Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program
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Project Summary

Project 1992-061-02 - Albeni Falls Wildlife Mitigation-Kalispel Tribe
Project Number:
Albeni Falls Wildlife Mitigation-Kalispel Tribe
This project is for partial mitigation of wildlife habitat losses associated with the construction and inundation by Albeni Falls Dam as consistent with the NPCC Program and Power Act. Along with active restoration and enhancement activities, this contract will provide for data collection to provide scientific support for the continuation of these types of enhancement activities on additional properties as they become part of this project. This contract will also cover the operation and maintenance of existing habitat value and previously installed structures and improvements.
Proponent Orgs:
Kalispel Tribe (Tribe)
Starting FY:
Ending FY:
Implementation - Project Status Report
Province Subbasin %
Intermountain Pend Oreille 100.00%
Focal Species:
Species Benefit:
Anadromous: 0.0%   Resident: 0.0%   Wildlife: 100.0%
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BiOp Association:

Description: Page: 1 Cover: Cover photo

Project(s): 1992-061-02

Document: P120103

Dimensions: 979 x 668

Description: Page: 5 Figure 1: Wetland excavation at the edge of an aspen stand where we anticipate the soil and root disturbance will generate suckering and expand the stand. These wetlands are purposefully designed to be shallow and only hold water through the breeding and brooding season. The deep water habitat component already exists with the Pend Oreille River and the tributary sloughs.

Project(s): 1992-061-02

Document: P120103

Dimensions: 582 x 535

Description: Page: 5 Figure 2: Wetland excavation at the edge of an aspen stand where we anticipate the soil and root disturbance will generate suckering and expand the stand. These wetlands are purposefully designed to be shallow and only hold water through the breeding and brooding season. The deep water habitat component already exists with the Pend Oreille River and the tributary sloughs.

Project(s): 1992-061-02

Document: P120103

Dimensions: 582 x 535

Description: Page: 6 Figure 3: Subsample of the total wetland complex created this field season.

Project(s): 1992-061-02

Document: P120103

Dimensions: 582 x 529

Description: Page: 6 Figure 4: Subsample of the total wetland complex created this field season.

Project(s): 1992-061-02

Document: P120103

Dimensions: 714 x 536

Description: Page: 7 Figure 5: Preexisting erosion of the Lower Trimble shoreline.

Project(s): 1992-061-02

Document: P120103

Dimensions: 579 x 541

Description: Page: 7 Figure 6: Preexisting erosion of the Lower Trimble shoreline.

Project(s): 1992-061-02

Document: P120103

Dimensions: 579 x 541

Description: Page: 7 Figure 7: Shows the erosion control being placed and displays the scale of the vertical bank. In the background is the cottonwood stand with an active eagle nest. At the present rate of annual sloughing these trees would have been lost in 3-4 years and their regenerating suckers would be lost annually.

Project(s): 1992-061-02

Document: P120103

Dimensions: 616 x 541

Description: Page: 7 Figure 8: Shows the erosion control being placed and displays the scale of the vertical bank. In the background is the cottonwood stand with an active eagle nest. At the present rate of annual sloughing these trees would have been lost in 3-4 years and their regenerating suckers would be lost annually.

Project(s): 1992-061-02

Document: P120103

Dimensions: 616 x 541

Description: Page: 8 Figure 9: Rehabilitation of the access road created to place materials.

Project(s): 1992-061-02

Document: P120103

Dimensions: 616 x 547

Description: Page: 8 Figure 10: Rehabilitation of the access road created to place materials.

Project(s): 1992-061-02

Document: P120103

Dimensions: 616 x 547

Summary of Budgets

To view all expenditures for all fiscal years, click "Project Exp. by FY"

To see more detailed project budget information, please visit the "Project Budget" page

Decided Budget Transfers  (FY2024 - FY2026)

Acct FY Acct Type Amount Fund Budget Decision Date
FY2024 Expense $1,095,929 From: Fish Accord - Kalispel Kalispel Tribe (KT) 2023-2025 Accord Extension 09/30/2022
FY2024 Expense $30,454 From: Fish Accord - Kalispel Accord Transfers (Kalispel - part 2) 11/17/2022 11/18/2022
FY2024 Expense $57,184 To: Fish Accord - Kalispel Accord Transfers (Kalispel - part 2) 11/17/2022 11/18/2022
FY2025 Expense $1,123,328 From: Fish Accord - Kalispel Kalispel Tribe (KT) 2023-2025 Accord Extension 09/30/2022
FY2025 Expense $76,222 From: Fish Accord - Kalispel Accord Transfers (Kalispel - part 2) 11/17/2022 11/18/2022
FY2025 Expense $37,607 To: Fish Accord - Kalispel Accord Transfers (Kalispel - part 2) 11/17/2022 11/18/2022
FY2025 Expense $28,835 To: Fish Accord - Kalispel Accord Transfers (Kalispel - part 2) 11/17/2022 11/18/2022
FY2025 Expense $63,909 To: Fish Accord - Kalispel Accord Transfers (Kalispel - part 2) 11/17/2022 11/18/2022
FY2025 Expense $1,069,199 To: Fish Accord - Kalispel Kalispel Tribe FY 2025 Duplicate MOA Budget 11/5/2024 11/05/2024
FY2025 Expense $1,125,000 From: Fish Accord - Kalispel Kalispel Tribe 2025-2034 MOA Initial Budget 11/06/2024
FY2026 Expense $1,153,125 From: Fish Accord - Kalispel Kalispel Tribe 2025-2034 MOA Initial Budget 11/06/2024

Pending Budget Decision?  No

Actual Project Cost Share

Current Fiscal Year — 2025
Cost Share Partner Total Proposed Contribution Total Confirmed Contribution
There are no project cost share contributions to show.
Previous Fiscal Years
Fiscal Year Total Contributions % of Budget
2023 (Draft)
2022 $50,000 4%
2021 $50,000 4%
2020 $50,000 5%
2019 $50,000 5%
2018 $50,000 5%
2017 $35,500 4%
2016 $35,500 4%
2015 $32,500 4%
2014 $29,500 4%
2013 $38,000 4%
2012 $29,600 4%
2011 $23,000 3%
2010 $24,500 4%
2009 $39,800 7%
2008 $32,000 6%


The table below contains contracts with the following statuses: Active, Closed, Complete, History, Issued.
* "Total Contracted Amount" column includes contracted amount from both capital and expense components of the contract.
Capital Contracts:
Number Contractor Name Title Status Total Contracted Amount Dates
BPA-012043 Bonneville Power Administration FY21 Land Acquisitions Active $0 10/1/2020 - 9/30/2021
Expense Contracts:
Number Contractor Name Title Status Total Contracted Amount Dates
37322 SOW Kalispel Tribe 1992-061-02 EXP KALISPEL TRIBE ALBENI FALLS Closed $543,785 3/1/2008 - 2/28/2009
41277 SOW Kalispel Tribe 1992-061-02 EXP ALBENI FALLS WL KALISPEL Closed $561,556 3/1/2009 - 2/28/2010
46219 SOW Kalispel Tribe 1992-061-02 EXP ALBENI FALLS WL KALISPEL Closed $558,568 3/1/2010 - 2/28/2011
51417 SOW Kalispel Tribe 1992-061-02 EXP ALBENI FALLS WL KALISPEL Closed $640,774 3/1/2011 - 2/29/2012
56262 SOW Kalispel Tribe 1992-061-02 EXP ALBENI FALLS WL KALISPEL Closed $763,547 3/1/2012 - 2/28/2013
60421 SOW Kalispel Tribe 1992-061-02 EXP ALBENI FALLS WL KALISPEL Closed $859,458 3/1/2013 - 2/28/2014
64001 SOW Kalispel Tribe 1992-061-02 EXP ALBENI FALLS WL KALISPEL Closed $797,711 3/1/2014 - 2/28/2015
68250 SOW Kalispel Tribe 1992-061-02 EXP ALBENI FALLS WL KALISPEL Closed $831,651 3/1/2015 - 2/29/2016
71841 SOW Kalispel Tribe 1992-061-02 EXP ALBENI FALLS WILDLIFE MITIGATION - KALISPEL Closed $839,418 3/1/2016 - 2/28/2017
75395 SOW Kalispel Tribe 1992-061-02 EXP ALBENI FALLS WILDLIFE MITIGATION Closed $936,035 3/1/2017 - 2/28/2018
74488 REL 4 SOW Kalispel Tribe 1992-061-02 EXP ALBENI FALLS WILDLIFE MITIGATION - KALISPEL Closed $1,032,857 3/1/2018 - 2/28/2019
74488 REL 13 SOW Kalispel Tribe 1992-061-02 EXP ALBENI FALLS WILDLIFE MITIGATION - KALISPEL Closed $1,057,676 3/1/2019 - 2/29/2020
74488 REL 24 SOW Kalispel Tribe 1992-061-02 EXP ALBENI FALLS WILDLIFE MITIGATION - KALISPEL Closed $1,003,387 3/1/2020 - 2/28/2021
84069 REL 5 SOW Kalispel Tribe 1992-061-02 EXP ALBENI FALLS WILDLIFE MITIGATION - KALISPEL Closed $1,177,997 3/1/2021 - 2/28/2022
84069 REL 15 SOW Kalispel Tribe 1992-061-02 EXP ALBENI FALLS WILDLIFE MITIGATION - KALISPEL Closed $1,107,281 3/1/2022 - 2/28/2023
84069 REL 26 SOW Kalispel Tribe 1992-061-02 EXP ALBENI FALLS WILDLIFE MITIGATION - KALISPEL Closed $995,776 3/1/2023 - 2/29/2024
84069 REL 36 SOW Kalispel Tribe 1992-061-02 EXP ALBENI FALLS WILDLIFE MITIGATION - KALISPEL Issued $1,328,258 3/1/2024 - 2/28/2025
84069 REL 45 SOW Kalispel Tribe 1992-061-02 EXP ALBENI FALLS WILDLIFE MITIGATION - KALISPEL Issued $1,125,000 3/1/2025 - 2/28/2026

Annual Progress Reports
Expected (since FY2004):16
On time:16
Status Reports
On time:56
Avg Days Early:5

The table content is updated frequently and thus contains more recent information than what was in the original proposal reviewed by ISRP and Council.

Review: 2017 Wildlife Category Review

Council Recommendation

Assessment Number: 1992-061-02-NPCC-20210312
Project: 1992-061-02 - Albeni Falls Wildlife Mitigation-Kalispel Tribe
Review: 2017 Wildlife Category Review
Approved Date: 10/13/2017
Recommendation: Implement
Comments: Recommendation: Sponsor to address ISRP qualification by developing an UWMEP framework and submit to ISRP for review by the end of 2018 (per programmatic issue recommendations in this Decision Document Part 1).

[Background: See]

Independent Scientific Review Panel Assessment

Assessment Number: 1992-061-02-ISRP-20201118
Project: 1992-061-02 - Albeni Falls Wildlife Mitigation-Kalispel Tribe
Review: 2017 Wildlife Category Review
Completed Date: 11/18/2020
Final Round ISRP Date: 6/28/2017
Final Round ISRP Rating: Meets Scientific Review Criteria (Qualified)
Final Round ISRP Comment:

The Kalispel Tribe plans to work with UWMEP to develop quantifiable biological objectives and also develop site-specific management plans for properties over the next three to five years. Areas with desired future conditions have been identified, and they will be used in similarity analyses to assess the outcomes of restoration actions. The project will benefit from site-specific management plans to assure that appropriate monitoring and evaluation techniques are used to evaluate the biological objectives for each site. The proponents should include time lines for achieving each quantifiable biological objective. Further, the proponents need to be aware that the UWMEP may not provide sufficient data or metrics to monitor and evaluate the quantifiable biological objectives developed for each site. Supplemental monitoring may be required on specific sites.

Qualification #1 - Additional information needed in next Management Plan
The proponents indicate that they will establish quantifiable biological objectives and an adaptive management framework with the UWMEP project over the next year. The qualification is that the proponents provide this information for ISRP review within one year. This document can be a single product from the three tribes (Kalispel, Kootenai, Coeur d’Alene) implementing Albeni Falls projects.
Documentation Links:
Review: Wildlife Category Review

Council Recommendation

Assessment Number: 1992-061-02-NPCC-20091217
Project: 1992-061-02 - Albeni Falls Wildlife Mitigation-Kalispel Tribe
Review: Wildlife Category Review
Approved Date: 5/31/2009
Recommendation: Fund
Comments: Programmatic issues #2-3 and #10. See project-specific comments for Albeni Falls Wildlife Mitigation
Council Condition #1 Programmatic Issue: Habitat Evaluation Procedure (HEP) - interaction between wildlife crediting and monitoring
Council Condition #2 Programmatic Issue: Habitat Evaluation Procedure (HEP) participation funding
Council Condition #3 Programmatic Issue: Regional Coordination funding

Independent Scientific Review Panel Assessment

Assessment Number: 1992-061-02-ISRP-20090618
Project: 1992-061-02 - Albeni Falls Wildlife Mitigation-Kalispel Tribe
Review: Wildlife Category Review
Completed Date: 5/19/2009
Final Round ISRP Date: None
Final Round ISRP Rating: Meets Scientific Review Criteria
Final Round ISRP Comment:
Same ISRP comments as on 199206100. The project proponents provided focused, clear answers to our questions.
First Round ISRP Date: 3/26/2009
First Round ISRP Rating: Response Requested
First Round ISRP Comment:

The narrative is nearly identical to 199206100, except this project centers in Pend Oreille subbasin and includes some management activities. The proposal included well-crafted sections on technical justification, program significance, and project relationships. The project history section described past work, and individual projects are described in the project reports. However, the only data shown was change in HUs on one parcel. Generally no monitoring data were presented, although digging into linked reports reveals that monitoring was done in 2004. In the future, the ISRP request a summary of the monitoring data collected since 2002 and identification of the linkages between previous data collection and the proposed UWMEP plan. Information on criteria for prioritizing and identifying potential projects would also be useful. HEP can be used as a tool for crediting but not for effectiveness monitoring. A response is requested on the following: 1. Provide a summary and interpretation of monitoring data collected prior to 2008. 2. How will data from the new monitoring plan (UWMEP) that began in 2008 be integrated with data collected in the past? The ISRP asks that the authors to provide details on where this data is stored.

Documentation Links:
Review: FY07-09 Solicitation Review

Capital Assessment

Assessment Number: 1992-061-02-CAPITAL-20090618
Project Number: 1992-061-02
Review: FY07-09 Solicitation Review
Completed Date: 2/27/2007
Capital Rating: Does Not Qualify for Capital Funding
Capital Asset Category: None
Comment: None

Project Relationships: None

Name Role Organization
Virgil Watts III Project Manager Bonneville Power Administration
Ray Entz Supervisor Kalispel Tribe
Deane Osterman Interested Party Kalispel Tribe
Jolene Seymour Administrative Contact Kalispel Tribe
Bart George Project Lead Kalispel Tribe
Thomas Delorenzo Env. Compliance Lead Bonneville Power Administration
TC Peterson Project Lead Kalispel Tribe