All administrative tasks fulfilled with timely quality products |
A: 119. Routine/daily administration of contract work elements |
08/31/2016 |
09/30/2016 |
Confirmation of EC/permits to BPA |
B: 165. Environmental Compliance |
08/31/2016 |
08/31/2016 |
Pahsimeroi Basin Fish Habitat Restoration Project Identification |
C: 114. IDFG: Pahsimeroi Drainage Fish Habitat Project Identification |
08/31/2016 |
08/31/2016 |
Flying Joseph Fish Passage Alternatives |
D: 175. IDFG: Flying Joseph Fish Passage Alternatives |
12/31/2015 |
07/31/2015 |
Diversion and fish screen design on the Flying Joseph Ranch |
E: 175. IDFG: Flying Joseph Diversion Replacement |
08/31/2016 |
Revegetated Sulphur Creek Project Site |
F: 47. IDFG: Sulphur Creek Riparian Restoration |
08/31/2016 |
08/31/2016 |
Fury Lane Bridge Installed |
G: 184. IDFG: Fury Lane Bridge Installation |
07/15/2016 |
06/30/2016 |
Progress Report has been published |
I: 132. Submit Progress Report for the period (Jan 2014) to (Dec 2014) |
04/22/2015 |
06/03/2015 |
Large Woody Structures Installed in the Pahsimeroi River |
J: 29. IDFG: Install LWD in the Pahsimeroi River on BLM Property near the P16 Diversion |
08/31/2016 |
Plant native vegetation near the P-16 diversion as needed |
K: 47. IDFG: Plant riparian vegetation on the Pahsimeroi River Restoration Site near P16 Diversion |
08/31/2016 |
Irrigated revegetated areas. |
L: 198. IDFG: Irrigate revegetation efforts in the Pahsimeroi Drainage (Suphur Cr, Pahsimeroi R- BLM, et al) |
08/31/2016 |
08/31/2016 |
Flying Joe Fish Passage Alternatives |
M: 175. IDFG: Flying Joseph Fish Passage Alternatives |
08/31/2016 |
08/15/2016 |
Final engineering designs for Lower Pahsimeroi River Restoration |
N: 175. TU: Lower Pahsimeroi River Restoration: Engineering Services |
05/30/2016 |
05/31/2016 |
Install jack fence as part of the Lower Pahsimeroi River Restoration |
O: 40. TU: Lower Pahsimeroi River Restoration: Install Jack Fence |
08/31/2016 |
08/26/2016 |
Increase bank stability for 0.05 miles of the Lower Pahsimeroi River |
P: 29. TU: Lower Pahsimeroi River Restoration: Channel stabilization |
08/31/2016 |
08/11/2016 |
Develop alternative water source on lower Pahsimeroi River |
Q: 34. TU: Lower Pahsimeroi River Restoration: Stockwater |
09/30/2016 |
09/30/2016 |
Develop a project plan for PBSC-10. |
R: 174. TU: Pahsimeroi Patterson-Big Springs Creek 10 Headgate and Channel Restoration: Planning |
08/31/2016 |
08/02/2016 |
Manage vegetation through noxious weed treatments |
S: 199. SWCD: Pahsimeroi Noxious Weed Treatments |
08/31/2016 |
08/31/2016 |
Rehabilitate project sites through hydroseeding |
T: 47. SWCD: Pahsimeroi Rehabilitate Project Sites |
08/31/2016 |
Final engineering designs for the Pahsimeroi Patterson-Big Springs Creek Culvert Replacement |
U: 175. TU: Pahsimeroi Patterson-Big Springs Creek Culvert Replacement Access Project: Engineering Services |
06/01/2016 |
05/23/2016 |
Install a pre-engineered modular steel bridge on Patterson-Big Springs Creek |
V: 184. TU: Pahsimeroi Patterson-Big Springs Creek Culvert Replacement Access Project |
08/31/2016 |
08/18/2016 |
Completed Annual Report |
W: 132. Submit Progress Report for the period (Jan 2015) to (Dec 2015) |
04/30/2016 |
06/10/2016 |