Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program
SOW Report
Project Number:
Chief Joseph Hatchery Program
Province Subbasin %
Columbia Cascade Okanogan 100.00%
Contract Number:
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Contract Description:
This contract is to the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation (CCT). This contract supports work and purchases that will lead to an efficient transition to future operations. More specifically, expenditures that relate to the administration and coordination needs, operational transition issues while the facilities are being constructed, implementation of the planned monitoring and evaluation and in season management program and purchases of critical equipment for the project. There are also key operational staff for the Tribe that will be responsible for hatchery operation and monitoring and evaluation. Staff to be hired include; Fisheries Technicians, M&E Biologist and a Hatchery Manager.

Specific issues under this contract are;
• final stages of planning and coordination prior to construction
•              update engineering drawing to split construction into two phases
• completion of final permitting
• obtaining building permits
• re-negotiating the Oroville Tonasket Irrigation District pond leases
• expenses for the Oroville Tonasket Irrigation District pond leases operation of acclimation ponds
• completing the lease with USACE for the hatchery site
• procurement of capital and operational equipment for hatchery
• construction management services (to be provided by TetraTech, Inc.)
• project management support & coordination of the entire project team
• refinement of 2011 budget & SOW
• development of 2012 budget & SOW
• development of CJHP Operations and Maintenance Manuals (draft material in FY 10)
• CCT staff training on M&E evaluation tools
• compilation of M&E data for In Season Management implementation
• Annual Project Review Workshop (In Season Management plan)
• support CCT staff on NPCC decision
• support of cost share negotiations and other policy issues
• review and revise HGMPs as necessary to reflect final ISRP comments & final design
• plan and prepare BA for use of Methow Composite Spring Chinook in CJHP
• produce a 2010  and 2011 annual progress report on key deliverables of construction management, operations transitions, M&E and In Season Management implementation and capital equipment purchases
Account Type(s):
Contract Start Date:
Contract End Date:
Current Contract Value:

* Expenditures data includes accruals and are based on data through 30-Nov-2024.

Env. Compliance Lead:
Contract Contractor:
Work Order Task(s):
Contract Type:
Contract (IGC)
Pricing Method:
Cost Reimbursement (CNF)
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Viewing of Work Statement Elements

Deliverable Title WSE Sort Letter, Number, Title Start End Concluded
Obtain building permits B: 165. Obtain Building Permits (CCT) - FY10 & FY11 04/30/2012 04/30/2012
Obtain acclimation pond leases and main hatchery site lease C: 92. Renew and Implement Acclimation Pond Leases, Complete Hatchery Site Lease (CCT) - FY10 & FY11 06/10/2011 12/31/2014
Required building permits obtained as needed schedule to implement construction. D: 119. Support Obtaining Building Permits & CCT Inspections (CCT - Pete Palmer) - FY10 & FY11 04/30/2012 04/30/2012
Plans for hatchery start-up & implementation, acclimation ponds operations, draft input on ops E: 119. Hatchery Operations Planning & Transition to Implementation (CCT) - FY 2013 09/30/2015 09/30/2014
Implementation training and planning for CJHP M&E and ISM F: 157. Implementation of CJHP M&E and In Season Management (ISM) (CCT) - FY10 & FY11 04/30/2012 04/30/2012
Modified designs & specifications based on separated construction schedules & well water supply. G: 175. Final Modifications to Step 3 Design & Specifications (TT) - FY10 & FY11 09/30/2010 09/30/2010
Construction management services and requirements fulfilled & complete per contractual requirements. H: 100. Contracted Construction Management (TT) - FY10 04/30/2011 04/30/2011
Construction management services & requirements fulfilled & complete per contractual requirements. I: 100. Contracted Construction Management (TT) - FY11 07/31/2013 07/31/2013
Completion of CJHP maintenance procedures J: 174. Development of Maintenance Procedure Manuals (TT) - FY11 07/31/2013 07/31/2013
Project management services for critical issues for CJHP operations, M&E start-up K: 119. Management & Coordination Support for CJHP Implementation (CCT Staff, DJW) - FY 10 04/30/2011 04/30/2011
Project management services for critical issues for CJHP operations, M&E start-up L: 119. Management & Coordination Support for CJHP Implementation (CCT Staff, DJW) - FY11 07/31/2013 07/31/2013
Progress on Initial drafts of the Operational areas (Chapters 1- 10) M: 174. Development of Operational Procedure Manuals (DJW) - FY10 08/31/2013 08/31/2013
Final drafts of Operations procedures for all Operational areas (Chapters 1- 10) N: 174. Development of Operational Procedure Manuals (DJW) - FY11 09/30/2013 09/30/2013
Updated manual for evaluation tools for ISM and staff trained for implementation of ISM O: 98. Implementation of CJHP M&E and ISM Program / Staff Training (DJW) - FY10 04/30/2011 04/30/2011
Summarized and assimilated data to support CJHP ISM and M&E Implementation P: 157. Implementation of CJHP M&E and ISM Program / Data Compilation (DJW) - FY10 05/31/2010 05/31/2010
Conduct annual CJHP M&E and ISM workshop and develop ISM for CJHP Q: 157. Implementation of CJHP M&E and ISM Program / Workshop (DJW) - FY10 12/15/2010 12/15/2010
Summarized and assimilated data to support CJHP ISM and M&E Implementation R: 157. Implementation of CJHP M&E and ISM Program / Data Compilation (DJW) - FY11 04/30/2012 04/30/2012
Conduct annual CJHP M&E and ISM workshop and develop ISM for CJHP S: 157. Implementation of CJHP M&E and ISM Program / Workshop (DJW) - FY11 06/30/2011 06/30/2011
Services to support CCT Staff T: 119. Support CCT Staff (NPCC, Cost Share, Policy Issues) (SSFCI) - FY10 04/30/2011 04/30/2011
Final revisions to CJHP summer/fall and spring Chinook HGMPs U: 174. Review of Final Pre-Operational HGMPs (SSFCI) - FY10 04/30/2011 04/30/2011
Support of M&E and ISM implementation V: 174. Implementation of CJHP M&E and ISM Program (SSFCI) - FY10 04/30/2011 04/30/2011
Draft BA for Methow Composite spring Chinook W: 165. Prepare BA for Integrating Methow Composite Spring Chinook (SSFCI) - FY10 04/30/2011 04/30/2011
Services to support CCT Staff X: 119. Support CCT Staff (Agency, Cost Share, Policy Issues) (SSFCI) - FY11 07/31/2013 07/31/2013
Support of M&E and ISM implementation Y: 174. Implementation of CJHP M&E and ISM Program (SSFCI) - FY11 04/30/2012 04/30/2012
Services to support consultation on Methow Spring Chinook BA Z: 165. Support Consultation for BA for Methow Spring Chinook (SSFCI) - FY11 06/30/2013 06/30/2013
Annual Progress Report for FY10 & FY11 Submitted AA: 132. Produce Annual Report (CCT, DJW, TT) - FY10 & FY11 04/30/2014 07/31/2013
Inspection report that will be an amendment to the January 2010 IEPR Report produced by Ben Gerwick AB: 100. Contracted Construction Management (Independent External Peer Review & Inspection) - FY10 & FY11 07/31/2013 07/31/2013
Added Programming to SCADA System AC: 171. Additional SCADA Programming 09/30/2014 07/31/2013
AHUs installed at CJH well houses #4, #5, #6 and #10, and Water Treatment Room AD: 171. NEW- Install Air Handling Units (AHUs) 09/30/2014 06/30/2014
Installed and functional wireless alarm system at CJH well field pump houses AE: 171. NEW- Install wireless alarm system as a redundant alarm system 09/30/2015
Design water-heating systems for Omak and Riverside Acclimation ponds. AF: 171. New - Design water-heating units for Omak and Riverside Acclimation ponds 09/30/2015
Install Water Heating Units at Omak and Riverside Acclimation Pond sites AG: 171. New - Build/install water heating units at Omak and Riverside Acclimation Ponds 09/30/2015

Viewing of Implementation Metrics
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Primary Focal Species Work Statement Elements
Chinook (O. tshawytscha) - Upper Columbia River Spring ESU (Endangered)
  • 1 instance of WE 92 Lease Land
  • 1 instance of WE 98 Other
  • 6 instances of WE 174 Produce Plan
  • 1 instance of WE 175 Produce Design
  • 5 instances of WE 157 Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data
  • 4 instances of WE 171 Build, Modify, and/or Refurbish Artificial Production Facility
  • 2 instances of WE 100 Construction Management
Chinook (O. tshawytscha) - Upper Columbia River Summer/Fall ESU
  • 1 instance of WE 92 Lease Land
  • 1 instance of WE 98 Other
  • 6 instances of WE 174 Produce Plan
  • 1 instance of WE 175 Produce Design
  • 5 instances of WE 157 Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data
  • 5 instances of WE 171 Build, Modify, and/or Refurbish Artificial Production Facility
  • 3 instances of WE 100 Construction Management

Sort WE ID WE Title NEPA NOAA USFWS NHPA Has Provisions Inadvertent Discovery Completed
A 185 Periodic Status Reports for BPA 05/01/2010
B 165 Obtain Building Permits (CCT) - FY10 & FY11 05/01/2010
C 92 Renew and Implement Acclimation Pond Leases, Complete Hatchery Site Lease (CCT) - FY10 & FY11 03/18/2010
D 119 Support Obtaining Building Permits & CCT Inspections (CCT - Pete Palmer) - FY10 & FY11 05/01/2010
E 119 Hatchery Operations Planning & Transition to Implementation (CCT) - FY 2013 05/01/2010
F 157 Implementation of CJHP M&E and In Season Management (ISM) (CCT) - FY10 & FY11 03/18/2010
G 175 Final Modifications to Step 3 Design & Specifications (TT) - FY10 & FY11 05/01/2010
H 100 Contracted Construction Management (TT) - FY10 05/01/2010
I 100 Contracted Construction Management (TT) - FY11 05/01/2010
J 174 Development of Maintenance Procedure Manuals (TT) - FY11 05/01/2010
K 119 Management & Coordination Support for CJHP Implementation (CCT Staff, DJW) - FY 10 05/01/2010
L 119 Management & Coordination Support for CJHP Implementation (CCT Staff, DJW) - FY11 05/01/2010
M 174 Development of Operational Procedure Manuals (DJW) - FY10 05/01/2010
N 174 Development of Operational Procedure Manuals (DJW) - FY11 05/01/2010
O 98 Implementation of CJHP M&E and ISM Program / Staff Training (DJW) - FY10 03/18/2010
P 157 Implementation of CJHP M&E and ISM Program / Data Compilation (DJW) - FY10 03/18/2010
Q 157 Implementation of CJHP M&E and ISM Program / Workshop (DJW) - FY10 03/18/2010
R 157 Implementation of CJHP M&E and ISM Program / Data Compilation (DJW) - FY11 03/18/2010
S 157 Implementation of CJHP M&E and ISM Program / Workshop (DJW) - FY11 03/18/2010
T 119 Support CCT Staff (NPCC, Cost Share, Policy Issues) (SSFCI) - FY10 05/01/2010
U 174 Review of Final Pre-Operational HGMPs (SSFCI) - FY10 05/01/2010
V 174 Implementation of CJHP M&E and ISM Program (SSFCI) - FY10 05/01/2010
W 165 Prepare BA for Integrating Methow Composite Spring Chinook (SSFCI) - FY10 05/01/2010
X 119 Support CCT Staff (Agency, Cost Share, Policy Issues) (SSFCI) - FY11 05/01/2010
Y 174 Implementation of CJHP M&E and ISM Program (SSFCI) - FY11 05/01/2010
Z 165 Support Consultation for BA for Methow Spring Chinook (SSFCI) - FY11 05/01/2010
AA 132 Produce Annual Report (CCT, DJW, TT) - FY10 & FY11 05/01/2010
AB 100 Contracted Construction Management (Independent External Peer Review & Inspection) - FY10 & FY11 05/01/2010
AC 171 Additional SCADA Programming 05/01/2010
AD 171 NEW- Install Air Handling Units (AHUs) 05/01/2010
AE 171 NEW- Install wireless alarm system as a redundant alarm system 05/01/2010
AF 171 New - Design water-heating units for Omak and Riverside Acclimation ponds 05/01/2010
AG 171 New - Build/install water heating units at Omak and Riverside Acclimation Ponds 05/01/2010