Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program
SOW Report
Contract 62026: 2007-155-00 EXP CRITFC STURGEON MASTER PLAN
Project Number:
Develop a Master Plan for a Rearing Facility to Enhance Selected Populations of White Sturgeon in the Columbia River Basin
Province Subbasin %
Columbia Plateau Columbia Lower Middle 100.00%
Contract Number:
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Contract Description:
Under this contract year we will  
1)  finalize and adopt a comprehensive regional Strategic Plan for sturgeon conservation, restoration, and management which provides essential guidance for hatchery Master Planning, and
2) complete Step I and Step 2 of the Master Planning Process, which includes a policy review, production objectives, genetics management plan, evaluate site & operation alternatives, conceptual design, coordinated implementation & evaluation schedule.
Account Type(s):
Contract Start Date:
Contract End Date:
Current Contract Value:

* Expenditures data includes accruals and are based on data through 28-Feb-2025.

Env. Compliance Lead:
Work Order Task(s):
Contract Type:
Contract (IGC)
Pricing Method:
Cost Reimbursement (CNF)
300 m
1000 ft
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Viewing 9 of 9 Work Statement Elements
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Work Element Name
WSE Effective Budget
% of Total WSE Effective Budget
WSE Start
A118272185Produce CBFish Status ReportPeriodic Status Reports for BPAThe Contractor shall report quarterly on the status of milestones and deliverables in Pisces. When indicating a deliverable milestone as COMPLETE, the contractor shall provide metrics and the final location (latitude and longitude) prior to submitting the report to the BPA COTR.$2,9751.94%10/01/201306/30/2014
B118282119Manage and Administer ProjectsContract Development and DirectionThis work element covers administrative and technical work to fulfill BPA's programmatic and contractual requirements such as financial reporting (accruals), and development of a contract renewal package (includes SOW, budget, property inventory). • Administer subcontractor paperwork: Read all BPA contract terms and conditions including all contract clauses that are required to flow down into subcontracts in preparation for subcontract negotiation. Upload confidential copy of subcontracts to Pisces no later than 30 days from date of subcontractor signature. • Submit monthly invoices electronically within 45 days: Contractor's Contract Manager should review all charges included in contract invoices to ensure they are allowable, allocable, and consistent with the approved line-item budget. For contracts with subcontracts, invoices and associated supporting backup must be submitted electronically within 90 days of the end of the month in which costs were incurred. Subcontracts should be written to include requirements for timely submission of invoices from the subcontractor. • Track inventory: If equipment is purchased, Tag all equipment purchased during the contract. If you are not a government entity with required procedures for what does, and does not have to be tagged, please follow requirements in the standardized language of your contract and with any additional clarity as provided by BPA’s Contracting Officer if you have questions. • If electronic equipment is purchased, dispose of electronic waste in accordance with state and local jurisdiction, laws, and policies: Confirm that adequate waste identification and collection procedures are in place and proper disposal practices are followed according to your governmental policy. If you do not have a policy, please contact your CO and/or COTR for guidance. The purpose is to keep hazardous materials from entering the normal waste stream, becoming land-fill, or being boot-legged into unregulated reprocessing and/or metals extraction. E-Waste usually includes: batteries, light ballasts, fluorescent tubes and bulbs, modems, routers, computers, and all equipment with electronic components. For current EPA guidance, please see: • Administer subcontractor paperwork: Read all BPA contract terms and conditions. Include all BPA contract clauses that are required to flow down into subcontracts in preparation of subcontracts. Upload confidential copy of subcontracts to Pisces no later than 30 days from date of subcontractor signature.$6,7164.37%07/01/201306/30/2014
C118275174Produce PlanBasin-wide Framework Plan for NPCCThere are multiple partially overlapping sturgeon conservation/mitigation/restoration planning efforts underway for different areas and jurisdictions/constituencies in the Columbia and Snake rivers. This project, which was initially focused on hatchery master planning, has had to expand it's efforts to address both the basin-wide sturgeon framework and the strategic plan for the management area. The intent of the Basin-Wide Framework Plan is to fold these different plans together under the overarching umbrella of the Framework Plan. In doing so, this will accomplish goals set forth by the ISRP and the NPCC for a "Management" Plan for White Sturgeon in the Columbia River Basin. This will allow for reach specific planning/restoration efforts while at the same time creating and maintaining Basin wide commonalities among tribal and state fisheries managers with a common goal of maintaining and enhancing the Basin's white sturgeon resource.$19,94712.99%07/01/201306/30/2014
D118277175Produce DesignSTEP 1: Complete any necessary Master Plan Facility Concept DesignsStep 1 master planning includes a preliminary/conceptual hatchery design including approximate structure size, layouts, rough plans and elevations, general electrical and piping layouts, etc. Much of this work was completed in the previous contract period. Step II involves development of a more detailed design This covers all work associated with the preparation of engineering or technical drawings, specifications and/or budgets required for the construction/installation of any structure or facility. This may include ancillary work such as land surveying, photogrammetric surveys, field surveys, etc. This work element is for only the step I design work. The more detailed 50%+ design stage is not undertaken until environmental compliance stage is substantially completed in step II.$74,86948.76%07/01/201306/30/2014
E118278174Produce PlanSTEP 1: Hatchery Master Plan Step I through BPA & NPCC acceptanceStep 1 of the hatchery master planning process is the conceptual/preliminary phase which addresses: 1) relationship and consistencies of the proposed project to the scientific principles identified in the 2000 Columbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program; 2) linkage to other projects and activities in the subbasin and the desired end-state condition for the target subbasin; 3) biological objectives; 4) expected project benefits; 5) implementation strategies; 6) relationship to basin-wide habitat strategies; 7) alternative measures that were considered for resolving the resource problem including relative cost effectiveness; 8) historical and current status of the species; 9) current and planned management of the species; 10) consistency of the proposed project with NMFS recovery plans and other fishery management and watershed plans; 11) status of the comprehensive environmental assessment; 12) monitoring and evaluation plan; 13) specific items and cost estimates for ten Fiscal years for planning and design (conceptual, preliminary, final), construction, operation, maintenance, monitoring, and evaluation; 14) the relation and link to Council Program artificial production policies and strategies; 15) a draft Hatchery and Genetic Management Plan; 16) a harvest plan; and 17) a conceptual design of the proposed strategies and/or facilities, including an assessment of the availability and utility of existing facilities. The Conceptual/Preliminary design phase completed under Step 1 is expected to produce cost estimates within a variance of plus or minus 35-50%. The plan development process also involves review of potential facility alternatives.$44,05028.69%07/01/201306/30/2014
F118284196Council Step ProcessSTEPS 1 & 2: Initiate Master Plan Step 2 TasksFollowing NPCC approval of the Step I Mater Plan, development plans are advanced to the confidence level of +/- 25 to 35% in the Step 2 submittal. At this stage, design is advanced to a degree that allows completion of a full environmental review. While Step 2 is still considered preliminary, technical detail is sufficiently refined to identify implementation constraints, costs and configurations that will subsequently change in only minor ways. Step 2 submittals will include a summary of the completed Environmental Impact Statement or Environmental Assessment, and preliminary design documents.$5,0003.26%07/01/201306/30/2014
G118519175Produce DesignSTEP 2: Facility Preliminary design & 30% cost estimateThis work element addresses completion of the 25-35% design, which is part of Step 2 and warrants its own WE. Initiating this work is contingent on completing the ISRP review of Step I. Hence, the schedule for initiating Step II is somewhat uncertain at this point.$00.00%07/01/201306/30/2014
H118273165Produce Environmental Compliance DocumentationSTEP 2: Assist with NEPA process contracted by BPAThis work element involves assistance with preparation of environmental compliance documents required by Step 2. Covers any work by the Contractor to investigate, gather, acquire, or prepare data and documents in support of obtaining environmental clearances for BPA. This work element is not initiated until Step I is completed and the hatchery master plan is approved by BPA and the NPCC. Work may include providing maps, drafting a biological assessment, obtaining permits, conducting public involvement activities, completing a cultural resource survey and report, inspecting water craft, vehicles, and heavy equipment for invasive species, implementing best management practices for lamprey, etc.$00.00%01/01/201406/30/2014
I118280132Produce Progress (Annual) ReportProgress ReportContracted documents will be considered the annual progress report.$00.00%

Deliverable Title WSE Sort Letter, Number, Title Start End Concluded
All administrative tasks fulfilled with timely quality products B: 119. Contract Development and Direction 06/30/2014 06/30/2014
Columbia River Basin White Sturgeon Framework Plan C: 174. Basin-wide Framework Plan for NPCC 06/30/2014 03/12/2014
Hatchery Master Plan Concept Designs and Specifications D: 175. STEP 1: Complete any necessary Master Plan Facility Concept Designs 02/28/2014 02/27/2014
CRITFC Master Plan E: 174. STEP 1: Hatchery Master Plan Step I through BPA & NPCC acceptance 06/30/2014

Viewing of Implementation Metrics
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Work Element Name
Metric ID
End Fiscal Year
Contractor Comments
All Measures
Annual Progress Report Measures
Viewing of Environmental Metrics Customize
WSE Start
WSE Progress
Study Plan
Focus 1
Focus 2
Specific Metric Title

Primary Focal Species Work Statement Elements
Sturgeon, White (A. transmontanus) - Lower Columbia River
  • 1 instance of WE 174 Produce Plan
Sturgeon, White (Acipenser transmontanus) - All Populations except Kootenai R. DPS
  • 1 instance of WE 196 Council Step Process
  • 2 instances of WE 174 Produce Plan
  • 2 instances of WE 175 Produce Design

Sort WE ID WE Title NEPA NOAA USFWS NHPA Has Provisions Inadvertent Discovery Completed
A 185 Periodic Status Reports for BPA 07/01/2013
B 119 Contract Development and Direction 07/01/2013
C 174 Basin-wide Framework Plan for NPCC 05/06/2013
D 175 STEP 1: Complete any necessary Master Plan Facility Concept Designs 05/06/2013
E 174 STEP 1: Hatchery Master Plan Step I through BPA & NPCC acceptance 05/06/2013
F 196 STEPS 1 & 2: Initiate Master Plan Step 2 Tasks
G 175 STEP 2: Facility Preliminary design & 30% cost estimate 07/01/2013
H 165 STEP 2: Assist with NEPA process contracted by BPA 07/01/2013
I 132 Progress Report 07/01/2013