Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program
SOW Report
Project Number:
Lower Clearwater and Potlatch Watersheds Habitat Improvements
Province Subbasin %
Mountain Snake Clearwater 100.00%
Contract Number:
Contract Title:
Contract Continuation:
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Contract Status:
Contract Description:
This contract continues restoration planning and implementation efforts initiated under Project #2008-604-00/Contract #61571.

This contract supplements work undertaken by BPA and Latah Soil and Water Conservation District (Latah SWCD) through Project #2002-061-00 and associated contracts.  Consistent with Project #2002-061-00, this contract will undertake practices designed to effectively implement the Latah SWCD's Potlatch River Watershed Management Plan.  The 377,776-acre Potlatch River watershed is located in north-central Idaho and is the largest tributary in the lower Clearwater River.  The Potlatch River is critical to wild Snake River steelhead.

Supported by the Accord between BPA and the State of Idaho, this contract seeks to complement the work currently on-going by the Latah SWCD to restore wild Snake River Steelhead to a robust, self-sustaining population within the Potlatch River through coord... inated implementation of best management practices on private/public agricultural, forest and range lands, coordination of interagency watershed planning efforts, continuation of watershed monitoring and development of outreach programs to landowners and agricultural producers.  Latah SWCD habitat restoration efforts are outlined in the Potlatch River Watershed Management Plan.      

This proposal is consistent with the NWPCC Fish and Wildlife Program’s goal to develop habitat-based programs designed to rebuild healthy, naturally producing fish and wildlife populations by protecting, mitigating, and restoring habitats. This project is consistent with the objectives and strategies of the Clearwater Subbasin Management Plan.

In an effort to lower stream temperatures, increase summer flows, decrease surface and channel erosion (and associated nutrient loading), and increase riparian habitat complexities, this contract will focus on erosion control and riparian restoration on private/public agricultural, forest, and range lands through the implementation of meadow restoration, livestock exclusion fencing, native plantings of riparian areas, passage barrier removal, protection of functional riparian areas, forest stand improvements, and soil health initiatives on agricultural lands.  Priority tributaries for restoration work within this contract include:  Big Bear Creek, Little Bear Creek, Corral Creek, and East Fork Potlatch River.

Latah SWCD staff will continue implementing riparian restoration and related projects throughout the Potlatch River watershed.  In addition, project staff will continue developing conservation plans with private/pulbic landowners and managers seeking additional BPA and non-BPA funds to implement best management practices designed for the improvement of steelhead spawning and rearing habitat.  Project staff will also continue coordination efforts with other watershed planning efforts throughout the region to improve fish habitat.
Account Type(s):
Contract Start Date:
Contract End Date:
Current Contract Value:

* Expenditures data includes accruals and are based on data through 28-Feb-2025.

Env. Compliance Lead:
Work Order Task(s):
Contract Type:
Contract (IGC)
Pricing Method:
Cost Reimbursement (CNF)
5 km
3 mi
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Viewing 17 of 17 Work Statement Elements
Sort Order
Work Element Name
WSE Effective Budget
% of Total WSE Effective Budget
WSE Start
A142219119Manage and Administer ProjectsManage and Administer BPA ContractsFulfill BPA project management and administration requirements associated with the Idaho/BPA Accord funds.$27,1434.38%09/20/201408/31/2015
B142220165Produce Environmental Compliance DocumentationVerify all NEPA Environmental Compliance has been completedSubmit SOW and supporting documents as needed for BPA's environmental planning and compliance group to determine environmental compliance status. Submit all information necessary for BPA to provide environmental clearance for these projects.$27,1434.38%09/20/201408/31/2015
C14222199Outreach and EducationOutreach and Education/Solicit Landowner ParticipationLandowner interactions will take place to review interest regarding the implementation of steelhead habitat restoration and/or protection strategies through a variety of formats that may include, but not be limited to, one-on-one discussions, focus groups, community meetings, and websites, Latah SWCD will have direct interactions with approximately 20 landowners. Following these interactions, approximately 10 site reviews will be undertaken as outlined in WE 114 (Identify and Select Projects) and approximately 3 conservation plans will be developed as outlined in WE 174 (Produce Plan). Conservation implementation recommendations from these interactions may be incorporated into revisions of the Potlatch River Watershed Management Plan and, when appropriate, the Latah SWCD's 5-year Resource Conservation Plan.$7,7551.25%09/20/201408/31/2015
D142222174Produce PlanDevelop Initial Conservation PlansThe success of this WE is determined by landowner interest. The Latah SWCD implements habitat protection, restoration, and/or enhancement on private lands through the development of individual conservation plans with associated binding contracts between the landowner and/or land user and the conservation district. The purpose is to protect and/or restore critical steelhead habitat within those areas identified in the Potlatch River Watershed Management Plan. The Latah SWCD, in consultation with affected landowners, land users and conservation agencies, will produce initial conservation plans designed to provide landowners enough information to elevate their degree of interest towards the implementation of select steelhead habitat protection and/or restoration strategies. Each plan will be developed in concert with supplemental information such as limiting factors, engineering designs and cost estimates. This will allow landowners to better view the extent to which they wish to both commit themselves to a select set of practices. Landowners who confirm they want one of the proposed habitat improvement project options will then have the initial conservation plans fine-tuned and LSWCD will seek funding to implement the conservation practices outlined in their conservation plans.$11,6331.88%09/20/201408/31/2015
E142223114Identify and Select ProjectsIdentify and Review Potential Restoration SitesWork with landowners identified through WE 99 (Outreach and Education) to identify and review potential sites for riparian and stream habitat improvement projects in association with Idaho/BPA Accord funding. Outreach efforts, consultation, and site evaluations will be carried out in concert with the Potlatch River Watershed Management Plan. Efforts will be made to link an individual's objectives with a prioritized set of restoration strategies, while heightening overall public awareness of the various means towards restoring a robust, self-sustaining steelhead population. Priority restorations will be defined and protection strategies to benefit steelhead habitat via direct, voluntary efforts on both private and public lands for steelhead restoration will be identified. Conservation plans (WE 174 - Develop Initial Conservation Plans) will be developed for landowners on properties that show a strong potential for habitat improvements.$65,91810.64%09/20/201408/31/2015
F14222485Remove/Breach Fish Passage BarrierPassage Barrier Removal - Dutch Flat Dam - Phase IIThe budget for this work element is insufficient to complete the restoration components following the removal of the Dutch Flat dam. Funding for this work element is requested to serve as partial matching funds for a contract currently funded by the Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery funds managed by the Idaho Office of Species Conservation (IOSC). The concrete structure was removed in 2013. This WE serves as a continuation of the work that was initiated under contract #61571.$23,2653.75%09/20/201408/31/2015
G14222530Realign, Connect, and/or Create ChannelCorral Creek Meadow Restoration - Racetrack - Phase IIThis work element will implement the final meadow restoration designs development by Latah SWCD. The meadow restoration design stage was funded by the Idaho Office of Species Conservation through the Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund and through Ecotrust with funding through NOAA-Fisheries. This WE serves as a continuation of the work that was initiated under contract #61571.$46,5317.51%09/20/201408/31/2015
H14222630Realign, Connect, and/or Create ChannelRiparian Restoration - Big Bear Creek/Swanstrom (TH1) - Phase IIFunding from previous contracts has been used to produce engineered designs and cost estimates. The implementation funding associated with this work element will be used by the Latah SWCD as partial matching funds for contracts secured through the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality through EPA's CWA 319 program. This WE serves as a continuation of the work that was initiated under contract #61571.$108,57017.52%09/20/201408/31/2015
I14222730Realign, Connect, and/or Create ChannelRiparian/Meadow Restoration - Upper Corral Creek/USFS - Phase IChannel realignment and meadow restoration will take place within a degraded meadow system of Corral Creek. The meadow is located on ground managed by the US Forest Service. Funding for the engineering and planning was secured from the Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund (PCSRF) managed by the Idaho Office of Species Conservation (IOSC). The majority of the implementation funding for this project was also secured through the PCSRF. This project will take several years to complete. Funding under this contract, in combination with funds secured through the PCSRF, will be used to initiate construction on the site during the summer months of 2015. Construction will continue in the fall of 2015 and the summer of 2016 through the next contract associated with Project 2008-604-00.$155,10125.03%09/20/201408/31/2015
J14222830Realign, Connect, and/or Create ChannelRiparian Restoration - Big Bear Creek/IDLThis work element, in coordination with the Idaho Department of Lands (IDL), will assess riparian habitat conditions on private lands within a select area of the Big Bear Creek watershed. After the assessments have been completed, riparian habitat restoration plans will be developed and implemented within this watershed. Funding within this work element will be used by the Latah SWCD and the IDL as partial matching funds for approximately $190,000 in additional planning and implementation funding through the Western Competitive Grant program of State and Private Forestry (S&PF) organization of the US Forest Service. This work element simultaneously implements the habitat restoration priorities within the Potlatch River Watershed Management Plan and the State of Idaho's Statewide Forest Resource Strategy (SFRS). See This WE serves as a continuation of the work that was initiated under contract #61571.$54,2868.76%09/20/201408/31/2015
K142229175Produce DesignRiparian Restoration - East Fork Potlatch River/USFSA heavily channelized reach of the East Fork Potlatch River will be reviewed and design work initiated to reconnect the river system to the original sinuous channel and reconnect the stream with the meadow floodplain. This WE serves as a continuation of the work that was initiated under contract #61571.$34,8985.63%09/20/201408/31/2015
L142230175Produce DesignRiparian Restoration - Little Bear Creek/Nora CreekA degraded meadow system on private lands within Nora Creek will be reviewed and design work initiated to reconnect the degraded channel system to the meadow floodplain. This WE serves as a continuation of the work that was initiated under contract #61571.$11,6331.88%09/20/201408/31/2015
M142231132Produce Progress (Annual) ReportSubmit Progress Report for the period (July 2013) to (September 2014)The progress report summarizes the project goal, objectives, hypotheses, completed and uncompleted deliverables, problems encountered, lessons learned, and long-term planning. Examples of long-term planning include future improvements, new directions, or level of effort for contract implementation, including any ramping up or ramping down of contract components or of the project as a whole. Date range July 2013 to September 2014 will be agreed upon by the COTR and the contractor. This may or may not coincide with the contract period. For an ongoing project, a progress report covering a contract period may be submitted under the subsequent contract, if approved by the COTR. Progress reports must conform to BPA guidelines. See the ''formatting guidelines'' link at the Technical Reports and Publications page: If producing a technical report for this contract, a discrete experiment, or a peer-reviewed publication, use work element 183: Produce Journal Article.$1,9390.31%09/20/201401/31/2015
N142232185Produce CBFish Status ReportPeriodic Status Reports for BPAThe Contractor shall report on the status of milestones and deliverables in Pisces. Reports shall be completed either monthly or quarterly as determined by the BPA COTR. Additionally, when indicating a deliverable milestone as COMPLETE, the contractor shall provide metrics and the final location (latitude and longitude) prior to submitting the report to the BPA COTR.$3,8780.63%01/01/201508/31/2015
O143302175Produce DesignRiparian Restoration - Big Bear Creek/Swanstrom (TH2)Efforts under this work element will focus on the development of engineering designs, permitting and securing implementation funding for a riparian restoration project along Big Bear Creek within the Potlatch River watershed. Partial funding for this effort has been secured from the Idaho Office of Species Conservation/Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund. The project site is immediately upstream of WE30 - Riparian Restoration - Big Bear Creek/Swanstrom (TH1) - Phase II$19,3883.13%03/01/201508/31/2015
P143319191Watershed CoordinationCoordination of Watershed Restoration and Water Quality Improvement ProjectsActive participation with private, state, federal and tribal efforts to improve fisheries habitat and water quality throughout the Potlatch River watershed. This inter-state coordination will include, but not be limited to, program coordination, program development planning and collaborative implementation planning.$5,1250.83%02/10/201508/31/2015
Q143326198Maintain VegetationReplant and Maintain Riparian PlantingsSignificant riparian and upland planting have taken place throughout Corral Creek and other watersheds in the Potlatch River system over the past several years. Many of these planting have been reviewed, approved, and funded by BPA under the Latah SWCD Project #2002-061-00 and #2008-604-00. The planting sites previously approved under 2002-061-00 and/or 2008-604-00 will be maintained through this contract if additional resources are needed beyond those allocated to this similar work element outlined in contracts associated with Project #2008-604-00. All plants and materials will be accessed to the various planting sites via 4x4 truck and/or ATV. Contractor will evaluate for survivability/mortality rates, and determine if a replanting is necessary. If necessary, these areas will be replanted and existing plants will be maintained to assure survivability. Approximately 2,500 plants have been budgeted for replanting these various sites. Due to contract budget limitations, additional planting stock will be purchased with alternative state and federal funds with the majority of the planting labor provided through this contract. Approximately 4 miles of stream bank will be maintained. This WE expands the work outlined within a similar WE in contract #66457.$15,5102.50%03/01/201508/31/2015

Deliverable Title WSE Sort Letter, Number, Title Start End Concluded
All administrative tasks fulfilled with timely quality products A: 119. Manage and Administer BPA Contracts 08/31/2015 08/31/2015
Environmental Compliance & Consultation Review B: 165. Verify all NEPA Environmental Compliance has been completed 08/31/2015 08/31/2015
Provide general outreach to 100 landowners and direct contact with 20 landowners. C: 99. Outreach and Education/Solicit Landowner Participation 08/31/2015 08/31/2015
Develop 3 landowner initial conservation plans for project implementation. D: 174. Develop Initial Conservation Plans 08/31/2015 08/31/2015
Undertaken initial site reviews on 10 potential restoration sites. E: 114. Identify and Review Potential Restoration Sites 08/31/2015 08/31/2015
Restoration of Dutch Flat Dam Removal Site F: 85. Passage Barrier Removal - Dutch Flat Dam - Phase II 08/31/2015 06/30/2015
Corral Creek Meadow Restoration - Racetrack G: 30. Corral Creek Meadow Restoration - Racetrack - Phase II 08/31/2015 08/31/2015
Bear Creek Riparian Restoration Undertaken H: 30. Riparian Restoration - Big Bear Creek/Swanstrom (TH1) - Phase II 08/31/2015 08/31/2015
Riparian/Meadow Restoration Undertaken - Upper Corral Creek I: 30. Riparian/Meadow Restoration - Upper Corral Creek/USFS - Phase I 08/31/2015 08/31/2015
Big Bear Creek Riparian Restoration/IDL J: 30. Riparian Restoration - Big Bear Creek/IDL 08/31/2015
Riparian/Meadow Restoration Design and Cost Estimate to BPA K: 175. Riparian Restoration - East Fork Potlatch River/USFS 08/31/2015
Riparian/Meadow Restoration Design and Cost Estimate to BPA L: 175. Riparian Restoration - Little Bear Creek/Nora Creek 08/31/2015
Attach Progress Report in Pisces M: 132. Submit Progress Report for the period (July 2013) to (September 2014) 12/31/2014 11/25/2014
Riparian Restoration - Big Bear Creek/Swanstrom (TH2) O: 175. Riparian Restoration - Big Bear Creek/Swanstrom (TH2) 08/31/2015
Coordination of Watershed Restoration and Water Quality Improvement Projects P: 191. Coordination of Watershed Restoration and Water Quality Improvement Projects 08/31/2015 07/31/2015
Evaluate plantings, replant, and perform light maintenance Q: 198. Replant and Maintain Riparian Plantings 08/31/2015 08/31/2015

Viewing of Implementation Metrics
Sort Order
Work Element Name
Metric ID
End Fiscal Year
Contractor Comments
All Measures
Annual Progress Report Measures
Viewing of Environmental Metrics Customize
WSE Start
WSE Progress
Study Plan
Focus 1
Focus 2
Specific Metric Title

Primary Focal Species Work Statement Elements
Steelhead (O. mykiss) - Snake River DPS (Threatened)
  • 1 instance of WE 198 Maintain Vegetation
  • 4 instances of WE 30 Realign, Connect, and/or Create Channel
  • 1 instance of WE 85 Remove/Breach Fish Passage Barrier
  • 1 instance of WE 114 Identify and Select Projects
  • 1 instance of WE 174 Produce Plan
  • 3 instances of WE 175 Produce Design

Sort WE ID WE Title NEPA NOAA USFWS NHPA Has Provisions Inadvertent Discovery Completed
A 119 Manage and Administer BPA Contracts 07/01/2014
B 165 Verify all NEPA Environmental Compliance has been completed 07/01/2014
C 99 Outreach and Education/Solicit Landowner Participation 07/01/2014
D 174 Develop Initial Conservation Plans 07/01/2014
E 114 Identify and Review Potential Restoration Sites 07/01/2014
F 85 Passage Barrier Removal - Dutch Flat Dam - Phase II 12/29/2014
G 30 Corral Creek Meadow Restoration - Racetrack - Phase II 12/29/2014
H 30 Riparian Restoration - Big Bear Creek/Swanstrom (TH1) - Phase II 06/12/2015
I 30 Riparian/Meadow Restoration - Upper Corral Creek/USFS - Phase I 03/06/2015
J 30 Riparian Restoration - Big Bear Creek/IDL 08/18/2015
K 175 Riparian Restoration - East Fork Potlatch River/USFS 09/20/2014
L 175 Riparian Restoration - Little Bear Creek/Nora Creek 09/20/2014
M 132 Submit Progress Report for the period (July 2013) to (September 2014) 07/01/2014
N 185 Periodic Status Reports for BPA 07/01/2014
O 175 Riparian Restoration - Big Bear Creek/Swanstrom (TH2) 09/20/2014
P 191 Coordination of Watershed Restoration and Water Quality Improvement Projects 09/20/2014
Q 198 Replant and Maintain Riparian Plantings 06/12/2015