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| A | 185 | Produce CBFish Status Report | Periodic Status Reports for BPA | The Contractor shall report on the status of milestones and deliverables in Pisces. Reports shall be completed either monthly or quarterly as determined by the BPA COTR. Additionally, when indicating a deliverable milestone as COMPLETE, the contractor shall provide metrics and the final location (latitude and longitude) prior to submitting the report to the BPA COTR. | | |
| B | 165 | Produce Environmental Compliance Documentation | Environmental Compliance Documentation | Environmental compliance to implement habitat restoration activities. | | |
| C | 119 | Manage and Administer Projects | Project Management and Administration | Hire and train field technicians to implement projects and collect data. Inventory supplies and equipment and purchase needed items. Continually monitor the status and progress of the project ensuring proposed actions can proceed as planned. | | |
| D | 114 | Identify and Select Projects | Interagency Coordination and Planning for Watershed Restoration and Native Fish Recovery Actions | Meet and coordinate with other regional natural resource specialists and land managers regarding project selection and implementation and seek opportunities to cost share projects. Kalispel Natural Resources Department staff are often asked to contribute in-kind resources and funding to projects that are planned by state or federal agencies or private parties. This work element helps ensure lines of communication are maintained and helps create partnerships that are essential to project identification, selection, and implementation. | Cutthroat Trout, Westslope (O. c. lewisi), Trout, Bull (S. confluentus) (Threatened) | |
| E | 132 | Produce Progress (Annual) Report | FY'17 Progress Report | This non-technical progress report will discuss activities in progress and completed during later 2016 performance period and the completions during the FY'17 performance period. | | |
| F | 186 | Operate and Maintain Habitat/Passage/Structure | Maintain Previously-Installed Riparian Fencing | Maintain riparian exclosures at Whiteman Creek, Fourth of July Creek, and Middle Branch LeClerc Creek when conditions allow. | Cutthroat Trout, Westslope (O. c. lewisi), Trout, Bull (S. confluentus) (Threatened) | |
| G | 30 | Realign, Connect, and/or Create Channel | Goose Creek Channel Restoration Project Construction | An approximately 1,200 foot long gravel access road will be constructed and bridge stabilization abutments will be installed by both subcontractors and Tribal Tech staff to support an existing railcar bridge. Once these features are constructed, the Phase 3 channel work will be activated and portions of the old channel plugged. The Tribe’s Habitat Restoration Biologist will provide construction oversight. | Cutthroat Trout, Westslope (O. c. lewisi), Trout, Bull (S. confluentus) (Threatened) | |
| H | 55 | Erosion and Sedimentation Control | Goose Creek Channel Restoration Project Construction Erosion and Sediment Control | Access road and bridge abutment construction will require implementation of erosion and sediment control measures to minimize accelerated erosion and sedimentation in Goose Creek. Disturbed upland areas (Zone 3) will be revegetated as described in Work Element I - Plant Vegetation. Straw wattles with biodegradable netting will be used for sediment control. These will be placed along the perimeter of the work area and used as mulch once they are no longer needed. | Cutthroat Trout, Westslope (O. c. lewisi), Trout, Bull (S. confluentus) (Threatened) | |
| I | 47 | Plant Vegetation | Vegetate Phase 3 Construction Area | The Phase 3 construction area will be vegetated in three distinct zones. Zone 1 - the area within four feet of the stream channel bank - will be vegetated with native wetland seed mix. Zone 2 - the area of the floodplain greater than four feet from the stream channel bank - will be planted with native floodplain seed mix. Zone 3 - the upland areas of the project - will be planted with native upland meadow seed mix. We will also salvage and replant alders in the open water portions of the original Goose Creek. | Cutthroat Trout, Westslope (O. c. lewisi), Trout, Bull (S. confluentus) (Threatened) | |
| J | 47 | Plant Vegetation | Maintain Conservation Nursery | Ongoing stream and floodplain restoration efforts require significant investments in nursery stock. To reduce future costs, bare root nursery stock and cuttings will be potted and cultivated in the Tribe's conservation nursery. This nursery stock will then be utilized in the Goose Creek Restoration Project and future stream and floodplain restoration efforts. | Cutthroat Trout, Westslope (O. c. lewisi), Trout, Bull (S. confluentus) (Threatened) | |
| K | 188 | Provide Access and Public Information | Produce Educational Material Regarding the Goose Creek Restoration Project | Produce educational material regarding the Goose Creek Restoration Project and native species conservation actions for public distribution. | | |