Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program

Focal Species Summary

Viewing 20 of 20 Focal Species
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Work Element Name
Primary Focal Species
Secondary Focal Species
 A185Produce CBFish Status ReportPeriodic Status Reports for BPAThe Contractor shall report on the status of milestones and deliverables in Pisces. Reports shall be completed either monthly or quarterly as determined by the BPA COTR. Additionally, when indicating a deliverable milestone as COMPLETE, the contractor shall provide metrics and the final location (latitude and longitude) prior to submitting the report to the BPA COTR.
 B165Produce Environmental Compliance DocumentationNEPA checklist/ComplianceCovers any work by the Contractor to assemble, gather, acquire, or prepare documents in support of obtaining environmental compliance from BPA (such as filling out providing maps, drafting a Biological Assessment, obtaining permits, conducting public involvement activities, completing an archaeological survey, Federal Appraisal etc.). In all cases, environmental compliance work must be separated from all other work. It is not permitted to combine environmental compliance activities with any other work element.
 C122Provide Technical Review and RecommendationRegional Workgroup Management Plan and Acquisition ReviewProvide reviews on Regional Management plans, Policies and Monitoring and Evaluation process.Wildlife
 D174Produce PlanProduce management plansDevelop/Revise/Update Wildlife Management Plans for acquired mitigation properties.Wildlife
 E27Remove DebrisElkhorn Ranch Property Debris RemovalRemove debris (metal scrap, farm machinery, illegally dumped garbage, old hay bales, and old fencing wire etc.) from the mitigation properties.Wildlife
 F27Remove DebrisSt. Joe River Property Debris RemovalRemove debris (metal scrap, farm machinery, illegally dumped garbage, old hay bales, old fencing wire, etc.) from the mitigation properties.Wildlife
 G27Remove DebrisHepton Lake Property Debris Removal.Project staff remove debris (metal scrap, farm machinery, illegally dumped garbage, old hay bales, old fencing wire etc.) from the mitigation properties.Wildlife
 H186Operate and Maintain Habitat/Passage/StructureMaintain Fence line and StructuresMaintain fence lines on all mitigation acquisitions.Wildlife
 I26Investigate TrespassInvestigate trespass on mitigation propertiesInvestigate Human and Livestock trespass on all mitigation acquisitions.Wildlife
 J47Plant VegetationPlant vegetation to restore native habitats within the Goose Haven Lake PropertyRe-establish native plant species for the purpose of erosion control, shading, restoring native habitat, forage enhancement, escape and nesting cover for wildlife species.Wildlife
 K119Manage and Administer ProjectsAlbeni Falls Wildlife Mitigation ProgramThis Work Element covers project management and administration for the Coeur d' Alene Tribes portion of Albeni Falls Wildlife Mitigation Program. This work element covers administrative and technical work to fulfill BPA's programmatic and contractual requirements such as financial reporting (accruals), and development of a contract renewal package (includes SOW, budget, property inventory). May also include: • Administer subcontractor paperwork: Read all BPA contract terms and conditions including all contract clauses that are required to flow down into subcontracts in preparation for subcontract negotiation. Upload confidential copy of subcontracts to Pisces no later than 30 days from date of subcontractor signature. • Submit monthly invoices electronically within 45 days: Contractor's Contract Manager should review all charges included in contract invoices to ensure they are allowable, allocable, and consistent with the approved line-item budget. For contracts with subcontracts, invoices and associated supporting backup must be submitted electronically within 90 days of the end of the month in which costs were incurred. Subcontracts should be written to include requirements for timely submission of invoices from the subcontractor. • Track inventory: If equipment is purchased, Tag all equipment purchased during the contract. If you are not a government entity with required procedures for what does, and does not have to be tagged, please follow requirements in the standardized language of your contract and with any additional clarity as provided by BPA’s Contracting Officer if you have questions. • If electronic equipment is purchased, dispose of electronic waste in accordance with state and local jurisdiction, laws, and policies: Confirm that adequate waste identification and collection procedures are in place and proper disposal practices are followed according to your governmental policy. If you do not have a policy, please contact your CO and/or COTR for guidance. The purpose is to keep hazardous materials from entering the normal waste stream, becoming land-fill, or being boot-legged into unregulated reprocessing and/or metals extraction. E-Waste usually includes: batteries, light ballasts, fluorescent tubes and bulbs, modems, routers, computers, and all equipment with electronic components. For current EPA guidance, please see: • Administer subcontractor paperwork: Read all BPA contract terms and conditions. Include all BPA contract clauses that are required to flow down into subcontracts in preparation of subcontracts. Upload confidential copy of subcontracts to Pisces no later than 30 days from date of subcontractor signature. • Attach documents that support TERO (Tribal Employment Rights Ordinance) duties: In instances where it is anticipated that TERO will be charged, the following are required: All budgets must clearly identify the type of work, amount, and location(s) of the subcontract work, along with the TERO rate (%) and amount for each subcontract, and cumulative projected TERO fee. Invoices must clearly indicate any amount that is being charged for each subcontract (to which TERO is being applied), the percentage being applied, and the amount for that specific subcontract, consistent with the Budget (so as to allow adequate invoice review).
 L188Provide Access and Public InformationInstall and maintain boundary signs on all mitigation propertiesAs needed replace and install and maintain boundary signs/placards on mitigation properties.
 M198Maintain VegetationNoxious Weed Control: Hepton LakeApply a clopyralid based herbicide as appropriate to control knap weed, hawkweed, Canadian thistle, toad flax, Mullein, and cinquefoil noxious weed invasions.Wildlife
 N198Maintain VegetationNoxious Weed Control: St. Joe RiverApply a clopyralid based herbicide as appropriate to control knap weed, hawkweed, Canadian thistle, toad flax, Mullein, and cinquefoil noxious weed invasions.Wildlife
 O198Maintain VegetationNoxious Weed Control: Elkhorn RanchApply a clopyralid based herbicide as appropriate to control knap weed, hawkweed, Canadian thistle, toad flax, Mullein, and cinquefoil noxious weed invasions.Wildlife
 P198Maintain VegetationNoxious Weed Control: Goose Haven LakeApply a clopyralid based herbicide as appropriate to control knap weed, hawkweed, Canadian thistle, toad flax, Mullein, and cinquefoil noxious weed invasions.Wildlife
 Q198Maintain VegetationNoxious Weed Control: Windy BayApply a clopyralid based herbicide as appropriate to control knap weed, hawkweed, Canadian thistle, toad flax, Mullein, and cinquefoil noxious weed invasions.Wildlife