View and print project details including project summary, purpose, associations to Biological Opinions, and area. To learn more about any of the project properties, hold your mouse cursor over the field label.
Province | Subbasin | % |
Upper Snake | Snake Upper | 100.00% |
Description: Page: 1 Cover: Cover photo Project(s): 1995-057-02 Document: 00014331-1 Dimensions: 504 x 508 |
To view all expenditures for all fiscal years, click "Project Exp. by FY"
To see more detailed project budget information, please visit the "Project Budget" page
Acct FY | Acct Type | Amount | Fund | Budget Decision | Date |
FY2024 | Expense | $568,557 | From: Fish Accord - Shoshone Bannock | Shoshone Bannock Tribe (SBT) 2023-2025 Accord Extension | 09/30/2022 |
FY2024 | Expense | $34,173 | From: Fish Accord - Shoshone Bannock | Accord Transfers (SBT) 3/20/24 | 03/21/2024 |
FY2024 | Expense | $34,173 | To: Fish Accord - Shoshone Bannock | Accord Transfers (SBT) 3/20/24 | 03/21/2024 |
FY2024 | Expense | $83,858 | From: Fish Accord - Shoshone Bannock | Accord Transfers (SBT) 3/20/24 | 03/21/2024 |
FY2024 | Expense | $83,858 | To: Fish Accord - Shoshone Bannock | Accord Transfers (SBT) 3/20/24 | 03/21/2024 |
FY2024 | Expense | $41,512 | From: Fish Accord - Shoshone Bannock | Accord Transfers (SBT) 3/20/24 | 03/21/2024 |
FY2024 | Expense | $41,512 | To: Fish Accord - Shoshone Bannock | Accord Transfers (SBT) 3/20/24 | 03/21/2024 |
FY2025 | Expense | $582,771 | From: Fish Accord - Shoshone Bannock | Shoshone Bannock Tribe (SBT) 2023-2025 Accord Extension | 09/30/2022 |
Number | Contractor Name | Title | Status | Total Contracted Amount | Dates |
BPA-004589 | Bonneville Power Administration | SBT's SIWM Acquisitions | Active | $0 | 10/1/2008 - 9/30/2009 |
BPA-005410 | Bonneville Power Administration | SBT's SIWM Acquisitions | Active | $0 | 10/1/2009 - 9/30/2010 |
BPA-005699 | Bonneville Power Administration | SBT's Acquisitions = Lavaside, Cash, Twin Waters | Active | $1,996,948 | 10/1/2010 - 9/30/2011 |
BPA-006470 | Bonneville Power Administration | FY12 Capital Land Acquisitions | Active | $3,666,163 | 10/1/2011 - 9/30/2012 |
BPA-007859 | Bonneville Power Administration | Land Acquisition - Capital | Active | $0 | 10/1/2013 - 9/30/2014 |
BPA-008134 | Bonneville Power Administration | FY15 Land Acquisitions | Active | $0 | 10/1/2014 - 9/30/2015 |
BPA-008673 | Bonneville Power Administration | FY16 Land Acquisitions | Active | $0 | 10/1/2015 - 9/30/2016 |
BPA-009234 | Bonneville Power Administration | FY17 Land Acquisition (capital) | Active | $0 | 10/1/2016 - 9/30/2017 |
BPA-010090 | Bonneville Power Administration | FY18 Capital Land Acquisitions | Active | $0 | 10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018 |
BPA-010600 | Bonneville Power Administration | FY19 Land Aquisitions/other | Active | $0 | 10/1/2018 - 9/30/2019 |
BPA-011331 | Bonneville Power Administration | FY20 Land Acquisitions/Misc. | Active | $0 | 10/1/2019 - 9/30/2020 |
Number | Contractor Name | Title | Status | Total Contracted Amount | Dates |
366 REL 1 SOW | Shoshone-Bannock Tribes | 1995-057-02 PALISADES WILDLIFE MITIGATION PROGRAM | Terminated | $172,203 | 5/26/2000 - 5/25/2001 |
6413 SOW | Shoshone-Bannock Tribes | 1995-057-02 PALISADES WILDLIFE MITIGATION PROGRAM | Closed | $161,642 | 6/1/2001 - 6/30/2003 |
14331 SOW | Shoshone-Bannock Tribes | 1995-057-02 RUDEEN RANCH/INDIAN SPRINGS WILDLIFE MITIGTION | History | $214,982 | 5/1/2003 - 4/30/2006 |
14608 SOW | Shoshone-Bannock Tribes | 1995-057-02 SODA SPRINGS HILLS WILDLIFE MITIGATION PROJECT | History | $244,777 | 5/1/2003 - 4/30/2006 |
29751 SOW | Shoshone-Bannock Tribes | 1995-057-02 EXP RUDEEN RANCH/INDIAN SPRINGS WILDLIFE MITIGTION | History | $108,624 | 5/1/2006 - 4/30/2007 |
29855 SOW | Shoshone-Bannock Tribes | 1995-057-02 EXP SODA SPRINGS HILLS WILDLIFE MITIGATION PROJECT | History | $147,383 | 5/1/2006 - 4/30/2007 |
32737 SOW | Shoshone-Bannock Tribes | 199505702 EXP RUDEEN RANCH/INDIAN SPRINGS WILDLIFE MITIGTION | Closed | $121,095 | 5/1/2007 - 5/31/2008 |
32727 SOW | Shoshone-Bannock Tribes | 199505702 EXP SODA SPRINGS HILLS WILDLIFE MITIGATION PROJECT | Closed | $118,214 | 5/1/2007 - 5/31/2008 |
32728 SOW | Shoshone-Bannock Tribes | 1995-057-02 EXP SOUTHERN IDAHO WILDLIFE MITIGATION - SBT ADMIN | Closed | $56,858 | 5/1/2007 - 5/31/2008 |
BPA-005534 | Bonneville Power Administration | TBL Task Order | Active | $4,727 | 10/1/2007 - 9/30/2008 |
38574 SOW | Shoshone-Bannock Tribes | 1995-057-02 SODA SPRINGS HILLS WILDLIFE MITIGATION PROJECT | Closed | $132,392 | 6/1/2008 - 6/30/2009 |
37978 SOW | Shoshone-Bannock Tribes | 1995-057-02 EXP S IDAHO WILDLIFE MITIGATION | Closed | $70,468 | 6/1/2008 - 6/30/2009 |
38573 SOW | Shoshone-Bannock Tribes | 1995-057-02 RUDEEN RANCH/ INDIAN SPRINGS WILDLIFE MITIGATION | Closed | $126,407 | 6/1/2008 - 6/30/2009 |
BPA-004590 | Bonneville Power Administration | Land/TBL Work for SBT's SIWM Acquisitions | Active | $561,017 | 10/1/2008 - 9/30/2009 |
44031 SOW | Shoshone-Bannock Tribes | 199505702 EXP SHOSHONE-BANNOCK WILDLIFE MITIGATION PROJECTS | Closed | $642,990 | 7/1/2009 - 8/31/2011 |
BPA-005042 | Bonneville Power Administration | FY10 Southern Idaho Wildlife Mitigation - SBT | Active | $9,025 | 10/1/2009 - 9/30/2010 |
BPA-005482 | Bonneville Power Administration | TBL Work for FY11 ShoBan | Active | $83,963 | 10/1/2010 - 9/30/2011 |
54764 SOW | Shoshone-Bannock Tribes | 1995-057-02 EXP SHOSHONE-BANNOCK WILDLIFE MITIGATION | Closed | $386,898 | 9/1/2011 - 11/30/2012 |
BPA-006204 | Bonneville Power Administration | FY12 Southern Idaho Wildlife Mitigation - SBT | Active | $23,376 | 10/1/2011 - 9/30/2012 |
BPA-006854 | Bonneville Power Administration | Southern Idaho Wildlife Mitigation -- SBT | Active | $1,039 | 10/1/2012 - 9/30/2013 |
60479 SOW | Shoshone-Bannock Tribes | 1995-057-02 EXP SHOSHONE-BANNOCK WILDLIFE MITIGATION | Closed | $387,857 | 12/1/2012 - 11/30/2013 |
BPA-007575 | Bonneville Power Administration | Southern Idaho Wildlife Mitigation - SBT | Active | $1,769 | 10/1/2013 - 9/30/2014 |
63492 SOW | Shoshone-Bannock Tribes | 1995-057-02 EXP SBT IDAHO WILDLIFE MITIGATION | Closed | $532,865 | 12/1/2013 - 1/31/2015 |
BPA-008225 | Bonneville Power Administration | Land/TBL Work | Active | $9,951 | 10/1/2014 - 9/30/2015 |
68102 SOW | Shoshone-Bannock Tribes | 1995-057-02 EXP SBT IDAHO WILDLIFE MITIGATION | Closed | $403,143 | 2/1/2015 - 1/31/2016 |
BPA-008566 | Bonneville Power Administration | FY16 TBL Realty Services | Active | $796,364 | 10/1/2015 - 9/30/2016 |
71639 SOW | Shoshone-Bannock Tribes | 1995-057-02 EXP SOUTHERN IDAHO WILDLIFE MITIGATION | Closed | $532,996 | 2/1/2016 - 1/31/2017 |
BPA-009453 | Bonneville Power Administration | FY17 TBL Task Order | Active | $15,946 | 10/1/2016 - 9/30/2017 |
75040 SOW | Shoshone-Bannock Tribes | 1995-057-02 EXP SOUTHERN IDAHO WILDLIFE MITIGATION | Closed | $460,758 | 2/1/2017 - 3/31/2018 |
77111 REL 7 SOW | Shoshone-Bannock Tribes | 1995-057-02 EXP SOUTHERN IDAHO WILDLIFE MITIGATION | Closed | $480,211 | 4/1/2018 - 3/31/2019 |
77111 REL 17 SOW | Shoshone-Bannock Tribes | 1995-057-02 EXP SOUTHERN IDAHO WILDLIFE MITIGATION | Closed | $416,142 | 4/1/2019 - 3/31/2020 |
77111 REL 27 SOW | Shoshone-Bannock Tribes | 1995-057-02 EXP SOUTHERN IDAHO WILDLIFE MITIGATION | Closed | $461,574 | 4/1/2020 - 3/31/2021 |
77111 REL 36 SOW | Shoshone-Bannock Tribes | 1995-057-02 EXP SOUTHERN IDAHO WILDLIFE MITIGATION | Closed | $464,738 | 4/1/2021 - 3/31/2022 |
77111 REL 47 SOW | Shoshone-Bannock Tribes | 1995-057-02 CAP SHOSHONE-BANNOCK WILDLIFE MITIGATION | Closed | $461,491 | 4/1/2022 - 3/31/2023 |
84068 REL 4 SOW | Shoshone-Bannock Tribes | 1995-057-02 EXP SOUTHERN IDAHO WILDLIFE MITIGATION | Closed | $413,297 | 4/1/2023 - 3/31/2024 |
84068 REL 13 SOW | Shoshone-Bannock Tribes | 1995-057-02 EXP SOUTHERN IDAHO WILDLIFE MITIGATION | Issued | $568,557 | 4/1/2024 - 3/31/2025 |
CR-375470 SOW | Shoshone-Bannock Tribes | 1995-057-02 EXP SOUTHERN IDAHO WILDLIFE MITIGATION | Pending | $582,771 | 4/1/2025 - 3/31/2026 |
Annual Progress Reports | |
Expected (since FY2004): | 51 |
Completed: | 3 |
On time: | 3 |
Status Reports | |
Completed: | 106 |
On time: | 29 |
Avg Days Late: | 28 |
Count of Contract Deliverables | ||||||||||||||
Earliest Contract | Subsequent Contracts | Title | Contractor | Earliest Start | Latest End | Latest Status | Accepted Reports | Complete | Green | Yellow | Red | Total | % Green and Complete | Canceled |
14608 | 29855, 32727, 38574 | 1995-057-02 SODA SPRINGS HILLS WILDLIFE MITIGATION PROJECT | Shoshone-Bannock Tribes | 05/01/2003 | 06/30/2009 | Closed | 17 | 32 | 0 | 0 | 24 | 56 | 57.14% | 0 |
14331 | 29751, 32728, 32737, 37978, 38573, 44031, 54764, 60479, 63492, 68102, 71639, 75040, 77111 REL 7, 77111 REL 17, 77111 REL 27, 77111 REL 36, 77111 REL 47, 84068 REL 4, 84068 REL 13, CR-375470 | 1995-057-02 EXP SOUTHERN IDAHO WILDLIFE MITIGATION | Shoshone-Bannock Tribes | 05/01/2003 | 03/31/2026 | Pending | 89 | 202 | 10 | 1 | 105 | 318 | 66.67% | 5 |
BPA-5534 | TBL Task Order | Bonneville Power Administration | 10/01/2007 | 09/30/2008 | Active | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
BPA-4589 | SBT's SIWM Acquisitions | Bonneville Power Administration | 10/01/2008 | 09/30/2009 | Active | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
BPA-4590 | Land/TBL Work for SBT's SIWM Acquisitions | Bonneville Power Administration | 10/01/2008 | 09/30/2009 | Active | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
BPA-5410 | SBT's SIWM Acquisitions | Bonneville Power Administration | 10/01/2009 | 09/30/2010 | Active | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
BPA-5042 | FY10 Southern Idaho Wildlife Mitigation - SBT | Bonneville Power Administration | 10/01/2009 | 09/30/2010 | Active | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
BPA-5482 | TBL Work for FY11 ShoBan | Bonneville Power Administration | 10/01/2010 | 09/30/2011 | Active | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
BPA-5699 | SBT's Acquisitions = Lavaside, Cash, Twin Waters | Bonneville Power Administration | 10/01/2010 | 09/30/2011 | Active | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
BPA-6204 | FY12 Southern Idaho Wildlife Mitigation - SBT | Bonneville Power Administration | 10/01/2011 | 09/30/2012 | Active | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
BPA-6470 | FY12 Capital Land Acquisitions | Bonneville Power Administration | 10/01/2011 | 09/30/2012 | Active | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
BPA-6854 | Southern Idaho Wildlife Mitigation -- SBT | Bonneville Power Administration | 10/01/2012 | 09/30/2013 | Active | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
BPA-7575 | Southern Idaho Wildlife Mitigation - SBT | Bonneville Power Administration | 10/01/2013 | 09/30/2014 | Active | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
BPA-8134 | FY15 Land Acquisitions | Bonneville Power Administration | 10/01/2014 | 09/30/2015 | Active | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
BPA-8225 | Land/TBL Work | Bonneville Power Administration | 10/01/2014 | 09/30/2015 | Active | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
BPA-8566 | FY16 TBL Realty Services | Bonneville Power Administration | 10/01/2015 | 09/30/2016 | Active | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
BPA-8673 | FY16 Land Acquisitions | Bonneville Power Administration | 10/01/2015 | 09/30/2016 | Active | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
BPA-9453 | FY17 TBL Task Order | Bonneville Power Administration | 10/01/2016 | 09/30/2017 | Active | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
BPA-11331 | FY20 Land Acquisitions/Misc. | Bonneville Power Administration | 10/01/2019 | 09/30/2020 | Active | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
Project Totals | 106 | 234 | 10 | 1 | 129 | 374 | 65.24% | 5 |
Assessment Number: | 1995-057-02-NPCC-20210312 |
Project: | 1995-057-02 - Shoshone-Bannock Wildlife Mitigation Projects |
Review: | 2017 Wildlife Category Review |
Approved Date: | 10/13/2017 |
Recommendation: | Implement |
Comments: |
Recommendation: Sponsor to address ISRP qualifications in updated management plan in 2018 (per programmatic issue recommendations in this Decision Document Part 1) for ISRP review. [Background: See] |
Assessment Number: | 1995-057-02-ISRP-20201105 |
Project: | 1995-057-02 - Shoshone-Bannock Wildlife Mitigation Projects |
Review: | 2017 Wildlife Category Review |
Completed Date: | 11/5/2020 |
Final Round ISRP Date: | 6/28/2017 |
Final Round ISRP Rating: | Meets Scientific Review Criteria (Qualified) |
Final Round ISRP Comment: | |
The proponents provided extensive, well-thought-out responses to the questions posed by the ISRP including methods for determining desired future conditions (DFC), examples of S.M.A.R.T. objectives, intentions to revise the management plan with clear quantitative objectives and improved M&E, and an estimate of how much additional property needs to be purchased. The proponents indicate that desired future conditions (DFCs) will be based on vegetative communities within each habitat type contained on their properties. Monitoring will focus on plant species and vegetative cover to track progress toward achieving desired future conditions. Examples of the metrics (types of plants and percent cover values) being developed to characterize DFCs were provided. Progress is being made. A revised management plan will be completed by the end of 2017. Management strategies to achieve DFCs on different habitat types (e.g., grasslands/sage-steppe and wetlands) are being developed along with quantitative, time-sensitive objectives. The proponents acknowledge the need to purchase approximately 2,900 acres of additional land to complete their HU loss responsibility. Currently they are seeking properties with riparian habitats similar to their Lavaside and Legacy Spring properties. |
Qualification #1 - Provide Revised Management Plan
The proponents indicate that they are revising their management plan with improved objectives and M&E protocols by the end of 2017. The proponents should provide a draft of the revised management plan for ISRP review.
Documentation Links: |
Assessment Number: | 1995-057-02-NPCC-20091217 |
Project: | 1995-057-02 - Shoshone-Bannock Wildlife Mitigation Projects |
Review: | Wildlife Category Review |
Approved Date: | 5/31/2009 |
Recommendation: | Fund |
Comments: | Accord project. Programmatic issue #7. Sponsor to complete a mangement plan, that addressed ISRP concerns, within one year of acquiring mitigation properties. See ISRP recommendations. |
Conditions: | |
Council Condition #1 Programmatic Issue: Management Plans - Multiple uses of wildlife conservation lands |
Assessment Number: | 1995-057-02-ISRP-20090618 |
Project: | 1995-057-02 - Shoshone-Bannock Wildlife Mitigation Projects |
Review: | Wildlife Category Review |
Completed Date: | 5/19/2009 |
Final Round ISRP Date: | None |
Final Round ISRP Rating: | Meets Scientific Review Criteria (Qualified) |
Final Round ISRP Comment: | |
This is a substantial improvement from the 2007 proposal. Completion of management plans and selection of implementation methods will provide a stronger base for future program evaluation. Acquisitions and management planning are scientifically justified, but future O&M is not justified until management plans are complete and linked to M&E. This is the qualification on this proposal. The M&E should consist of effectiveness monitoring tools. HEP is suitable for crediting, but not scientifically credible for monitoring. It is important to use population monitoring to validate the results of habitat work. Results from ongoing projects like this one should summarize results to date in the proposals. It would have been informative to have seen the deer radio telemetry results and ruffed grouse point counts summarized. Similarly, there is a need to summarize baseline information.
1. Technical justification, program significance and consistency, and project relationships: The response is adequate, although these sections and abstract include more administrative history than is really needed. Section B includes details of losses, but no scientific approach to mitigation – just acres and HUs. Much of the information that might have been here is in the detailed project history that follows. 2. Project History and Results This section provides significant insight into how the sponsors are envisioning and implementing the project. Results to date are acquisitions and acquisitions in process, with clear priorities guiding those decisions. Results of O&M to date are not detailed. Management plans are being developed, as is a monitoring strategy. 3. Objectives, work elements, and methods The form version of this seems to lack order and there are work elements orphaned from any objective. Objectives need to be put into quantifiable terms and linked to work elements. The narrative clarifies the technical work elements, but not those related to coordination and compliance. These sections need to be better coordinated. Not many methods are cited except for monitoring. 4. M&E General M&E plans are presented, and the overall emphasis on adaptive management seems genuine. Of particular note is formulation of desired future conditions as a point of reference for monitoring and adaptive management. This is too often lacking; nevertheless, more details are needed on the proposed use of adaptive management and how this will fit into M&E. There should be a link to the monitoring protocols referenced, as was requested. It is possible to believe the sponsors consider HEP as a monitoring method; thus, the role of HEP, as distinct from biological monitoring, should be clarified. |
First Round ISRP Date: | 3/26/2009 |
First Round ISRP Rating: | Meets Scientific Review Criteria (Qualified) |
First Round ISRP Comment: | |
This is a substantial improvement from the 2007 proposal. Completion of management plans and selection of implementation methods will provide a stronger base for future program evaluation. Acquisitions and management planning are scientifically justified, but future O&M is not justified until management plans are complete and linked to M&E. The M&E should consist of effectiveness monitoring tools. HEP is suitable for crediting, but not scientifically credible for monitoring. It is important to use population monitoring to validate the results of habitat work. Results from ongoing projects like this one should summarize results to date in the proposals. It would have been informative to have seen the deer radio telemetry results and ruffed grouse point counts summarized. Similarly, there is a need to summarize baseline information. 1. Technical justification, program significance and consistency, and project relationships: The response is adequate, although these sections and abstract include more administrative history than is really needed. Section B includes details of losses, but no scientific approach to mitigation – just acres and HUs. Much of the information that might have been here is in the detailed project history that follows. 2. Project History and Results This section provides significant insight into how the sponsors are envisioning and implementing the project. Results to date are acquisitions and acquisitions in process, with clear priorities guiding those decisions. Results of O&M to date are not detailed. Management plans are being developed, as is a monitoring strategy. 3. Objectives, work elements, and methods The form version of this seems to lack order and there are work elements orphaned from any objective. Objectives need to be put into quantifiable terms and linked to work elements. The narrative clarifies the technical work elements, but not those related to coordination and compliance. These sections need to be better coordinated. Not many methods are cited except for monitoring. 4. M&E General M&E plans are presented, and the overall emphasis on adaptive management seems genuine. Of particular note is formulation of desired future conditions as a point of reference for monitoring and adaptive management. This is too often lacking; nevertheless, more details are needed on the proposed use of adaptive management and how this will fit into M&E. There should be a link to the monitoring protocols referenced, as was requested. It is possible to believe the sponsors consider HEP as a monitoring method; thus, the role of HEP, as distinct from biological monitoring, should be clarified. |
Documentation Links: |
Assessment Number: | 1995-057-02-NPCC-20090924 |
Project: | 1995-057-02 - Shoshone-Bannock Wildlife Mitigation Projects |
Review: | FY07-09 Solicitation Review |
Approved Date: | 10/23/2006 |
Recommendation: | Fund |
Comments: | ISRP not fundable. Funding contingent on favorable ISRP and Council review of revised proposal that is responsive to ISRP concerns. Interim funding pending wildlife o&m review. |
Assessment Number: | 1995-057-02-ISRP-20060831 |
Project: | 1995-057-02 - Shoshone-Bannock Wildlife Mitigation Projects |
Review: | FY07-09 Solicitation Review |
Completed Date: | 8/31/2006 |
Final Round ISRP Date: | None |
Final Round ISRP Rating: | Does Not Meet Scientific Review Criteria |
Final Round ISRP Comment: | |
The proposal did not include any narrative except to describe agreements and administrative processes and the response likewise did not constitute an actual proposal. Nevertheless, they pulled the cost of acquiring wildlife habitat out of the budget and are now asking for funds to perform O&M at existing sites and to pursue opportunities for future acquisitions. The response does not provide enough information to evaluate the scientific merit of the project.
The sponsors state that past funding provided for a wide variety of habitat protection and enhancement activities and that assessment of habitat improvement activities is being quantified. In addition they note that long-term management plans are being prepared in cooperation with other agencies. Reviewers are told, "detailed description of the activities can be found in project annual reports and work plans submitted to BPA." A comprehensive summary and evaluation of past accomplishments in terms of benefits to fish and wildlife would be a useful basis for the sponsors to begin formulating a future proposal should they choose to do so. |
Documentation Links: |
Assessment Number: | 1995-057-02-INLIEU-20090521 |
Project Number: | 1995-057-02 |
Review: | FY07-09 Solicitation Review |
Completed Date: | 10/6/2006 |
In Lieu Rating: | No Problems Exist |
Cost Share Rating: | None |
Comment: | New wildlife mitigation habitat acquisitions, and continued O&M on prior BPA-funded acquisitions; assume requested funds consistent with terms of MOA. |
Assessment Number: | 1995-057-02-CAPITAL-20090618 |
Project Number: | 1995-057-02 |
Review: | FY07-09 Solicitation Review |
Completed Date: | 9/14/2007 |
Capital Rating: | Qualifies for Capital Funding |
Capital Asset Category: | Land |
Comment: | Capital funding approval submitted by BPA COTR. The COTR, COTR's Manager and BPA Accountant certified that the request meets the BPA F&W capital policy and is approved for capital funding (if capital funds are available). |
Name | Role | Organization |
Chad Colter | Supervisor | Shoshone-Bannock Tribes |
Aren Eddingsaas | Project Lead | Shoshone-Bannock Tribes |
Daniel Stone (Inactive) | Interested Party | Shoshone-Bannock Tribes |
Dawn Williams (Inactive) | Administrative Contact | Shoshone-Bannock Tribes |
Shannell Ward | Administrative Contact | Shoshone-Bannock Tribes |
Jennifer Lord | Interested Party | Bonneville Power Administration |
Israel Duran | Env. Compliance Lead | Bonneville Power Administration |
Virginia Preiss | Project Manager | Bonneville Power Administration |