatching sampling 02/21/2020
F 157 Juvenile white sturgeon recruitment and evaluation 02/21/2020
G 157 White sturgeon movement evaluation 02/21/2020
H 157 Adult White sturgeon sampling 02/21/2020
I 157 Evaluate biological response to KTOI habitat enhancement projects 02/21/2020
J 132 Complete Comprehensive Project Report for Sturgeon, Burbot ,& Nutrient
K 157 Evaluate Burbot early life history: field evaluations 02/21/2020
L 157 Evaluate juvenile and adult Burbot population dynamics 02/21/2020
M 189 Coordination of transboundary Burbot and sturgeon studies with BCME
N 157 Ecosystem Restoration: Fish Population Monitoring 02/21/2020
O 157 Rainbow Trout Recruitment and Early Life History 02/21/2020